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     用界面聚合的方法将羧酸根载体引入膜内。以均苯三甲酰氯(TMC)为有机相单体,二氨基苯甲酸钠(DAmBS)为水相单体,在涂敷了硅橡胶(PDMS)的PS基膜上进行界面聚合制备聚(DAmBS-TMC)/PDMS/PS复合膜。在水相中加入4,7,10-三氧-1,13-癸烷二胺(DEGBAmPE)以调节载体含量及聚合物链段的柔性,从而制备了聚(DAmBS-DEGBAmPE-TMC)/PDMS/PS复合膜。研究了制膜因素对复合膜结构和性能的影响。考察了复合膜的抗氧化性和耐酸性。结果表明,所制膜具有良好的CO_2透过分离性能、抗氧化和耐酸性能。对于CO_2/N2混合气,用0.003mol/L TMC,0.004mol/L DAmBS和0.006mol/L DEGBAmPE所制复合膜在进料气压力为0.11MPa时,CO_2渗透速率为5831GPU,CO_2/N2分离因子为86。
Fixed carrier membranes for CO_2separation are promising membranes. However,most of the fixed carrier membranes contain amine groups as carriers, which may beoxidized by the oxidant gases (mainly O_2) and react with the acidic gas (mainly SO_2)contained in the flue gas. In this work, different methods are used to fixed thecarboxylate group as the carrier in the membrane to get excellent permselectivity,antioxidizability and acid resistance.
     The method of the radical polymerization was used to fixed the carboxylate groupas the carrier. Poly(sodium acrylate)(PAAS) and a seriers of poly(sodiumacrylate-co-acrylamide)(P(AAS-co-AAm)) were synthesized by sodium acrylate andmixture of sodium acrylate and acrylamide through radical polymerization. Thecomposite membranes were developed respectively with the above materials as activelayers and polysulfone (PS) as the supports. ATR-FTIR was employed to characterizethe possible reactions between the gases and the membrane, and the permselectivityof the membrane was measured with CO_2/N2mixed gas. The transport mechanisms ofCO_2and N2in the membrane were hence studied. The effects of AAS content of thepolymer and the wet coating thickness of the active layer on the membranepermselectivity were investigated. The antioxidizability and the acid resistance of thiskind of membrane were verified. The results showed that the membranes possessedgood CO_2separation performance, antioxidizability and acid resistance. In the testswith CO_2/N2mixed gas (containing15vol%CO_2and85vol%N2), the membraneprepared by using P(AAS-co-AAm) containing47.68mol%AAS with wet coatingthickness of200μm had a CO_2permeance of163GPU and CO_2/N2selectivity of90at0.11MPa feed pressure.
     The method of polymer blending was used to fixed the carboxylate group as thecarrier. The composite membranes were developed with the blend materialPAAS-PEG as the active layers and PS as the supports. The effects of the molecularweight of PEG and the mass ratio of PAAS to PEG on the membrane permselectivitywere investigated. The results showed that the membranes possessed good CO_2separation performance. In the tests with CO_2/N2mixed gas (containing15vol%CO_2and85vol%N2), when MWPEGwas20,000,mPAAS:mPEGwas1:2, the PAAS-PEG/PS blend composite membrane had a CO_2permeance of700GPU and CO_2/N2selectivityof80at0.11MPa feed pressure.
     Interfacial polymerization (IP) was used to fixed the carboxylate group as thecarrier. The (DAmBS-TMC)/PDMS/PS membrane and(DAmBS-DEGBAmPE-TMC)/PDMS/PS membranes were developed withcrosslinked polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coating PS as support membranes,trimesoyl chloride (TMC) as monomer of organic phase, sodium3,5-Diaminobenzoate (DAmBS) or mixture of DAmBS and diethylene glycolbis(3-aminopropyl) ether (DEGBAmPE) as monomers of aqueous phase. The effectsof various parameters on membrane performance were investigated. The resultsshowed that the membranes possessed good CO_2separation performance. Theantioxidizability and the acid resistance of this kind of membrane were verified. Theresults showed that the membranes possessed good CO_2separation performance,antioxidizability and acid resistance. In the tests with CO_2/N2mixed gas (containing15vol%CO_2and85vol%N2), the membrane prepared with0.003mol/L of TMC,0.004mol/L of DAmBS and0.006mol/L of DGBAmPE had a CO_2permeance of5831GPU and CO_2/N2selectivity of86at0.11MPa feed pressure.
     Taking the (DAmBS-DEGBAmPE-TMC)/PDMS/PS membrane prepared in thiswork for example, the energy and the total cost required for the process werecalculated. The results showed that the membrane prepared in this work wascompetitive with the traditional chemical absorption method, and had a potential to beused for CO_2separation from the flue gas.
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