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固着亚目缘毛类纤毛虫是海洋近岸环境中一大类习见的营周丛生活的原生动物。按照美国学者Corliss (1979)所提订的分类系统,该类纤毛虫在系统学上隶属于原生动物亚界之纤毛门(Ciliophora)、寡膜纲(Oligohymenophora)、缘毛目(Peritrichida)。
     在国家自然科学基金重点项目的资助下,作者于2004 - 2006年间利用载玻片法自以青岛沿岸为主的山东沿海多类生境(潮间带、岩礁、泥沙底质、自由开放水域、入海口、水产养殖等)对本类纤毛虫进行了全视角的采集和研究,完成了包括活体形态学、银线系统及“纤毛图式”水平下的深入研究和对不明种类的补足性廓清与全面厘定。以期所得结果在补充和完善海洋近海岸固着亚目缘毛类纤毛虫的区系分类,及为海洋原生动物区系的研究提供基础性资料的同时,对相关水体中经济动物的养殖涉及病害原生动物的防治也具有应用参考价值。
     ●建立了1个新属:拟累枝虫属Pseudoepistylis nov. gen.,该属的主要特征为:群体生活,柄内无肌丝,其个员特征与聚缩虫相似,银线系统为网格状。
     ●研究并建立了29个新种:拟美丽钟虫Vorticella parapulchella Sun et al., 2006,蒋氏钟虫Vorticella chiangi nov. spec.,派氏钟虫Vorticella petzi nov. spec.,弗艾氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella faurefremieti Sun, Song & Xu, 2007,弗纳森伪钟虫Pseudovorticella foissneri Sun, Song & Xu, 2007,江氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella jiangi Sun, Song & Warren, 2006,沃氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella warreni nov. spec.,施氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella shii nov. spec.,艾氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella alekperovi nov. spec.,格莱伪钟虫Pseudovorticella grelli nov. spec.,派特森伪钟虫Pseudovorticella pattersoni nov.spec.,豪氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella hausmanni nov. spec.,拟伸长伪钟虫Pseudovorticella paraelongata,拟环纹伪钟虫Pseudovorticella parannulata nov. spec.,格兰伪钟虫Pseudovorticella graini nov. spec.,拟纤细伪钟虫Pseudovorticella apogracilis nov. spec.,龚氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella gongi nov. spec.,拉氏累枝虫Epistylis raikowi nov. spec.,考利斯表单缩虫Epicarchesium corlissi Sun, Song & Warren, 2006,刘氏拟聚缩虫Zoothamnopsis liui nov. spec.,哈特维聚缩虫Zoothamnium hartwigi nov. spec.,拟黑凯聚缩虫Zoothamnium parahiketes nov. spec.,拟倪氏聚缩虫Zoothamnium paranii nov. spec.,拟污秽聚缩虫Zoothamnium parahentscheli nov. spec.,许氏聚缩虫Zoothamnium xuianum Sun, Ji & Song, 2005,拟瓮拟累枝虫Pseudoepistylis paramphora nov. spec.,维氏拟钟虫Paravorticella wilberti nov. spec.,派瑞氏杯虫Scyphidia perezuzae nov. spec.,拟袋状扉门虫Thuricola parafolliculata nov. spec.。
     ●补充描述了以下14个种的山东种群:棕色钟虫Vorticella fusca Precht, 1935,星云钟虫Vorticella nebulifera Müller, 1773,袋形钟虫Vorticella utriculus Stokes, 1885,领钟虫Vorticella aequilata Kahl, 1939,显纹伪钟虫Pseudovorticella micata (Kahl, 1933) Warren, 1987,泥伪钟虫Pseudovorticella lima (Kahl, 1933) Jankowski, 1976,钵居靴纤虫Cothurnia ceramicola Kahl, 1933,海生靴纤虫Cothurnia maritima Ehrenberg, 1838,瓣扉门虫Thuricola valvata Wright 1858,黑凯聚缩虫Zoothamnium hiketes Precht, 1935,拟恩茨聚缩虫Zoothamnium paraentzii Song, 1991,两分聚缩虫Zoothamnium dichotomum Wright-Kent, 1882,孟氏拟聚缩虫Zoothamnopsis mengi Song, 1997,克氏累枝虫Epistylis clampi Ma & Overstreet, 2007。
     ●建立9个新组合:圆锥伪钟虫Pseudovorticella cylindrica (Dons, 1915) Sun et al., 2005,版纳伪钟虫Pseudovorticella banatica (Lepsi, 1947) nov. comb.,多疣伪钟虫Pseudovorticella verrucosa (Dons, 1915) nov. comb.,介氏伪钟虫Pseudovorticella jaerae (Precht, 1935) nov. comb.,拱形伪钟虫Pseudovorticella fornicata (Dons, 1915) nov. comb.,不规则伪钟虫Pseudovorticella anomala (Gourett & Roeser, 1886) nov. comb.,环纹伪钟虫Pseudovorticella annulata (Gourett & Roeser, 1888) nov. comb.,褶皱伪钟虫Pseudovorticella plicata (Gourret & Roeser, 1886) nov. comb.,变化表单缩虫Epicarchesium variable (Küster, 1974) nov. comb.。
Sessile peritrich ciliates have been normally found in marine biotope as dominant periphytic groups. According to the system by Corliss (1979), sessile peritrich ciliates belong to the Phylum Ciliophora, Class Oligohymenophora, Order Peritrichida. Study on taxonomy of Sessile Peritrich ciliates has characteristic of difficulty because of their similar body shape and highly contractile nature. Till recently, sessile peritrich ciliates is a group still with many confusions though original report about this group can be traced back to eighteenth century. This problem is compounded by the larger number of taxa described, and a lack of information on the infraciliature and the silverline system based on silver impregnation. And few researches using modern method on sessile peritrichous ciliates have been made during the last decades especially on the marine groups. Thus, many morphologically similar species and populations need to be redefined and separated by modern method. Furthermore, there are still a number of unknown sessile peritrichs waiting for being researched especially the marine sessile peritrichs with which people are not familiar.
     For lacking of research on protozoa in domestic, there are still many vacancies to be filled for the studies on morphology and systematic of sessile pertrichs. This led researches of relative fields, such as protozoa, ecology, disease and molecular biology, to be difficult to carry out. Therefore, the urgent task that study morphology and taxonomy of sessile peritrichs using modern method is exactly required to undertake.
     Under the support of Natural Science Foundation, our lab has carried out faunistic surveys of the biodiversity of ciliated protozoa in marine waters for a couple of years. And my work constitutes part of our goal to document the diversity of sessile peritrich ciliates in Chinese coastal waters of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. Hope this survey contribute to the taxonomy of fauna of marine sessile peritrich ciliates and offer elementary data to the research of fauna of marine protozoa, in the meantime, also have applied vaule to precaution of harmful protozoa of economical animials in related waters.
     From 2004 to 2006, about 52 species were collected from coastal waters off Shandong during surveys. The morphology, infraciliature and silverline system of these species representing 4 families and 11 genera (Vorticella, Pseudovorticella, Paravorticella, Scyphidia, Cothurnia, Thuricola, Zoothamnium, Zoothamnopsis, Epicarchesium, Epistylis, Pseudoepistylis) were investigated based on both living and silver impregnated specimens. The results of species identification are summarized as follows:
     One new genus was established: Pseudoepistylis nov. gen. and its diagnosis was: Colonial Vorticellidae with continuous noncontractile stalk for each zooid and silverline system reticulate.
     Twenty-nine new species were described: Vorticella parapulchella nov. spec.; Vorticella chiangi nov. spec.; Vorticella petzi nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella faurefremieti Sun, Song & Xu, 2007; Pseudovorticella foissneri Sun, Song & Xu, 2007; Pseudovorticella jiangi Sun, Song & Warren, 2006; Pseudovorticella warreni nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella shii nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella alekperovi nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella grelli nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella paraelongata nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella graini nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella apogracilis nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella pattersoni nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella parannulata nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella gongi nov. spec.; Pseudovorticella hausmanni nov. spec.; Epicarchesium corlissi Sun, Song & Warren, 2006; Zoothamnopsis liui nov. spec.; Zoothamnium hartwigi nov. spec.; Zoothamnium parahentscheli nov. spec.; Zoothamnium parahiketes nov. spec.; Zoothamnium paranii nov. spec.; Zoothamnium xuianum Sun, Ji & Song, 2005; Epistylis raikowi nov. spec.; Pseudoepistylis paramphora nov. gen. nov. spec.; Paravorticella wilberti nov. spec.; Scyphidia perezuzae nov. spec.; Thuricola parakellicottiana nov. spec.
     Fourteen species were redescribed providing with improved diagnosis and information of infraciliature and silverline system based on the Shandong populations: Vorticella fusca Precht, 1935; Vorticella nebulifera Müller, 1773; Vorticella aequilata Kahl, 1939; Vorticella utriculus Stokes, 1885; Vorticella striata Dujardin, 1841; Pseudovorticella micata (Kahl, 1933) Warren, 1987; Pseudovorticella lima (Kahl, 1933) Jankowski, 1976; Cothurnia ceramicola Kahl, 1933; Cothurnia maritima Ehrenberg, 1838; Thuricola valvata Wright 1858; Zoothamnium hiketes Precht, 1935; Zoothamnium paraentzii Song, 1991; Zoothamnium dichotomum Wright-Kent, 1882; Zoothamnopsis mengi Song, 1997.
     Nine new combinations were established: Pseudovorticella cylindrica (Dons, 1915) Sun et al., 2005; Pseudovorticella banatica (Lepsi, 1947) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella verrucosa (Dons, 1915) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella anomala (Gourett & Roeser, 1886) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella annulata (Gourett & Roeser, 1888) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella jaerae (Precht, 1935) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella fornicata (Dons, 1915) nov. comb.; Pseudovorticella plicata (Gourret & Roeser, 1886) nov. comb.; Epicarchesium variable (Küster, 1974) nov. comb.
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