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Infrastructure investment has not only improved the level of infrastructure, butalso promoted China’s economic development, it is important factor that promotesChina’s economic development. The existing literature discussed the role ofinfrastructure on China’s economic growth from the social output elasticity ofinfrastructure to its influence on private investment and export trade.However, Thelittle literature has focused on infrastructure in China's technical innovation abilityeffect. In fact, although the FDI technology spillover to promote China's technicalinnovation ability and in particular,the intermediate goods trade of import traderapidly development and the export trade competition have also promoted China'stechnical innovation ability.However, high technology patent was blocked by foreigndirect investment, as well as the processing trade has seldomly promoted China'stechnical innovation ability because it can be in the lower end of the global valuechain, hence, in the influence of the external technique,we must strengthen theindependent innovation.Therefore, the infrastructure has influence on China'stechnical innovation ability, it is importanr factor to study the impact of infrastructureon China's technical innovation ability and explore its mechanism.
     The dissertation study the role of infrastructure on China's technical innovationability by general equilibrium models, the essay researchs the mechanism throughwhich infrastructure affects technological innovation capability from information costfinancing cost respectively.Based on theoretical model analysis,empirically studyusing data of cross-regional and cross-industry cross-province strongly support themain conclusions of the empirical model.This essay has seven parts. Chapter onestates the background information, research methods, structure and innovation points.In chapter two,we revews the literature on infrastructure and economic growth andlabor productivity. In chapter three, we study the the externality of infrastructure onregional technical innovation ability from the perspective of the combined effectusing cointegration effect and impulse response impact. In chapter fourth,we build a general equilibrium theory model to study the impact mechanism of the infrastructureon import trade and its trade structure and use an empirical model to test the effect ofinfrastructure on China's regional innovation capacity. In chapter five, we investigateinfrastructure on technological innovation capability from the perspective of exporttrade and export sophistication.In chapter six we investigate infrastructure ontechnological innovation capability from the perspective of financing cost,exporttrade and industry export sophistication using the date of cross-industrycross-province. Finally,chapter seven concludes the essay and gives some policyimplications concerning infrastructure on technological innovation capability.
     The dissertation gets the following from theoretical and empirical studies. Firstly,high level of infrastructure has a significant positive effect on regional technologicalinnovation capability, it is the main effect of agglomeration that the infrastructureenhances the level of human capital, international trade and foreign direct investment,high level of infrastructure has a significant positive effect on regional technologicalinnovation capability by human capital, international trade and foreign directinvestment.Secondly, regions with high level of infrastructure have moretechnological innovation ability in the import trade volumes of area.It is moreimportmant that import trade international technology spillover of R&D more thanimport trade volumes for technological innovation ability promotion.The resulr ofregionals show service trade's international R&D of the eastern region significantlypromotes the technological innovation ability improvement,but the western isopposite.Thirdly, high level of infrastructure has a significant effect on export tradestructure and regional technical innovation ability promotion, high level ofinfrastructure of region has a significant positive effect on regional technologicalinnovation capability in industries with export sophistication.Thus,level ofinfrastructure of region has a significant positive effect on regional technologicalinnovation capability in regions with export sophistication.Finally,high level ofinfrastructure of region has a significant positive effect on regional technologicalinnovation capability in industries with export sophistication, It is more importmantthat high level of infrastructure of region has a significant positive effect on hightechnological industry technological innovation capability.Thus,it contributes to the improvement of export trade structure and the enhancement of export technicalsophistication.
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