大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889)种群分化及其环境适应
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大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton,1889)(英文名:Greater long-tailed hamster)属于啮齿目(Rodentia)仓鼠科(Cricetidae)仓鼠属(Cricetulus)。体型较大,是仓鼠属中体型最大和种类,也是我国北方农田主要害鼠,有着广泛的地域分布。以往对大仓鼠生长、发育、繁殖以及行为和种群生态有着较为深入的研究。分子生物学方法也开始被运用到大仓鼠在不同年龄、不同季节、中心与边缘种群、山区与平原种群间结构的差异研究。
     1.无论是形态学还是分子生物学,其结果都支持甘肃、宁夏地区所采集的标本为大仓鼠,否认了以往甘肃仓鼠属的分类意见。形态学统计结果,与大仓鼠指名亚种和东北亚种间大部分外形和头骨量度差异不显著,少部分量度存在显著差异。遗传距离估算,与华北地区大仓鼠种群分歧时间约为24.3万年。据此,甘肃、宁夏地区所采标本应属于大仓鼠甘肃亚种(C. triton cansus)。
Greater long-tailed hamster (Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889) is one of the major rodent pests in farmlands of Northern China. The distribution ranges from northern China to Korea and the adjacent areas of Russia. In China, it mainly distributes from the northern Yangtze River through the North China Plain, Northeast Plain, to Shaanxi plain. The greater long-tailed hamster generally coccupies the farmland, grassland and valley near the cropland, and lives solitarily throughout the year. The general ecology of the C. triton has been extensively investigated, and a preliminary study using RAPD method on its genetic diversity is also reported. There are five subspecies in China, C. t. triton, C. t. fuscipes, C. t. collinus, C. t. incanus and C. t. canus. But the taxonomic status about C. t. canus has been discussed since 1928 when it was reported as Cansumys canus by Allen G.M..
    We compared the morphological characteristics and partial sequences of the mitochondrial control region(621bp, 502bp) of specimen from different regions. The result show that the most morphological characteristics of the specemen from Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has no distinct difference except few body and skull measurements. Though there is no haplotype shared by the North China Plain population and, NJ tree and genetic distance indicate their relationship is close. The Northwesten population diverged from the North China Plain population about 24, 3000 years ago. The indivuduals in differental populations were influenced by various environmental factors and caused some phenotypic variations. We reached the following conclusion:
    1. Supported by the results of morphological and molecular biology analysis,the taxonomic status of Cricetulus triton cansus should be accepted.
    2. Diverged from the North China Plain populations, C. triton cansus might
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