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     3)阐述了Monte Carlo滤波表示在POMDPRS中的应用,并给出了应用MonteCarlo滤波的POMDPRS——MCPOMDPRS的形式化描述。削减信念更新的时间消耗的另一个方法是Monte Carlo滤波。它通过使用概率分布上有限的一些具体数值(样本)来代表整个分布,并根据行动和观察,使用SIR方法来对这个样本集进行更新。这使得信念更新的时间消耗依赖于样本集的大小。从而可以通过控制样本集的大小来控制信念更新的时间消耗。
     因子化和Monte Carlo滤波可以在POMDPRS中结合起来使用。即先对状态进行因子化,然后再对一些仍然很大的子状态集使用Monte Carlo方法,从而达到进一步提高信念分布更新效率的目的。本文在最后具体描述了一个FPOMDPRS和MCPOMDPRS相结合的,在实体机器人上运行的机器人决策控制系统P-DOG并给出了实验结果,验证了POMDPRS及其变种的可行性。
As a very important and familiar intelligent activity a capability, planning is one of the key fields in artificial intelligence research. It had received attentions very early before. Planning in dynamic nondeterministic environment becomes the focus and hot spot, since this environment is more real and the research on it is more valuable.
     In this thesis, main characters of dynamic non-deterministic environment are analyzed in the beginning. They are
     Dynamic environment - The environment always keeps changing. It is affected not only by the agent itself but also by other agents and other factors in the environment.
     Limit knowledge of agents - In general, any agent has not all knowledge of the environment it lives. It can't know every factor which can affect the environment. And it also can not know other agents completely. One agent can only hold a part of them and even be utterly ignorant in some fields.
     Nondeterministic result of actions - Agents can perform some actions in the environment. But the results of these actions are not deterministic and unpredictable.
     Partial observation -- In general, agents' observations on the environment is partial. At each time, an agent can only observe a part of the situation of the environment.
     Nondeterministic observation -- agents' observations on the environment could be not accurate and even be completely false.
     Then, existing planning systems are analyzed in the capability of adapting in dynamic nondeterministic environment. Advantages and shortcomings are pointed out.
     Besides analyzing above, the main work of this thesis is introducing a new planning system POMDPRS which is better on adapting dynamic nondeterministic environment. It's based on PRS and decision theory planning. This thesis also discusses two approaches to improve efficiency of decision making. Abstract details are as below
     1) A new planning system POMDPRS which is better on adapting dynamic nondeterministic environment is introduced. The basic model and formal description are provided. POMDPRS reserves the continued planning mechanism to adapt dynamic character and depicts the belief of an agent with a distribution over the state space to adapt nondeterministic character. Therefore, POMDPRS satisfied requirements on both sides.
     2) The factorial depiction of states in POMDPRS is introduced. And the formal description of factorial POMDPRS - FPOMDPRS - is provided. POMDPRS depicts the belief of an agent with a distribution over the state space, and updates the belief with actions the agent performed and observations it received. Unfortunately, in many cases, the state apace is very large. This makes time consuming of belief updating very high. It does meet the real-time requirement of system. Factorial approach divides the properties of the environment, which construct states, into groups according to their dependency relations. This makes a big state space change into several smaller sub-state spaces. Therefore the belief is also transform into several distributions over sub-state spaces. In this way, belief updating is performed in these sub-state spaces independently. The time consuming of belief updating is reduced.
     3) The Monte Carlo filter in POMDPRS is introduced. And the formal description of Monte Carlo filter POMDPRS - MCPOMDPRS -- is provided. Monte Carlo filter is another way to reduce time consuming of belief updating. It use limit number of values (known as samples) to descript the whole distribution. And this sample set is updated by SIR method with actions and observations. It makes the time consuming depend on the size of the sample set. Therefore, we can control the size of sample set to limit time consuming of belief updating.
     Factorial state and Monte Carlo filter can be combined to apply in POMDPRS. First, state is factorized. Then, Monte Carlo filter is introduced into the sub-state sets which are still large in size. In this way, the efficiency of belief updating can be more improved. This thesis also describes a robot control system called P-DOG which runs on real robots. It's an instance of the combination of FPOMDPRS and MCPOMDPRS. This system on real robot proves the feasibility of POMDPRS and its variations.
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