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网格计算是继Internet和Web技术之后,第三个信息技术浪潮,最终将改变分布式资源的共享和服务方式。开放网格服务体系结构OGSA是目前网格最新的体系结构,该体系结构基于Web Service框架提出了一种网格服务结构的思想。OGSA服务功能主要包括动态服务创建、服务发现、生命周期管理、注册通知等。
    论文对网格技术的研究基于胜利油田物探研究院重点科技攻关项目——《计算机网格技术在地震处理解释中的应用研究》。该项目利用网格技术,以OGSA构架为基础、GT3(Globus Toolkits 3)为网格平台,构建一个网格计算资源管理和调度原型系统平台。
Grid Computing is the third wave of information technology after Internet andWeb technology. It will change the mode of sharing distributed resources and servicesfinally. The Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) is current version of the Gridarchitecture. Based on the mechanism of Web Service, OGSA advanced an idea ofGrid Services, whose interfaces address discovery, dynamic service creation, lifetimemanagement, notification and registry.
    The study of Grid technology in this thesis is based on an important project ingeophysical research institute of ShengLi Petroleum —《The Application andResearch of Grid Technique in Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation》.Based onOGSA and GT3 (Globus Toolkit 3), this research proposed a settlement scheme of anapplication system about the management of computing grid resources.
    At first the thesis briefly introduced the definition of the grid and the realizationtechnique of the grid service in the grid computing. Then, contrasted the differentarchitectural structures on grid and analyzed the application value of OGSA. Wedepicted design and implementation of the system in detail, and then certificated theproblem of the service call from different platform.
    Based on cluster software and Grid Middleware, first, the system works as anagent to connect them to work together. Then, utilizing the service date of the GridService, the system completes the management of computational resource and realizesthe unified management of resource, users and tasks. Last, the system also solves safecertification problem and so on.
    This system offers high capability computing condition in Internet. Anycomputer can access the computer resource service anytime. The research has beenconfirmed by the geophysical research institute of ShengLi Petroleum .
    Finally, summarized the deficiency of our work, and pointed out the perspectiveof Grid Computing.
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