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With the rapid development of computer technology and the Internet, Web has been a global, huge, distribution and shared information space. As a huge resource base to people's learning, life and work, Web has brought tremendous convenience. But in the face of vast amounts of information on the Web, people are trapped in an awkward condition of "data rich, poor knowledge". Since most of the Web data is in the form of HTML, the application makes no direct access to information on the Web. Web information extraction technology is brought forth to resolve this problem.
     This paper analyzes some typical Information Extraction (IE) System and shows how to Extract personality information based on the personal needs of learners in Informatization Education. A personality information extraction system based on document structure tree has been implemented. The system includes two parts, which are the definition and execution of the extraction rules respectively. In the phase of the definition of extraction rules, first introduced is how to transform data represented by HTML to the well-formed XML document and how to get the DOM tree of the XML document. Then user specify the location of the information which will be extracted and map it to the target table to define the Extraction rules. In the phase of the execution of the Extraction rules, the system extracts the data of Web structure with user-defined extraction rules. Finally, it is stored in a structured way.
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