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Based on the demand of ceramic composites applied in armor defense, developed a series of relative researches in this work, including the calculation of state equations about ceramic and some metals at high temperature and high pressure, experimental study on dynamic tensile properties of fiber bundles, experimental study on dynamic three-point bending properties of ceramic, researches on breakage of ceramic plate under the effect of stress wave and the penetration resistance of ceramic composite target. Some of experimental results are helpful for theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The experimental study and numerical simulation on ceramic plate and ceramic composite target can give a guide for the investigation in ballistic resistance ceramics and design of ceramic composite armor; it also can be used for the optimization of armor protection structure. This thesis is mainly concerned with the following studies:
     Ignoring the contribution of electron part and crystal lattice non harmonic vibration part, the Gruneisen state equation described the contribution of crystal lattice thermal vibration was solved and the relationship about P-V-T was obtained with Walsh formula by Walsh numerical method and adiabatic relation. The theory was applied in calculating the relationship of Gruneisen coefficient y and specific volume V of metals of aluminum, steel, tungsten, molybdenum and ceramic. The relations of Cv vs T, T vs V, Pth vs T and P(V,T) were also obtained. Numerical results about f(P, T, V1)=0 f(P,T,V2)=0 and f(P,T,V3)=0 in three compressive states show that the effect of temperature is less than that of specific volume. The predicted results and the relation between P and V are in good agreement with references.
     The propagation of stress wave in T-type bar and conical bar was investigated. Based on the experiment results, the assumptions that strain satisfies coordinative relations were proposed. The variance of incident wave shape measured in experiments can be explained and the solution is also given by theoretical analysis and experimental verification. Numerical simulation about the effect of conical bar on reflected wave show that the formulas of stress amplitude in variable cross-section could be used for approximate calculation at a certain condition. The dynamic tensile properties of five types of high strength fiber bundles were measured and the sensitivity of strain rates was investigated.
     Using the experimental principle of HOPKINSON press bar, the dynamic three-point bending properties of ceramic were tested by the refitted HOPKINSON press bar. The relation between deflection and maximum tensile stress is given. The dynamic flexural rigidity model and dynamic bending strength model of ceramic were also provided and the material parameters used in the model were obtained by fitting the experimental data. The dynamic fracture toughness of five groups ceramic were tested and the obtained results are 1.08-2.83 times of static results.
     The damage behaviors of ceramic/metal composite plate under the effect of stress wave were studied. The propagation and superposition of front stress wave in ceramic were analyzed. The distribution of stress in ceramic was computed. It can be obtained that half cone angle of ceramic smash cone is 41.5°. Adopting the spherical wave propagate law, the course of stress vs time at different distances from the center of spherical cavity was solved and the radial crack formation mechanism in ceramic is revealed. It can be obtained that the radial crack appears earlier than smash cone crake by further analysis.
     The ceramic damage behaviors under the effect of stress wave were simulated by ANSYS/LS-DYNA. Distributions of stress by the numerical calculation in ceramic plate were in agreement with theoretical calculated results. The obtained depth of penetration of ceramic/metal and ceramic/ceramic/metal composite target by experiments and numerical simulations are almost identical. Finally, anti-bullet properties of ceramic plates were investigated by two ceramic plates with same total thickness instead of one ceramic plate make of a composite target.
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