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     其三,价格贸易条件及其波动性对经济增长影响的经验证据发现,我国价格贸易条件均值水平和波动性都与经济增长之间存在显著的正相关关系。这说明不仅价格贸易条件改善有助于促进经济增长,而且温和适当的价格贸易条件波动对我国经济增长也是有利的。这一研究结论与以往的文献研究所得出的价格贸易条件均值水平对经济增长有正向影响,而价格贸易条件波动性对经济增长有负向影响的结论有所不同。对此,可以参照Mendoza (1997)的相关理论研究进行合理的解释。Mendoza(1997)认为,与价格贸易条件均值水平一样,价格贸易条件的波动也同样会影响储蓄率和经济增长,但其效应可正可负,这主要取决于一国的风险厌恶程度。如果风险厌恶程度低,增长的贸易条件波动会降低增长。如果风险厌恶程度高,那么增长的价格贸易条件波动依然会导致较快的经济增长。有研究表明,改革开放至今,受计划经济体制等因素影响,我国无论是投资者还是消费者都表现出较强的风险厌恶特征,这可能是对本文研究结论的一种解释。
Defined as ratio of export prices to import prices, net barter terms of trade (NBTT)is one of the most important relative prices in international trade. As a critical indicator oftrade benefits for a nation, long-term trend in and short-term volatility of NBTT, as wellas their impact on macroeconomics has been received great attention from both scholarsand policy makers. This dissertation summarizes conclusions of most outstanding studieson NBTT both at home and abroad since famous “HLM” effect was raised. It describesoverall international trade theories closely related to NBTT, and studies debt andconsumption transmission mechanism through which NBTT affects a nation’s economicgrowth.
     Based on above literature review and theory summarization, this dissertationconducts econometric studies on long-term trend in, short-term volatility of, and durationof NBTT as well as their impacts on China’s economic growth by using several kinds ofeconometric methods and time series methods including H-P filter method, GARCH(1,1)model, median-unbiased estimator method, unit-root test, cointegration test, forecasterror variance composition method, and impulse-response function method. It’s mainconclusions are as follows:
     First, studies on long-term trend in NBTT show that, in the long run, NBTT inChina has deteriorated. Meanwhile, the trend could be divided into three phases:(1)From1980to1986, it showed a sustained heavily deteriorated feature;(2) From1987to1998, it showed a choppy improvement feature;(3) From1999to2010, it showed achoppy heavily deteriorated feature. While empirical studies on short-term volatility ofNBTT show that, generally speaking, volatility track of NBTT in China was watershedby1990, which makes the shape of whole track look like a word “V”. Before1990(from1980to1990), the volatility track descended abruptly, implying NBTT volatility’s rapiddecline; while after1990(from1990to2010), the volatility track went up gently,meaning NBTT’s volatility was rising slowly.
     Second, studies on duration of NBTT in China show that, China experienced amedium and short term NBTT shocks. The estimated half life of NBTT in China frommedian-unbiased estimator method is9.55years, which is generally consistent withprevious finding that time changes in NBTT in China enjoys a mean-preserving feature. This conclusion is meaningful since it has critical policy implications for China toeffectively manage and control NBTT shocks in post-crisis era. Medium and short termNBTT shocks mean that China should smooth NBTT shocks’ impact on economicgrowth through adjustment in domestic savings and international borrowing.
     Third, the empirical studies about NBTT volatility’s impact on economic growthsuggest that both of mean and variance of NBTT in China have positive relations witheconomic growth, which testify that not only improved NBTT helps development ofeconomics, but also favorable volatility of NBTT is beneficial to China’s economicgrowth. This conclusion is sharply different from that of previous research that mean ofNBTT has positive relations with economic growth, while volatility of NBTT is negativerelated to it. In order to explain this conclusion properly, theory in Mendoza (1997) couldbe referred to. In Mendoza (1997), just as mean of NBTT could affect rate of savings andeconomic growth, volatility of NBTT also has the same function. But the difference liesin that volatility of NBTT’s impact on them sometimes is positive, and sometimes isnegative, depending on a nation’s degree of risk aversion. When a nation’s risk aversionis low, increased volatility of NBTT will lower speed of economic growth. But when anation enjoys high risk aversion, then increased NBTT volatility could also lead to highspeed of economic growth. Since some studies show that both of China’s investors andconsumers enjoy high risk aversion due to influence of planned economy, this may be areasonable explanation to this conclusion.
     Finally, compared with current studies in China, this dissertation enjoys severalbreakthroughs and innovations both in methodologies, contents and conclusions. Withregard to methodologies, it formally employs H-P filter method and GARCH(1,1) modelto measure long-term trend in and short-term volatility of NBTT in China, and analyzestheir reasons. As regards contents, it is the first research on thorough study of andmeasurement on duration of NBTT shocks in China. With reference to conclusions, itfinds that favorable and modest NBTT shocks is beneficial to China’s economic growth,which is a sharp contrast to conclusions from previous studies that volatility of NBTTwill definitely negatively affect economic growth.
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