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     我们还对油酸钠(SOA)在室温合成CuO纳米叶过程中的作用方式进行了考察研究。SOA对Cu(OH)_2向CuO的转化具有抑制作用,且当体系中OA–含量足够多时,会导致CuO纳米叶顶端分叉并分裂为1D棒状产物。以SOA修饰的CuO为起始物还原制备Cu时,其抑制作用仍然存在,通过向体系中引入少量Ni2+可以催化还原反应快速进行。TG–DTA分析显示,与无Ni催化的八面体笼状Cu相比,加Ni催化制备的八面体笼状Cu具有更好的稳定性。SOA修饰的CuO和Cu纳米材料组装成的电化学无酶传感器对葡萄糖检测均有很好的响应效果,检测灵敏度分别为:CuO:26.6μAmmol~(-1)L,Cu:39.04μA mmol~(–1)L。
     最后,我们利用低温液相法制备出来的CuO纳米叶、Cu纳米材料及多足状Cu_2O微晶催化AP热分解,考察了不同催化剂添加量、催化次数对AP热分解性能的影响。用CuO进行催化时,可将AP的主要分解温度由472.7oC降低到300oC,热分解的单位焓变提高(CuO用量为1%时,AP热分解单位焓变由20.33Jg~(–1)s~(–1)提高到了36.32J g~(–1)s~(–1)),且表现出很好的重复可利用性。纳米Cu由于其更加活泼的催化性能,添加量为0.05%时就有很好的催化效果,纳米Cu用量为2%时,AP的主要分解温度降低了150oC,热分解单位焓变达到79.07J g~(–1)s~(–1),约为纯AP的3.9倍,实现了AP在低温区的快速高效分解放热。
In this paper, the copper and copper oxide nanomaterials were synthesized at lowtemperature in aqueous solution. Reaction mechanism and properties characterizationswere also conducted. Investigations are based on several aspects including synthesis,mechanism, properties and applications. The content mainly involve preparation,reaction mechanism and properties study of CuO nanoleaves, Cu flowers, Cuoctahedral cages, Ni-catalyzed Cu nanocrystals, multi-rods Cu_2O crystals andSiO_2-protected Cu nanoparticles.
     Firstly, CuO nanoleaves were successfully synthesized from Cu(OH)_2precipitation at room temperature in aqueous solution. According to thetransformation mechanism, Cu(OH)_2→Cu(OH)_4~(2–)→CuO, amounts orconcentrations of NaOH in the system plays an important role in controlling thereaction velocity. Transformation can be accomplished in15~30min by adjustingNaOH solution in a appropriate amount and concentration. Morphologies anddispersibility of samples were improved by introducing surfactants into the system.The obtained CuO nanoleaves were stably suspended in ethanol.
     Then, CuO nanoleaves synthesized at room temperature were reduced to Cunanostructures by adding reducing agent into the system. Cu nanocrystals withdifferent structures were obtained by adjusting the reducing agent quantity andreduction time. When the reducing reaction took place fast, CuO nanoleaves werereduced to Cu_2O and then to Cu nanoparticles. Cu particles aggregated togetherforming Cu spheres, and Cu flowers were finally obtained with further growth.Accurate controlling the reducing agent quantity and reduction time, Cu octahedralcages were obtained through the morphology heredity from Cu_2O octahedra.TG–DTA analysis illuminated that Cu octahedral cages had higher stability than Cuflowers. The as-prepared Cu nanostructures were used to construct non-enzymaticglucose sensor, which has a well-defined, stable and fast amperometric response.
     We also studied the behavior of oleic sodium (SOA) in preparation of CuO nanoleaces at room temperature. It was found that adding SOA could not only slowdown the transformation velocity from Cu(OH)_2to CuO, but also effect themorphology of CuO nanoleaves. When the amount of OA–is sufficient in the system,top of the CuO nanoleaf would be branched and separated into nanorod finally. Theinhibited effect of SOA also existed when reducing the SOA-decorated CuOnanoleaves to Cu nanocrystals. By introducing Ni~(2+)into the system, reducing reactionwas catalyzed and could accomplish in a short time. TG–DTA results implied that theNi-assisted Cu octahedral cages had higher stability than Cu octahedral cages withoutNi.
     Otherwise, reducing behavior of NaH2PO_2was studied under different conditions.Multi-rods Cu_2O crystals were obtained from Cu(OH)_4~(2–)under alkaline condition.Increasing the concentration of CuSO_4, morphologies of Cu_2O crystals change asoctahedron, divided octahedron, six-rods and arrow. According to the bond-valencestructure transformation of NaH_2PO_2in acidic condition, Cu nanoparticles weresuccessfully synthesized by adjusting the solution pH to5~6. SiO_2were introducedto protect the Cu nanoparticles from oxidation. TG–DTA characteration informed thatas the SiO_2content increased, the stability of Cu nanopaticles was improved.Moreover, introducing SiO_2could also improve the morphologies and dispersibility ofCu nanoparticles.
     Finally, the as-prepared CuO nanoleaves, Cu nanoparticles and multi-rods Cu_2Ocrystals were used as catalysts for the thermal decomposition of AP. The hightemperature of AP decomposition decreased from472.7oC to308oC when CuO1%was used, and the unit enthalpy of AP decomposition increased. Moreover, CuOnanoleaves were recyclable for AP decomposition. Thank to its higher catalyticactivity, nano-Cu showed good catalytic effect for AP decomposition. The maindecomposition temperature of AP was decreased to319oC when nano-Cu2%wasused. The unit enthalpy was improved to79.07J g~(–1)s~(–1), which is about3.9times ofpure AP. Fast heat release of AP decomposition with high exothermic is realized atlow temperature under Cu nanoparticles’ catalysis.
     In summary, our research invoved the synthesis, characteration ang propertiesstudy of copper and copper oxide nanomaterials. The preparation method is facil andsimple, the as-prepared samples have widely use in non-enzymatic glucose sensor anddecomposition of AP.
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