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Clinical Research
     To evaluate the effect of integrated TCM therapy on ischemic stroke w ith/without hypertension patients'neural function deficits, levels of di sabilities, viabilities, qualities of lives and symptoms of Traditional C hinese Medicine and to evaluate the effect of hypertension on the efficac y of intervention in ischemic stroke with integrated TCM therapeutic prot ocol.
     By analyzing the database information of the Tenth Five-Year Project Late Stage (named evaluation of acute ischemic stoke RCT clinical trial p rotocol), it is compared integrated TCM therapy protocol with Western con trol protocol, two different therapies treating ischemic stroke with/with out hypertension patients, from the aspects of NIHSS, mRS, BI, GOS, SS-QO L and SSTCM, to comprehensively evaluate the effect of integrated TCM the rapy protocol intervening the patients mentioned above.
     By comparing differences of various levels'scale score between hyper tensive and non-hypertensive ischemic stroke treated with integrated TCM therapy, it is assessed the effect of hypertension factors on the prognos is of diseases and the efficacy of intervention protocol.
     For ischemic stroke patients with hypertension, integrated TCM therap y compared with western control treatment after diabetes history factors controlled. It is found that there are no significant differences between the two groups in NIHSS, BI, SSQOL (P>0.05); whereas there are significa nt differences in mRS, GOS, SSTCM between the two groups (P<0.05;P<0.01). The two groups in the 60th day's mRS, GOS, the 7th,60th day's SSTCM there are significant differences (P<0.05).
     For ischemic stroke patients without hypertension, integrated TCM the rapy compared with western control treatment. It is found that there are no significant differences between the two groups in NIHSS, GOS, BI, SSQO L and SSTCM (P>0.05); whereas there is significant difference in mRS betw een the two groups (P<0.05). Between the two groups in the 60th,90th days' mRS, the 21st,60th,90th days'GOS, the 90th day's SSQOL and the 60th,90th days'SSTCM there are significant differences (P<0.05).
     After histories of stroke and high cholesterol controlled, patients r eceiving integrated TCM therapy, their mRS, GOS change (P<0.05), but not their NIHSS, BI, SSQOL and SSTCM change (P>0.05), were influenced by fact ors of hypertension.
     Integrated TCM protocol can effectively reduce ischemic stroke patien ts with hypertension the 60th day's disability level, to improve the 7th an d 60th day's clinical symptoms; reduce the ischemic stroke patients withou t hypertension the 21th,60th,90th days'levels of disabilities, to improve the 90th day's quality of life and the 60th,90th days'clinical symptoms of TCM. Treated by integrated TCM therapy, ischemic stroke patients'leve ls of disabilities were affected by factors of hypertension. Integrated T CM therapy has better efficacy to reduce non-hypertensive ischemic stroke patients'levels of disabilities.
     Animals Study
     By observing changes of concerning indicators, involving praxiology, pathology, biochemistry and histology, after Yinaokang capsule intervenin g atherosclerotic acute cerebral ischemic rats, the effect of preventing and treating atherosclerotic acute ischemic stroke is objectively evaluat ed.
     By observing atherosclerosis and endothelial injury relative factors, i.e. NO, VEGF, PDGF-BB, vWF and TM, which are in the bloods and tissues of atherosclerotic acute cerebral ischemic rats intervened by Yinaokang c apsule, it is investigated Yinaokang capsule's potential mechanism about preventing and curing ischemic stroke.
     Yinaokang prevention group, Yinaokang treatment group and Lipitor tre atment group comparing with AS+ACI model group, brain water content decre ased and there were significant difference (P<0.05). Yinaokang prevention group, Lipitor treatment group comparing with AS+ACI model group, serum NO level increased and there were significant difference (P<0.05). Yinao kang treatment group comparing with AS+ACI model group, there was no sign ificant differences on NO levels(P>0.05); Yinaokang prevention group an d Lipitor treatment group, there was no significant differences on NO lev els (P>0.05). The three intervention group comparing with AS+ACI model g roup, serum VEGF, PDGF-BB level decreased and there were significant diff erence (P<0.01, P<0.05); between the three intervention group, there wa s no significant difference (P>0.05). In AS model group and AS+ACI model group, it was visible that vWF was moderately expressed in the brain tis sues, strongly and very strongly expressed in the blood vessels. Compared after medicines intervention, in the brain tissues there was no signific ant vWF expression in Yinaokang prevention group and Lipitor treatment gr oup, but in Yinaokang treatment group vWF was weakly expressed. In the th ree intervention groups, it were showed moderate vWF expression in blood vessels. In the AS modeling group and AS+ACI modeling group, moderate TM expression could be seen in the brain tissues. In the AS model group and AS+ACI model group, there were no TM expression in the brain tissues; TM expression was not seen in Yinaokang prevention group yet. While in Yinao kang treatment group and Lipitor treatment group, TM weak expression was observed in the brain tissues.
     After atherosclerotic acute cerebral ischemic rats intervened by Yina okang capsule, their NO levels in the serum could be increased and vWF's expression in the tissues could be enhanced, their VEGF, PDGF-BB content in the serum could be decreased and TM' expression in the tissues could b e weakened. Cerebral edema was reduced as well. It can alleviate vascular endothelial injury, mend endothelial dysfunction and inhibit atheroscler osis as well as thrombosis. Hence, for Yinaokang capsule, there is preven tional and curative function in treating atherosclerotic acute cerebral i schemia in rats.
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