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It is stipulated in the Constitution that the right to work is one of the basic rights of citizens and also an important part of human rights. From different perspective, western countries mainly emphasize citizen rights and political rights while developing countries stress economic, social, cultural rights as well as the right to maintain and develop existence. Because he right to maintain and develop existence is characterized by the right to work, the protection of human rights is closely related to labor law.With the development of the notion of human rights, the respect for human dignity has become the objective and the fundamental foothold of human rights movements. Human dignity is regarded as the ultimate value of people and interests in dignity are the top interests. Nevertheless it is not rare to see human dignity abused in workplaces. For example, during recruitment or employment, some workers are treated with discrimination in terms of sex, age, height, look, health, experience, qualification, or origin. In some foreign-owned enterprises or joint ventures, there are cases of employers infringe upon workers human dignity, such as when workers are frisked, insulted, forced to kneel down, monitored with cameras and harassed. Work is the basis of people’s existence and discriminations in work have pushed hundreds of millions of minority workers into a crisis of survival. The negative effects brought even greater damage on the society than on the economy. It not only infringes upon people’s basic rights as citizens but also harms the fairness and justice of the society.There are three parts in the paper on the proposition of work dignity.
     Firstly,the Labor Law of China puts workers at the core and is oriented toward their protection. In order to protect the workers and give them due respect, it is necessary for us to make up for their weak position through legal force. Therefore, the dignity to work has put this biased perception into practice in the labor law system. It is clearly stipulated in the labor law that
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