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Surrounding the integration point of“Tax System”and“Welfare State System”, the main theme of the paper is“Citizen’s Tax Obligation in the Welfare State System”. The author synthetically uses legal research methods to analyze the binary propositions of“Tax Obligation”and“Welfare State System”, which are implied in the saying of“robbing the rich to relieve the poor”. Starting from the“Social Contract Theory”, the thesis distinguishes the modern transformation of the justification for tax obligation in the welfare state system. Based on the emphasis of value of social equality, the author tries to demonstrate how to assign citizen’s tax obligation in the welfare state system. Moreover, for the conditions of citizen’s welfare supply and tax obligation in our country, we draw enlightenment of allocation of citizen’s tax obligation of welfare state system construction in our country.
     In introduction part, the author first gives definitions and semantic analyses to the very core concept“welfare”and“taxation”, etc. Then presents the logical starting point for the theme, which is the modern transformation of the justification for tax obligation in the welfare state system. Followed the clue of history evolution from liberalism to state interventionism, it puts forward some issues worth considering and pressing for solution, centered on allocation of citizen’s tax obligation of welfare state system and conditions of ours.
     Chapter one demonstrates the modern transformation of the justification for tax obligation in the welfare state system. First, in a retrospective view, it recourses to“Social Contract Theory”to illuminate the justification for citizen’s tax obligation in liberalism period. Transferring one’s right to the collective body constitutes the basis for political legitimacy. And transferring individual’s property right serves as basis for the state activities, which is the core legal relationship of taxation. Tax obligation is the cost of public goods that people purpose to obtain from government on a voluntary basis.
     Then, by background description, cause analysis and forward looking perspective, there argues that the transformation of the justification for tax obligation in the welfare state. Putting emphasis on pursuit of social equality value, it rectifies the imparity burden, which is caused by free competition by the means of imposing taxation, to restores social formal equality and substantive equality. One requirement of being equal is treating other rights and obligations apart from the basic rights and obligations differently on some reasonable extent.“Dealing differently with people in diversity settings”means vertical equity in tax field.
     In chapter two, the author demonstrates the allocation of citizen’s tax obligation of in the welfare state system. Initially it identifies premises of assigning tax obligations. The second generation of human rights expands the liberal rights system which is economic, social and cultural rights typically. And it enlarges the requirement of intervention in citizen’s life and social welfare. No right can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on some other person or persons, and we cannot conceive a obligation without a corresponding right. Owing to the quantitative equivalence relations between right and obligation, it means the corresponding obligation grows accordingly while the rights list in the 20’s century being longer. According to more practical ways than positivism, the exercise of any rights cannot be separated from the government’s positive action and public input. The social responsibility that the government takes must finally rely on the raise of public funds, and the taxpayer is the man who assumes responsibility for supply of welfare ultimately.
     Secondly, the author demonstrates the allocation basis of obligation of citizen’s tax in the welfare state. Using economic and social research methods, it is synthetically proved in three aspects: overall effectiveness of society, distinguishes of quantities of law, social stratification and integration, that is, we should impose more heavily obligation on affluent class in order to supply benefits to middle-low income class(.1)Based on legal economics analysis of social overall utility: Giving£1 to a rich person produces less utility (“welfare”or“happiness”may substitute as rough equivalents) than giving£1 to a poor person. The money means more to the poor man, having greater relative utility than it does to the rich man, who doesn’t really need it in the same way. Thus, transferring wealth from the rich to the poor may promote overall social welfare. Social welfare is the sum of individual’s welfare, therefore the law and legal system should be aimed at achieving the overall welfare, realizing the benefits of vast majority. Imposing heavier tax obligation on rich class, redistributing the wealth appropriately from the affluent class to the middle-low income class, is in accordance with the maximal purposes and requirements of social overall welfare. (2) Based on legal sociology analysis of quantities of law: Social stratification exists in any society. And the basis for hierarchical society is social resource, which is the possession of social wealth for the members of society. The relationship between the quantities of law and stratification or hierarchy is very clear. The changes of the law are proportional to the varied stratification and hierarchy. The rich class should bear a heavier duty-bound tax obligation accounting for their possessing more resources and having more laws than the middle-low income class. (3) Based on social stratification and integration: Poverty is the creation and recreation consequences of structural strength, which should be attributed to the system and not just the individual. Therefore, it is inevitable to appear the economic gap and social stratification .In order to protect the reality of social relations, public order and vested interests, to prevent social divisions and conflicts, it pulls the excluded individuals into the community to get necessary and worthy cooperation from middle-low income class.
     The third part demonstrates the current situation and future improvement of citizen’s tax obligation in construction of welfare state system. First,it analyses the present condition of welfare supply and tax obligation. As a set of legal system in a sovereign country, welfare state system cannot afford everyone fairly without national boundaries. Western welfare states transfer the financial pressure to China through industrial chains, passing their welfare cost-sharing to Chinese workers, exacerbating the welfare problems of common laborers. There is no sound industrial injury insurance, medical insurance, unemployment benefits, etc. The ordinary workers boost the market competitiveness in China’s economic development, but they are long-term neglected in social welfare supply with low wages and low benefits. China’s high taxes level does not have necessarily causality relationship with social welfare. Compared to high taxes, high welfare in western countries, middle-low income class is in sense of relative deprivation in our country, who undertakes the major commitment of tax obligation.
     Secondly, it proposes the enlightenment of how to arrange the tax obligation configuration in construction of the welfare state system in our country. The disintegration phenomenon of ruled by law in western post-liberalism society is just the starting point of building a socialist country ruled by law. The starting point for constructing the welfare state is to achieve freedom and democracy under the rule of law in China. Compared to western countries, China is neither too free nor even more beneficial. Allocation of citizen’s tax obligation in construction of welfare state system should not only cherish the liberal spirit of social contract, but also follow the principle of equality in intervention of state. Taxation must seek the consent of the people, otherwise the citizens have right of civil disobedience. While taking into account the principle of equality means“equal treatment for equal conditions, different treatment for different circumstance, which is to rectify the damage of free competition. Furthermore,it also requires to complete the tax obligation system in norms and operation levels .
     In conclusion, the author reclaims her view that the configuration of tax obligation allocation must both follow the spirit of the social contract and pay more attention to the realization of equality value.
    [ii]参见钱宁:《社会福利的道德与政治基础》,吉林大学 2003 年博士学位论文,第 39 页。
    [iii][英]洛克:《政府论》(下),叶启芳、瞿菊农译,商务印书馆 1964年第 1 版,第 59 页。
    [iv][英]洛克:《政府论》(下),叶启芳、瞿菊农译,商务印书馆 1964年第 1 版,第 89 页。
    [v]参见刘剑文、熊伟:《税收基础理论》,北京大学出版社 2004 年第 1版,第 8 页。
    [vii]参见李刚:《契约精神与中国税法的现代化》,《法学评论》2004 年第 2 期,第 36 页。
    [viii]诺齐克“最弱意义上的国家”(minimal state),指主要限于保护性功能的国家,一种古典自由主义传统所谓“守夜人”式的国家。诺齐克的权利理论与罗尔斯的差别原则的对立,实际上也就是在经济领域中强调自由和强调平等的对立。
    [9]1942 年二战期间,牛津大学教授贝弗里奇勋爵受英国战后重建委员会委托,提交了《社会保险和相关服务报告》,即《贝弗里奇报告》。在报告中,贝弗里奇指出贫困、疾病、愚昧、肮脏、懒惰是重建新社会的严重障碍,而国家主导下的社会福利是消除这五种障碍的有效武器;在新型社会福利必须坚持四大原则,即普遍性原则、保障基本生 活原则、统一原则、权利和义务相对等原则。
    [x]唐晋:《大国崛起》,人民出版社 2007 年第 1 版,第 167 页。
    [xi]张文显:《法哲学范畴研究》,中国政法大学出版社 2001 年第 1 版,第 302 页。
    [xii]参见吴玉章:《论自由主义权利观》,中国人民公安大学出版社 1997年第 1 版,第 6 页。
    [14]参见邱本:《从契约到人权》,《法学研究》1998 年第 6 期,第 35 页。
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    [18]1601 年颁布的《伊利莎白济贫法》是近代资本主义发展史上第一个关于社会福利的法律,它首先把贫困当作道德上应予谴责,而在政治上则要加以纠正的社会问题来看待。
    [xix]苗力田主编:《亚里士多德全集》(第八卷),苗力田等译,商务印书馆 1994 年第 1 版,第 279 页。
    [xx]参见[美]萨托利:《民主新论》,冯克利等译,东方出版社 1998 年第2 版,第 340 页。
    [xxi]参见聂文军:《经济自由主义的道德性——兼论经济学家的道德》,《哲学研究》2007 年第 4 期,第 117 页。
    [xxii][美]史蒂芬·霍尔姆斯、凯斯·R·桑斯坦:《权利的成本——为什么自由依赖于税》,毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社 2004 年第 1 版,第 149 页。
    [xxiii]参见[英]雅赛:《重申自由主义:选择、契约、协议》,陈茅等译,中国社会科学出版社 1997 年第 1 版,第 51 页。
    [xxiv]参见王德志:《国际人权公约与我国人权立法的比较》,《山东大学学报》2000 年第 5 期,第 60 页。
    [xxv]参见曹辛:《“社会福利国家原则是中国可以考虑的”——专访德国驻华大使施明贤》,《南方周末》2007 年 10 月 25 日第 4 版。
    [xxvi][美]史蒂芬·霍尔姆斯、凯斯·R·桑斯坦:《权利的成本——为什么自由依赖于税》,毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社 2004 年第 1 版,第 26 页。
    [xxvii][美]史蒂芬·霍尔姆斯、凯斯·R·桑斯坦:《权利的成本——为什么自由依赖于税》,毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社 2004 年第 1 版,第 58 页。
    [xxviii]参见陈红霞:《社会福利思想》,社会科学文献出版社 2002 年第1 版,第 10 页。著者论述“权利与义务的不对等性”时谈及“社会福利的享受条件限制极少,最多是规定对该国或该团体的成员而设立”,而“社会救助的享受条件是享受人自己提出申请且要经过家庭经济状况的调查,在确认其生活状况低于社会贫困线后,才有资格享受社会救助”,“社会保险的享受条件是参保且满一定的期限,达到一定的年龄或其他规定的条件后,方能得到保险,权利和义务在社会保险中基本对等”。
    [xxix]参见王家林:《质疑税收“权利与义务对称说”》,刘隆亨主编:《财税法论坛——中国法学会财税法学研究会学术年会论文选编 (2004)》,北京大学出版社 2005 年第 1 版,第 181 页。
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    [xxxi]参见沈根犬:《民主社会主义的嬗变与福利国家制度的变迁》,中国社会科学院 2003 年硕士学位论文,第 18 页。
    [xxxii]郝春虹:《税收纵向公平原则与个人所得税制度优化》,《财贸研究》2003 年第 6 期,第 29 页。
    [xxxiii]丁建定主编:《社会保障概论》,华东师范大学出版社 2006 年第1 版,第 41 页。
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