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  • 英文题名:Study of the Relationship between Tectonism and Petrogenesis and Metallization in Hetai Gold Mine Region, Western Guangdong
  • 作者:岳石
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:地质力学
  • 学位年度:1988
  • 导师:杨开庆
  • 学科代码:070904
  • 学位授予单位:中国地质科学院
  • 论文提交日期:1988-05-30
This dissertation includes five parts. The first part outlines the tectonic features,sedimentations, magmatisms and the distributions of gold ore deposits in the region ofwestern Guang dong. In the second part. The development and evolutions of struc-tures in Hetai investigation area are analysed and expounded in detail. A new type ofstructural pattern called elbow-like structure has been found and determined in fieldwork and is mentioned in this part. In the third part, the charactoristics of tectoniccontrol of petrogenesis and metallitations are related, the tectonoptrogencsis andtectonometallization model of Hetai gold ore deposits are summarized and the mecha-nisms of tectonopetrogenesis and tectonometallization are approached from the theoryof energy. The fourth part of this dissertation introduced the processes and results ofthe experiment of high-temperature and high-pressure rock deformation which havebeen done by the author himself. The experiment has reappeared field ductile struc-tures such as ductile shear zones, ductile compression zones and elbow-like structures,and the concentration of gold along the elbow-like structure. The reactivations andmigrations of metallogenetic materials following rock deformation have been observedor determined by analyses, which strongly supports the theory of tectono-petrogenesisand tectono-metallization. Finally, a new law for ore prediction, energy state law, isposed and some places which are promising to provide gold ore deposits are enclosed.
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