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     论文基于现有数据共享解决方案和应用平台优缺点的分析,提出了结合元数据和Web Service技术实现数据共享问题的解决方案,充分发挥了元数据在数据管理方面的特性和Web Service在分布式计算上的优势,实现了共享数据的集中性管理和分布式存储,并对崇明岛生态环境数据共享平台的开发建设进行了具体的研究。
     论文主要研究成果体现在:提出了基于元数据与Web Service相结合的数据共享解决方案,并总结了相关的关键技术;对崇明岛生态环境数据共享平台进行了开发研究,解决了多部门异构数据的共享问题;制定了共享数据的元数据标准,开发了Web Service功能模块用于分布式异构数据的标准化。
With the development of computer technology and informazation advancement, data in various departments are increasing at an unprecedented speed, which are stored and managed by different types of DBMS. Distributed heterogeneous system leads to much inconvenience in data access among enterprises, departments and organizations, thus greatly impairing the efficiency of information utilization. The issues of improving the utilization of data and the phenomenon of "Information Island" are increasingly concerned, and the realization of data sharing through internet currently becomes a hot spot in researches in this field around the world. Basing on the analysis of the existing data sharing solutions and strong points and weak points of the data sharing application platform, this thesis presents a solution to realize data sharing in combination with technologies of Metadata and Web Service. It gives full play to the strong points of Metadata in data management and distributed handling of Web Service, realizing the centralized management and distributed storing of data, as well as detailed research of development in Chongming Ecological Environment Data Sharing Platform.
     This thesis includes six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the background and research significance, summarizes the research status of data sharing around the world and clarifies the contents. Chapter 2 explores the key technologies and runtime environment in the development of Chongming Ecological Environment Data Sharing Platform in detail. Chapter 3 discusses the design and development of Chongming Ecological Environment Data Sharing Platform, including six parts, i.e., project background, establishment objective, platform design, Metadata design, functional development and features of platform. Chapter 4 presents application examples of Chongming Ecological Environment Data Sharing Platform, giving a detailed introduction to the main functions of the platform. Chapter 5 summarizes the research results of the thesis as well as the weak points and further work in the future. Main research results of the thesis reflected in the following aspects: brings forward the data sharing solutions based on Metadata and Web Service and summarizes relevant key technologies; conducts development and research on Chongming Ecological Environment Data Sharing Platform, solving the issues of heterogeneous data sharing among multi-department; formulates the Metadata standards for sharing data and develop the Web Service function module for standardization of heterogeneous data.
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