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This study aimed at investigating how to establish the long-term cleanup mechanism of China's animal infected disease, and the research methods used in this study include field research method, literature research method, case study research method, descriptive research method, measures analysis method and comparative analysis method. At first, the quick animal husbandry development was elaborated that it could increase animal infected diseases. cleanup difficulties; and the definition of animal infected diseases'cleanup was elaborated to clarify its essence; and the international and foreign success experiences were elaborated to analysis and discuss the necessary and innovation points on improving the cleanup measures of China's animal infected diseases. So the cleanup measures combined with zoning and compartmentalization is the feasible way of establishing the long-term cleanup mechanism of china's animal infected diseases.
     Second, technical measures and safeguard measures of cleanup associated with zoning and compartmentalization were summarized taking into account of free zone achievements and United States, Colombia and other countries' experiences. Free zone building promoting the improvement of cleanup background was analysed and discussed. So zoning and compartmentalization the safeguard of success in animal infected diseases cleanup should be the first step of it.
     In addition, this study summarized the domestic and foreign animal infected disease leanup measures by research and data query, including depopulation-and-repopulation such as regionalization of all in all out system and the empty fields), herd closure method (such as bio-security management, cleaning and disinfection, SPF management echniques), test-and-removal, medication programs, nutritional supplementation, vaccination, direct virus exposure method and offspring segregation method.
     Finally, the innovation ideas of vertical and horizontal cleanup measures comes out th eradication programs, zoning and compartmentalization, animal breeding anagement and so on. And vertical cleanup measures were important technical methods, and horizontal cleanup measures were administrative means. So the breeding system of SPF animal should be recommended in China, which preferred to build in free zones, to cleanup animal infected diseases from the source of breeding by SPF vertical introduction. Then expending the scope of SPF breeding system to contiguous focus, and ultimately to achieve animal disease cleanup goals from the point to a plane across the country.
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