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Knowledge integration is a key technology in manufacturing information technologies. The emergence of ontology technologies provides the basis of semantic integration for knowledge. Based on this background, a variety of modeling methods came into being including the module ontology. In order to provide technical support for achieving knowledge sharing and reuse, module ontology boasts its intrinsic relevance to simplify ontology applications and integrates relevant ontologies through the modular processing. The paper research is supported by technological research for heterogeneous system integration and application of business-oriented collaboration based on ontology of the National High-Tech. R&D Program for CIMS of China (No. 2006AA04Z157), research of co-management model and its software enabling inter-enterprise resource co-management model patents and software enabling technology for inter-enterprise patent resources of the National High-Tech. R&D Program for CIMS of China (No.: 2007AA04Z101) and development and application of digital comprehensive integration technology for appliances industry (enterprise) of the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China (No.2006BAF01A02).
     This paper begins with the basic theory, methods and techniques of module ontology, faces heterogeneous, low query efficiency and other issues in the process of the knowledge management for eletromachanical manufacturing enterprises, and combines the idea of module ontology theory, a construction method of knowledge module ontologies for electromachanical product is given. Construction, heterogeneous phenomena, mapping, integration, query and retrieval of knowledge module ontology of eletromachancal product are mainly researched. And the research is specifically used in information projects of an appliance group company. The dissertation is divided into the chapters as follows:
     The first chapter is devoted to research background and significance of the thesis, the relationship between standards and ontology, the relationship between semantic web and ontology, and review of product ontology. The requirement of module ontology in management of product knowledge is analyzed. The question raised in the dissertation will be resolved and its significance, main research content and overall framework and structure of the paper are given.
     The second chapter focuses on the construction method for knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product. The definition and meaning of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product are presented. Construction principle of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product is given. Module partition of product knowledge, language selection of ontology construction and building process about knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product are discussed. An example is used to specify the construction process.
     The third chapter conducts a specific analysis of the heterogeneous and mapping problems of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product. A basic model of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product mapping process is proposed. A structure- semantics- characteristics ontology mapping algorithm of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product to solve the heterogeneous problems is presented.
     In the fourth chapter, based on the existing ontology integration methods, an integration method of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product on the basis of structure- semantics- characteristics integration is presented. Product knowledge is integrated by the method from the structure, semantic and characteristics levels. Consistency and satisfiability of integration process is tested to validate the feasibility of integration method.
     The fifth chapter is dedicated to the research of the query and retrieval of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product. A query and retrieval framework of knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product driven by user requirement is presented. A process that changes outside user needs of enterprises into modular ontology of inside user knowledge needs of enterprises is given. The query about knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product is described through the structured method. A transforming method from the data mode about knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product to XML data mode is given.
     In the sixth chapter, according to the construction, mapping, query and integration research about knowledge module ontology of eletromachanical product, storage-type electric water heater products of an appliance group company are used as an example to verify the significance of the research.
     The last chapter serves as conclusion and outlook. The achievements of the paper are summarized, and the innovations are given. The future research works are put forward to outlook.
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