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Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry is the most characteristics of theChinese nation the most unique advantages of China the absolute advantage of themost(international trade)industry.Woody Traditional Chinese Medicine is animportant part of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also China's traditional exportproducts.In2010,China woody Traditional Chinese Medicine production reached1174300tons.2011Chinese herbs sown area reached1.37million hectares.Woody Traditional Chinese Medicine Eucommia as example,the World Eucommiaorigin mainly in China,2010China Eucommia production was234600tons,Eucommia export volume was2315tons. World Eucommia origin mainly inChina,and began turning standardized cultivation phase. According to thiswillingness to supply woody Traditional Chinese Medicine Eucommia surveyresults show that about17.23%of the farmers have expressed willingness tosupply woody herbs Eucommia. Since woody herbs (including woody herbsEucommia) the economic value of natural attributes,and market demand reasons,led to the brink of depletion of wild woody medicinal resources.At present Chinahas comprehensively promote the reform of collective forest rights more than50%of the woodland area lies in8700000foresters in the hands of the woodland as theforesters’ important economic resources to seek higher economic benefits offorestry investment projects become foresters primary problem.Woody TraditionalChinese Medicine from the wild to a home-grown the woodland resourcerequirements of site conditions is not strictly within the scope of its growth habitsuitable for afforestation of barren hills and wasteland do good to the country andthe people.The woody Traditional Chinese Medicine economic value is very highwhich will help the mountain foresters wealth fortune.The woody TraditionalChinese Medicine have medicinal value is to ensure that the world relief Materia Medica of the Chinese nation thrive.To play woodland resource endowmentsufficient advantage in the current context the systematic research the foresters andwoody Traditional Chinese Medicine supply relationships and explore foresterswoody Traditional Chinese Medicine supply willingness to supplydecision-making behavior influencing factors have important practicalsignificance.
     Thereby determining the overall goal of this research project:determine theoverall objective of the research projects.From woody Traditional ChineseMedicine providers---the micro-level foresters start in-depth study of the historyof the planting of woody Traditional Chinese Medicine the stage of developmentof the industry of woody Traditional Chinese Medicine woody Traditional ChineseMedicine Changes of Industrial Policy woody Traditional Chinese Medicinegrowth habit and geographical distribution planting production status productionand cultivation techniques and to promote the status quo on the basis of theinternational and domestic market supply and demand situation looking for thewillingness of foresters woody Traditional Chinese Medicine supply the mainfactors suggesting that the relationship between the input and output of the supplyof the foresters woody Traditional Chinese Medicine and simulation of the supplypotential of woody Traditional Chinese Medicine under different constraints bylinear programming theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to provide guidancerecommended for of woody Traditional Chinese Medicine industrial policy andwoody Traditional Chinese Medicine production.On the basis of research thisstudy in order to achieve the foresters woody Traditional Chinese Medicine supplywillingness to supply decision-making behavior through a literature review to seektheoretical support and theoretical basis of the research and woody TraditionalChinese Medicine industry development in the full study presented as an exampleof Eucommia empirical research.In this study economic sociology econometrics operations research and other disciplines of the market economy in the process oftheoretical analysis and empirical analysis theory analysis method questionnairesurvey and expert interviews random sampling method linear programmingmethod this project examines the basic method and the use of methods ofeconomic evaluation of the net present value method.
     In this study include: the use of woody herbs depth literature review of fourstages of industrial development in the national macro-industrial policy changes,the overall level of technology industry,industrial development market prospectsfor the study of macroscopic description foresters woody herbs supply industrialbackground willingness to seek foresters supply of woody herbs and supply factorsinfluence behavioral decision made foresters to establish farmers’ rationaleconomic man assumption of profit maximization goals include Chapter II and III.Chapter IV build foresters’ woody herbs supply theory analysis and model ofwillingness to supply farmers in the full analysis and behavioral factors wereconstructed on the basis of farmers' willingness to supply model Eucommia yieldper unit area production function model, as well as supplying medicinesEucommia foresters Decision model. Chapter V apply using the questionnairedesign and expert interviews,questionnaires demonstrated through stratifiedrandom sampling method to look for in Fujian field survey samples collectedwillingness to supply farmers with the factors affecting their willingness tosupply,collecting Eucommia planting plots on the input and output per unit areaforesters actual data collected through Excel software to collate relevant data usingdescriptive statistical analysis method describes the basic characteristics of thesample farmers; while the use of binary logistic regression willingness forestersEucommia supply key variables a significant degree of comparative analysis usingNPV fir with gutta NPV profit per unit area. Chapter VI econometric model toestimate the production function model test Eucommia;Chapter VII of the use of linear programming method for solving the optimal Eucommia relationships andanalog inputs and outputs of different constraints woody herbs gutta supplypotential. Under Chapter VIII of the main conclusions of the study will helpimprove farmers' willingness to supply woody herbs and conducive to China'sindustrial development countermeasures and suggestions.
     In this study,empirical study reached the following main conclusions:(1) dueto the woody herbs (Eucommia for example) the value of medicinal value and thecorresponding logs and other forest products is relatively high foresters businesswoody herbs economic benefits (compared with operating fir) However thewillingness low supply. Foresters woody herbs (Eucommia for example) variablesinclude age,gender,marital status,education level,large-scale land policysubsidies its foresters Chinese herbal background variables and foresters woodyherbs (Eucommia for example) has a positive impact on the level of understandingof variables foresters woody herbs (Eucommia example) supply wishes.(2)use ofwoody herbs Eucommia production function analyzed labor input variablesplanting density variable has a more significant effect on the per unit area yield ofwoody herbs Eucommia the fertilizer variable per unit area yield of woody herbsEucommia is not significant still need further in-depth follow-up study.(3)ondifferent constraints scenario simulation the main producing areas of woody herbsEucommia and secondary production areas (including Fujian Province) a hugepotential supply of woody herbs. The woody medicinal the Eucommia herbs ofprice change when its price fell to4.95Yuan per kg foresters will stop the supply.In addition,the changes in the prices of production factors and the discount ratelevel also has a certain impact on the supply of woody herbs.
     Based on the above research findings combined with Chinese herbalmedicine industry development woody asked the following policyrecommendations:(1) to improve the cognitive level foresters’ woody herbs efforts to increase scientific literacy opened of woody herbs growing technologypromotion training courses on a regular basis.(2) to improve the woody herbsafforestation support policies. Increase foresters woody herbs supply the wishes oftheir woodland resources decision-making behavior foresters operating policysubsidies the government should grasp this opportunity to give full play to thepositive energy of the forestry subsidy policy.(3) to improve the woody herbsconstruction industry chain follow the “Production learning research and utilize”combining the objectives and requirements the establishment of woody herbsindustry chain platform to promote the sustained and healthy development ofwoody herbs industry.(4) to formulate a the woody herbs industry developmentplan established the goal of industrial development of woody herbs etc..
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