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At present,China is gradually advancing the reform of hukou system,in this context, conducting a systematic research on foreign civil registration system has an important theoretical and practical value of carrying forward the reform of hukou system.For object of studying foreign civil registration system,based on the two thoughts of practical analysis and theoretical study,the thesis carries out a systematic research on foreign civil registration system in different period of development around the world by using the method of literature integration,comparative study,problem-based research,and combining empirical analysis and normative analysis.
     The whole study can be divided into three parts:the first part is chapter one,which includes theoretical reviews,mainly pointing out significance of the present study, looking back to previous relevant studies,carding theoretical implications and addressing theory-based questions;the second part,including contents from chapter two to chapter five,is mainly positive analysis;the third part is chapter six and chapter seven,which includes main conclusions of the present study and future expects of elevation.First of all, the foreign civil registration system of countries with different regime types and development stage is sorting out systematically,summing up the social management functions and the basic mode of operation,as well as the new changes in the process of system transition,investigating the civil registration system of countries and regions which have comparability with our history and reality in depth.Then,the paper conducts a comparative analysis of foreign civil registration system and China's hukou system from aspects from legislation building and legislation method,identity system, population registration and statistics,migration and residence permits,realization means of social management.Finally,the paper put forwards the enlightenment of foreign civil registration system to pushing on the reform of China's hukou system from both theoretical and practical aspects.
     Through the empirical study on foreign civil system,the main conclusions are as follows:
     (一) Compared to foreign civil registration system:
     Backwardness of legislation Management,China's household registration management is a matter of "personal principle",different with the widespread use of the "territorial principle" abroad.Foreign civil status registration and management does not exist inequality,and the identity of China's household registration,with hierarchical and hereditary,but the household registration system in contemporary China is not confrontational with the class,such as the caste system and the capacity of the system is essentially the modern distinction.Due to the level of economic development and institutional design differences,the content of all countries in the world of civil registration in different degree,China's adoption of a family household registration,from the western world have taken to the registration of the way man-made units,such registration the actual effect of the difference even more apparent in the population with access to information on vital statistics,China's household registration means registration of conventional demographic has become increasingly difficult to reflect the demographic changes in the real information.Chinese citizens can achieve the basic freedom to choose place of residence,but has not yet achieve the legal sense of the freedom of movement,migration of the implementation of prior residence permit system is inconsistent with foreign practices.On the way to the realization of social management, the difference with foreign countries mainly in the lower level of information and the more obvious control.
     (二) Investigating China's hukou system and its reform from foreign civil registration system:
     First,the household registration system exists in the different regions and historical periods by different forms and intensity.It is neither a product of the planned economy, nor unique to China.If we make a investigation of the world's household registration system in the context of macro-history,it can be found that the change of functions of household registration system has distinct characteristics of the times,while China's hukou system is also with a "feudal property ".There fore,there must not be so much prejudice against China's hukou system,and it should be evaluated merits and demerits of its functions historically.The system itself should not become the object of strong criticism,and we must avoid the excessive tendency of thinking of China's hukou system as a "special case".
     Second,the contemporary China's hukou system extends and adapts the hierarchy and hereditary of the traditional one.as well as the function of unity of social order and demographics,and it also has a considerable degree of "elements of the Soviet Union",in which the change of the institutional basis of the China's hukou system from family relationships to labor relations which are embodied officially in the conversions of household registration and status,such as school enrollment,state-owned enterprises" recruitment,occupation mobility,joining the army,is the largest reference from the Soviet Union.
     Third,the hukou system does not necessarily lead to social exclusion.There are significant differences exist between China's hukou exclusion and foreign caste exclusion, racial exclusion,economic exclusion,and political exclusion.Different types of social exclusion also have a significantly different impact on the process of urbanization and economic development.
     Fourth,the impact of migration gradually blurs the system boundaries of the identity, but this does not mean that the real significance of the identity has disappeared.As the identity value of the indigenous people has existed for a long term value,the entry of migrants will not reduce it.Migrants can make a dialogue with the indigenous people on an equal footing only by attempting to improve their status.This is a very long process, even needing for the next generation to complete.In particular,the hukou system in China,there is bound under the conditions of dominance,the floating population of urban integration process will be slower,and the time required is longer.
     Fifth,the non-permanent migration of floating population is a universal,natural phenomenon in the process of industrialization and urbanization.It exists without the dependence on the household registration system or passport system which is a system entity that has the effect of limiting population movements.Although the non-permanent migration of floating population has been further strengthened due to the presence of the hukou system in China,there must be an objective understanding of the limited role of the hukou system reform in the promotion of population migration and urbanization.
     Sixth,China's hukou system reform should be associated with the urbanization process,under the stage of rapid urbanization,the hukou system should be appropriate to maintain the function of identity,in order to facilitate the smooth transition of urbanization.But the identity function of hukou system must be slowly watered down.
     Seventh,as the basic social security in rural areas is not in sound conditions, agricultural land becomes the basic livelihood guarantee and the last line of defense for the floating population.In the process of the reform of hukou system,the design of the agricultural land system should be fully respected the interests and wishes and choices of the floating population,in order to avoid the mistakes made in Latin America.
     Eighth,it promotes the legislation of the household registration management,and gradually improves the population registration and management system,changes to the people-oriented dynamic management,and respectively establishes the population management information system step by step.In short-term,tries to get regional population information by fix-point track method.
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