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拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803-1892)是美国文艺复兴时期著名的文学家和思想家。他的超验主义思想中蕴含的权利思想对当时的美国社会产生了重要影响。它否定了上帝的绝对权威,确定了个人的神圣性,唤醒了人们的自我意识。他号召个人在自立的基础上,相互团结争取自身的合法权利,必要时可以采取武力。同时,爱默生将自己的权利思想积极运用到政治生活中,积极参与废奴运动和19世纪美国第一次妇女运动,推进了美国社会运动的发展。
     本文通过对历史文献及爱默生书信的研究,分别论述了爱默生权利思想在废奴运动以及19世纪美国第一次妇女运动中的运用。爱默生对待废奴运动态度的变化,经历了早期的观望,中期积极鼓励民众参与到后期自己热情投身于废奴事业三个阶段。在将权利思想运用于废奴运动时,爱默生仍然坚持个人的重要性,号召个人在自立的基础上,组成联合的团体,争取黑人的公民权利。同时,通过主要研究弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)以及威廉姆·爱德华·伯格哈特·杜波依斯(William Edward Burghardt Du Bois)在黑人争取权利运动过程中思想及活动特征,分析爱默生权利思想对黑人运动领袖产生的影响;通过论述废奴主义者以组织团体的形式进行政治活动的特征,证明爱默生权利思想对黑人民权运动组织形成的促进作用。
     爱默生由于主要受到玛格丽特·福勒(Margaret Fuller)女权主义思想的影响,在关注废奴运动的同时,投身于妇女争取权利的运动中。爱默生将权利思想运用于妇女运动时,坚持超验主义思想中一贯以个人为中心的原则,鼓励女性自立,强调女性享有的平等权利,鼓励妇女争取政治权利。在考察爱默生权利思想对妇女运动的影响方面,通过当时妇女运动领袖的论述来证明爱默生对唤醒妇女自我意识的贡献,运用爱默生积极参与妇女运动活动的事例证明其对妇女争取自身权利的支持。
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892) was an American essayist and thinker in the period of American Renaissance. His thought of rights, which derives from his transcendentalism, has exerted great influence on American Society. It denies the authority of the God, and affirms the divinity of the individuals, which arises the individual's awareness of selfhess. Emerson calls for cooperating with each other on the basis of the principle of self-reliance to fight for the personal rights, requesting the use of force/violence if necessary. Meanwhile, Emerson implicates his thought of rights into the practical political life, actively participating in the anti-slavery movement and19th American women's rights movement, impelling the progress of American social movement.
     Combining with Emerson's lectures and literature works, I relate and analyze the cause of his thought of rights, and its characteristic of taking over from the past and setting a new course for the future, in the respects of historical background, and the sources of his thought. Affected by the religion, politics, economy and society, his thought of rights is a reflection of the characteristics of the times. Deeply imbued with the European bourgeoisie's view of human rights, especially John Locke's thought of human rights, ideas from Scottish Enlightenment and American democratic theories during the age of American Revolution, Emerson, taking over the predecessors'ideas and absorbing their essence, forming his own thought of rights, along with the specially designated society and historical conditions of America. The contents of Emerson's thought of rights are summarized in terms of four aspects, that is, his ideas about the God, individuals, the relationship between God and individuals, and about how to gain the rights. Emerson's thought of rights, which derives from his transcendentalism, denies the absolute authority of the God, advocates individuals' rights to freedom and equality; emphasizes on self-reliance, and self-reform propels social reform; calls for people to gain their own rights through collective efforts on the basis of the principle of self-reliance.
     Based on historical documents and letters of Emerson, the implications of his thought of rights in abolition movement and19th American women's rights movement are expounded. Emerson's attitude towards abolition movement changes in the process, that is, hesitation at the early stage, his encouragement of the mass to participate in the movement at the middle stage and his actively involvement in the movement at the later stage. Implicating his theory into practice, Emerson still insists on the importance of the individual, calling for the people to unite together to seek for their rights on the basis of self-reliance. At the same time, studies on ideas and political activities of Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Du Bois in the process of leading the Black to fight for their rights are used to testify the influence of Emerson's thought of rights on the Black leaders; examples of abolitionists'conducting the political activities in the form of organization to prove the promoting effects of his thought on the formation of the Black civil rights organizations.
     Mainly influenced by Margaret Fuller's feminism, Emerson engages in the women's rights movement, while concerning about the abolition movement. When implicating his theory into women's rights movement, he still adheres to the individual-centered principle of transcendentalism, encouraging women's self-reliance, emphasizing their in-born equal rights given, and advocating them to fight for their own rights. In terms of Emerson's influence on women's rights movement, statements of the leaders of women's rights movement are used to testify Emerson's contribution to the wake of women's awareness of selfness, examples of his participation in the women's rights movement are used to explain his supports to women's struggle for their rights.
     This dissertation, through his lectures, literature works, and his political practices, attempts to prove Emerson not only makes contribution to American society and culture in terms of ideology, but also impels the people to gain rights and the social progress to some extent through his keynote speeches made in the meetings and gatherings, his advices on the social movement when in organized groups, his expressions on people's fighting for rights with leaders from the government and the Congress, and his donation to the movement.
     This dissertation uses the methods of historical analysis and literature analysis to, study the historical background of the formation of Emerson's though of rights, the cause of his concerning about the abolition movement, and the19th women's rights movement, seeking to fully induce and summarize the contents of his thought of rights, discussing his impact on the two social movements from the aspects of the ideology and political participation.
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    "Anita Patterson, From Emerson to King:Democracy, Race, and the Politics of Protest, New York:Columbia University Press,1997, p.177.
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    ② Merrell R. Davis, "Emerson's 'Reason' and the Scottish Philosophers", New England Quarterly 17, no.2 (1944):pp. 209-28.
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    ② Alan M. Levine and Daniel S. Malachuk, eds. A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Kentucky:The University Press of Kentucky,2011. p.3.
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    ④ Lawrence Buell, "The Emerson Industry in the 1980s:A Survey of Trends and Achievements", ESQ A Journal of the American Renaissance,30, no.2 (1984):pp.117-36.
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    ② Len Gougeon,"'Only Justice Satisfies All':Emerson's Militant Transcendentalism." In Emerson for the Twenty-first Century:Global Perspectives on an American Icon, edited by Barry Tharaud. Wilmington:University of Delaware Press, 2010.
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    ② David S. Reynolds, "Transcendentalism, transnationalism, and anti-slavery violence:Concord's embrace of John Brown." In Emerson for the Twenty-first Century:Global Perspectives on an American Icon, edited by Barry Tharaud. Wilmington:University of Delaware Press,2010.
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    ④ Sherman Paul, Emerson's Angle of Vision:Man and Nature in American Experience. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1952. Charles T. Rubin, "The Mystery of Nature and Culture:Ralph Waldo Emerson." In Conservation Reconsidered:Nature, Virture, and American Liberal Democracy, edited by Charles T. Rubin. Lanham, Md.:Rowman and Littlefield,2000
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    ② Wilson Carey McWilliams, The Idea of Fraternity in America. Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1973.
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    ⑤ George Kateb, "Democratic Individuality and the Meaning of Rights." In Liberalism and the Moral Life, edited by Nancy Rosenblum. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1984.
    ① Christopher Newfield, The Emerson Effect:Individualism and Submission in America. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1996.
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    ④ Lou Ann Lange, The Riddle of Liberty:Emerson on Alienation, Freedom, and Obedience. Athens:University of Georgia Press,1986.
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    ① 共和主义分为传统共和主义和新共和主义。在传统共和主义思想中,就政体形式而言,共和制与君主制是两个相对的概念,共和国的国家元首由宪法确定并定期任命的,而非世袭;政府职能是法定的、有限的。自由共和主义与混合政体、分权制衡、法治、代议制等宪政原则结合在一起,是对纯粹民主原则的一种节制或限制。新共和主义是一种强调平等、政治参与和公共精神的政治模式,它区别于以个人取向为特征的自由主义和包含着威权政策的社会主义。
    ② Daniel S. Malachuk, "The Republican Philosophy of Emerson's Early Lectures", New England Quarterly 71, no.3 (September 1998):pp.404-28.
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    ② Alex Zakaras, Individuality and Mass Democracy:Mill, Emerson, and the Burdens of Citizenship. New York:Oxford University Press,2009.
    ③ 参见George Willis Cooke, Ralph Waldo Emerson:His Life, Writings, and Philosophy, Boston:James R. Osgood,1881. Moncure Daniel Conway, Emerson at Home and Abroad, Boston:James R. Osgood,1882. Alexander Ireland, In Memoriam. Ralph Waldo Emerson:Recollections of His Visits to England in 1833,1847-8,1872-3, and Extracts from Unpublished Letters, Lightning Source Incorporated,1882. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1884. James Elliot Cabot, A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Houghton Mifflin and Company,1887. Ralph L. Rusk, Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson, New York:Charles Scribner's Sons,1949. Stephen E. Whicher, Freedom and Fate:An Inner Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Literary Licensing LLC,1953.
    ④ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson. Antislavery and Reform, Athens, Georgia:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.1
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    ① Moncure Conway, Emerson at Home and Abroad. Boston:James R. Osgood,1992.
    ② Alexander Ireland, Ralph Waldo Emerson:His Life, Genius, and Writings. London:Simpkin, Marshall and Company, 1882.
    ③ James Elliot Cabot, A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson,2 vols. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1887.
    ④ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery and Reform, Athens, Georgia:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.15
    ⑤ Ibid,p.15
    ① George Edward Woodberry, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1915.
    ② Oscar W. Firkins, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1915.
    ③ Ralph L. Rusk, The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York:Scribner's Sons,1949.
    ④ Gay Wilson Allen, Waldo Emerson:A Biography. New York:Vikings,1981.
    ⑤ John McAleer, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Days of Encounter, Boston:Little, Brown and Company,1984.
    ① Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery and Reform, Athens, Georgia:The University of Georgia Press, 1990.
    ② Albert J. Von Frank, The Trials of Anthony Burns:Freedom and Slavery in Emerson's Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1999
    ③ Anita Haya Patterson, From Emerson to King:Democracy, Race and the Politics of Protest, New York, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997.
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    ① Phyllis Cole, "Women's Rights and Feminism." In The Oxford Handbook To Transcendentalism, edited by Joel Myerson, Sandra Harbert Petrulionis, and Laura Dassow Walls. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2010.
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    ④ 张磊:《爱默生个人主义思想研究》,山东师范大学硕士学位论文,2010年。
    ⑤ 陈奔:《爱默生与美国个人主义》,厦门大学博士学位论文,2008年。
    ⑥ 叶英:《是废奴主义者,也是白人至上者——探析爱默生种族观的双重性》,载《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,2012年第10期,第193-196页。
    ⑦ 舒奇志:《二十年来中国爱默生、梭罗研究述评》,载《求索》2007年第4期,第225-227页。
    ① 冈内尔著:《政治理论:传统与阐释》,王小山译,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1988年,第101页。
    ① 李枝盛:《爱默生的和谐观》,载《世界文学评论》2009年第1期,第152-156页。
    ① 马玉凤,《论爱默生超验主义思想的形而上学基础》,《世界哲学》,2011年第6期,第143页。
    ② 黑格尔:《哲学史讲演稿》第一卷,北京:商务印书馆,1959年版,第56页。
    ① [英]R.C.西蒙斯:《美国早期史》,北京:商务印书馆,1994年版,第35页。
    ② Malcolm Bradbury and Howard Temperley eds., Introduction to American Studies. Longman Group UK Limited,1989, p.42.
    ③ John Winthrop, "A Model of Christian Charity", in The Journal of John Winthrop,1630-1649, p.1
    ① 史志康:《美国文学背景概观》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998,第68页。
    ② 同上,第69页。
    ③ 马玉凤:《论爱默生超验主义思想的形而上学基础》,《世界哲学》2011年第6期,第144页。
    ④ 钱满素:《爱默生和中国——对个人主义的反思》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1996年,第13页。
    ① 王锦瑭:《美国社会与文化》,武汉:武汉大学出版社,1996年,第52页。
    ② 费孝通:《美国与美国人》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1985年,第16页。
    ① 弗雷德里克·杰克逊·特纳:《边疆在美国历史上的重要性》,第266页。转引自康马杰:《美国精神》,第432页。
    ② 李剑鸣:《对美国自由的一种历史阐释——评埃里克·方纳的<美国自由的故事>》,《世界历史》,2004年,第1期,第116-127页。
    ④ Chenzewen《自由与平等:有关19世纪美国西进运动发展精神动因的历史诠释》,转引自,陈奔:《爱默生与美国个人主义》,2008年,厦门大学博士论文,第65页。
    ④ 同上,第65页。
    ⑤ 资中筠:《美国强盛之道》,载《资中筠论文集》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2002年,第310-311页。
    ① 亚里士多德:《政治学》,北京:商务印书馆,1983年版,第173页。
    ② 梅因:《古代法》,北京:商务印书馆,1959年版,第102页。
    ③ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第1卷,第382页。
    ④ 萨拜因:《政治哲学史》上册,北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第168页。
    ① 刘建飞:《美国政治文化的基本要素及其对国民行为的影响》,载《中共中央党校学报》,2003年第2期,第121-126页。
    ② Joyce Oldham Appleby, Economic Thought and Ideology in 17th Century England, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1978; Appleby, Capitalism and a New Social Order:The Republican Vision of the 1790s, New York:New York University Press,1984; Appleby, Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1992; Isaac Kramnick, Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism:Political Ideology in Late 18th Century England and America, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1990.
    ③ Neal Dolan, "Introduction" in Emerson's Liberalism, p.21.
    ④ [英]洛克;《政府论》下篇,翟菊农、叶启芳译,北京:商务印书馆,1964年版,第5页。
    ⑤ 同上,第6页。
    ⑥ 同上,第5页。
    ① [英]洛克:《政府论》下篇,翟菊农、叶启芳译,北京:商务印书馆,1964年版,第19页。
    ② The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by William H. Gihnan et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960-1982, vol.4, p.26. 关于爱默生一生中参与的自然科学论术,参见 Laura Dassow Walls Emerson's Li[e in Science: The Culture of Truth, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003.
    ③ Neal Dolan "Property in Being" in Alan M. Levine and Daniel S. Malachuk, eds., A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 2011. p.348.
    ④ Wilson Carey McWilliams, The Idea of Fraternitv in American, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973, p. 281.
    ⑤ Neal Dolan "Property in Being" in Alan M. Levine and Daniel S. Malachuk, eds., A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 2011. p.348.
    ① 《哈耶克论文集》,邓正来译,首都经济贸易大学出版社,2001年版,第483页。
    ② Neal Dolan "Property in Being" in Alan M. Levine and Daniel S. Malachuk, eds., A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kentucky:The University Press of Kentucky,2011. p.348.
    ③ 关于苏格兰财产观念的论述,可以参见Christopher J. Berry, Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1997.
    ④ [英]休谟:《休谟经济论文选》,25-26页。
    ⑤ Christopher J. Berry, Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,1997, p.129.
    ⑤ [美]克里斯托弗·贝里:《奢侈的概念——概念及历史的探究》,江红译,上海:上海人民出版社,2005,153页。
    ⑦ 参见Neal Dolan, Emerson's Liberalism, University of Wisconsin Press,2009.
    ⑧ Neal Dolan "Property in Being" in Alan M. Levine and Daniel S. Malachuk, eds., A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kentucky:The University Press of Kentucky,2011. p.349.
    ① [英]休谟:《休谟经济论文选》,“论利息”,北京:商务印书馆,1984年,第46页:[英]亚当·斯密:《亚当·斯密关于法律、警察、岁入及军备的演讲》,北京:商务印书馆,1962年,第261页。
    ② 休谟对孟德维尔道德观的批评见休谟:《人性论》,621页。斯密对孟德维尔道德观的探讨见斯密:《道德情操论》,405-415页。
    ③ 休谟认为,人不可能完全谟不关心他的同胞的幸福和苦难,经验证明我们称赞那些促进他人利益以及社会利益、社会和平、秩序的行动,而对相反的行动则加以责难。休谟:《道德原则研究》,曾晓平译,北京:商务印书馆,2001,80-82页。
    ④ [英]休谟:《道德原则研究》,曾晓平译,北京:商务印书馆,2001,107-109页。
    ⑤ G.W.F.Hegel, "Introduction to "Philosophy of History'" in The Hegel Reader, ed. Stephen Houlgate, London:Blackwell, 1998,p.402.
    ⑥ 张友伦:《美国通史》,北京:人民出版社,2002年,第400页。
    ① 《资产阶级政治家关于人权、自由、平等、博爱言论选录》,北京:世界知识出版社,1963年。
    ② [美]托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文选》,北京:商务印书馆,1963年版。
    ③ [美]托马斯·潘恩:《潘恩选集》,北京:商务印书馆,1981年版。
    ① 见《圣经》中《约翰一书》第4章第6节。
    ② “大觉醒”是18世纪40年代左右首发于新英格兰,后来遍及全美的一场宗教复兴运动,强调宗教感受和个人忏悔,其结果削弱了宗教保守集团的控制权。
    ① 钱满素:《爱默生和中国——对个人主义的反思》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1996年,第13页。
    ② Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957, p.139.
    ③ Ralf L. Rusk, The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson, New York:Charles Scribner's Sons,1949, p.159.
    ④ "The Divinity School Address", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957, p.113.
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al., Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1960-1970, vol.4, p.335.
    ② Octavius Brooks Frothingham, Transcendentalism in New England, Chapter. XIV,转引自帕灵顿:《美国思想史》,第681页。
    ③ 爱默生,《论美国学者》,载《爱默生文集》,赵一凡译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1993年,第68页。
    ④ Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957,p.62.
    "The American Scholar", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957,p.76.
    ⑤ "Self-Reliance", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957,p.l60.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.148.
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al., Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1960-1970, vol.10, p.8.
    ② Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957,p.95.
    ③ Ibid.,p.149.
    ④ Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. vol.3, p.243.
    ⑤ "The American Scholar", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957, p.79.
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.79.
    ⑦ "The American Scholar", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957, p.79.
    ① 钱满素:《爱默生和中国——对个人主义的反思》,三联书店,1996年,第196页。
    ② "The American Scholar", in Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson:An Organic Anthology, edited by Stephen E. Whicher, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin,1957,, p.79.
    ② 钱满素:《爱默生和中国——对个人主义的反思》,三联书店,1996年,第208页。
    ① Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures.ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. pp.65-70.
    ② Ibid., p.563.
    ③ Ibid., pp.229-230.
    ④ Plato, The Republic, trans. Francis M. Cornford. London:Oxford University Press,1941. p.139-142.
    ⑤ Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. p.268.
    ⑥ Ibid., pp.271-272.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.273.
    ① Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983.p.9.
    ② Ibid.,p.16.
    ③ Ibid.,p.81.
    ④ Ibid.,p.248.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.293.
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.472.
    ① Neal Dolan, "Property in Being", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.345
    ② 参见Neal Dolan, "Property in Being", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.343-377.
    ③ Gordon S. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1992).269-270页。本文引用S. Wood的The Radicalism of the American Revolution时曾参考过戈登伍德:《美国革命的激进主义》,傅国英译,北京大学出版社1997年版。
    ④ Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. pp.560-561
    ⑤ 18世纪辉格党人的财产观是洛克式的,财产不仅仅是个人对物质的拥有,而是个人人身的一部分。杰弗逊怀疑是否能将品格与财富划等号,但他承认财产是德行的最重要源泉。
    ⑥ 参见Alpheus Thomas Mason and Richard H. Leach, In Quest of Freedom,2nd ed, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1973, p.73.
    ① Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. p.560, p.1000.
    ② 洛克将保护财产作为个人放弃“自然状态”生活、进入政治社会的“重大和主要的目的”,而不同程度的勤劳给人们带来不同数量的财产。约翰·洛克,395,343,366页。
    ③ 辉格党(Whig Party)为美国在杰克逊民主(Jacksonian democracy)时代的一个政党,自1833年至1856年间持续运作,反对安德鲁·杰克逊总统及其创建之民主党所订立之政策。具体的说,辉格党拥护国会立法权高于总统内阁的执行权,赞同现代化与经济发展纲领。该党自选‘辉格’为名,附和反对英国王室君主专权的英国辉格党,反对总统专断。辉格党党员中有许多杰出的全国性政治人物,如丹尼尔·韦伯斯特与威廉·亨利·哈里森,以及卓越的领导者,肯塔基的亨利·克雷。亚伯拉罕·林肯也是辉格党党员。
    ④ Gordon S. Wood, The Creation of the American Republic, New York:University of North Carolina Press, pp.168-169; Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures, ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. p.992.
    ⑥ 参见Bernard de Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees, Harnondsworth, Middlesex:Penguin Books,1970, pp.208-209; Robert L. Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers, New York:Simon and Schuster,1980, pp.92-93.尽管斯密否认道德的阶级性,但他的人口法则所依据的劳工行为却与曼德维尔和李嘉图大同小异。
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.563
    ⑦ Clarence Gohdes. An American Author as Democrat (A), in Literary Romanticism in America, ed. William L. Andrews, Boston Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1981, p.11.
    ① Jack Turner, "Self-Reliance and Complicity:Emerson's Ethics of Citizenship", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p. 133.
    ② Len Geougn, "Emerson, Self-Reliance, and the Politics of Democracy", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.185.
    ① 《爱默生集:论文与讲演录》,吉欧·波尔泰编,赵一凡等译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1993年,第162-163页。
    ② 同上,第150-151页。
    ③ 同上,第653页。
    ④ George Kateb, "Self-Reliance, Politics, and Society", in Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.71.
    ① Caleb Smith, "Emerson and Incarceration", in American Literature 2 (2006), p.218.
    ② 《爱默生集:论文与讲演录》,吉欧·波尔泰编,赵一凡等译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1993年,第160页。
    ③ Harold Bloom, "The American Religion", Modern Critical Views:Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1985. p.97.
    ④ Saul Padover, "Ralph Waldo Emerson:The Moral Voice in Politics", in Political Science Quarterly 3 (1959),p.341.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.347.
    ⑥ Caleb Smith, "Emerson and Incarceration", in American Literature 2 (2006), p.224.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.218.
    ⑧ 《爱默生集:论文与讲演录》,吉欧·波尔泰编,赵一凡等译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1993年,第655页。
    ⑨ 同上,第155页。
    ① Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, Jenifer Frank, Complicity:How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery, Ballantine Books,2006, p.33.
    ② Wesley Mott, Ralph Waldo Emerson in Context, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2013, p.157.
    ③ David S. Reynolds, John Brown, Abolitionist:The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War and Seeded Civil Rights, Vintage,2006, p.223.
    ① George Kateb, "Self Reliance, Politics, and Society", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.70
    ② Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays & Lectures. ed., Joel Porte. Cambridge:Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1983. p.563.
    ③ George Kateb, "Self Reliance, Politics, and Society", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.70
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.11,pp.46-47.
    ② "The Fortune of the Republic", in The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.11, p.528.
    ③ "Fugitive Slave Law 1851", in The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.11, p.208.
    ① 李宁:《美国废奴运动的兴起和发展》,载《浙江师范大学学报》(社会科学版),1985年第2期,第89页。
    ② Harold Underwood Faulkner, American Economic History, New York:Harper Collins,1954, p.314.
    ③ 18世纪,美国南部以种植烟草、稻米为主,奴隶制曾一度衰落。因为,烟草消耗很快,加之古巴、哥伦比亚、苏门答腊等地竞争激烈,烟草不再是致富的作物;稻米则不足以维持大规模的奴隶经济。因此南部许多人对奴隶劳动的经济价值、奴隶制的远景都提出疑问。像华盛顿、杰斐逊这些较开明的奴隶主甚至主张废除奴隶制。
    ④ 奴隶主为加快奴隶人口自然增殖而采取的残忍方法,参见刘祚昌:《美国内战史》,第23页。
    ⑤ James Benson Sellers, Slaves in Alabama, University of Alabama Press,1950, pp.367-368.
    ⑤ 李宁:《美国废奴运动的兴起和发展》,载《浙江师范大学学报》(社会科学版),1985年第2期,第89页。
    ⑦ James Benson Sellers, Slaves in Alabama, University of Alabama Press,1950, pp.40-41.
    ① 李宁:《美国废奴运动的兴起和发展》,载《浙江师范大学学报》(社会科学版),1985年第2期,第89页。
    ② Charles Beard and Mary Beard, The Rise of American Civilization, New York, The Macmillan Company,1930, p.697.
    ③ Dwight Lowell Dumond, Antislavery Origins of the Civil War in the United States, University of Michigan Press,1959, p.40.
    ④John Hope Franklin and Evelyn Higginbotham, From Slavery to Freedom, New York, McGraw Hill,1956, p.242.
    ⑤ Charles Beard and Mary Beard, The Rise of American Civilization, New York, The Macmillan Company,1930, p.697.
    ⑥ Dwight Lowell Dumond, Antislavery Origins of the Civil War in the United States, University of Michigan Press,1959, p.85.
    ① Charles Beard and Mary Beard, The Rise of American Civilization, New York, The Macmillan Company,1930, p.700-701.
    ② John Hope Franklin and Evelyn Higginbotham, From Slavery to Freedom, New York, McGraw Hill,1956, p.253.
    ③ 秦建华:《略论美国废奴文学与废奴运动作家》,载《东疆学刊》(哲学社会科学版),1988年第1、2期,第35页。
    ① W.S.Robinson, "Warrington" Pen Portraits:A Collection of Personal and Political Reminiscences from 1848 to 1876, Boston:n.p.,1877, pp.19-71.
    ② The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.5, p.505.
    ③ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.28.
    ① Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.31.
    ② Walter Harding, Emerson's Library, Charlottesville:University Press of Virginia,1967, p.37.
    ③ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press. 1990, p.40.
    ④ Ibid., p.24.
    ③ 爱默生的祖父原名叫William Emerson Sr.后成为德高望重的牧师,因此改称The Reverend Ezra Ripley。参见Henry S. Nourse, History of the Town of Harvard Massachusetts:1732-1893. Harvard:Printed for Warren Hapgood, 1894, p.212.
    ① Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.25.
    ② Concord Freeman,7 February 1835, p.2.
    ③ 这段话记载于1837年1月28日《康科德自由人》杂志上。
    ④ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.27.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.27.
    ⑥ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.5, p.32.
    ⑦ Charles Emerson, "Lecture on Slavery", MS, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
    ⑧ 爱默生在1844年8月1日《解放大不列颠西印度群岛黑人奴隶》的演讲中同样提到了杜桑·卢维杜尔。
    ① Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, p.27.
    ② Franklin Sanborn, "The Women of Concord", Critic, May 1906, p.409.
    ③ Joan Trumbull, "Concord and the Negro", M.A. thesis, Vassar College,1944, p.31.
    ④ Ellen Tucker Emerson, The Life of Lidian Jackson Emerson, ed. Delores Bird Carpenter, Boston:Twayne Publishers, 1980, pp.62,83-84.
    ⑤ Linda Allardt, ed. The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, vol.12, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University,1976, p.152.
    ① 钱满素:《爱默生和中国——对个人主义的反思》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1996年,第17页。
    ② Daniel Walker Howe, The Unitarian Conscience:Harvard Moral Philosophy,1805-1861, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1970, pp.155,278.
    ③ Ibid., p.277.
    ④ 第15页,波士顿妇女反奴协会年报的资料收藏在波士顿图书馆里。
    ⑤ Daniel Walker Howe, The Unitarian Conscience:Harvard Moral Philosophy,1805-1861, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1970, p.270.
    ① Strange Cults and Utopias of 19th - Century America (1870; reprint, New York:Dover Publications,1966), p.104.
    ② Brook Farm,1899; reprint, Secaucus, N.J.:Citadel Press,1973, p.122.
    ③ 爱默生在1835年2月给利蒂亚的一封信中就提到,他天生就是一位诗人。转引自Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero: Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, p.52.
    ④ David S. Reynolds, Beneath the American Renaissance:The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville, Boston:Harvard University Press,1989, pp.85-94; Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press,1990, p.66.
    ⑤ 杰拉尔德·索林(Gerald Sorin)认为:“影响废奴主义者成长最大因素就是没有地域和意识形态限制的种族主义。黑人低下论的论点在美国的自人世界非常流行;即使是废奴主义者也不可能完全摆脱这一想法。”参见:Abolitionism:A New Perspective, New York:Praeger,1972), p.37.
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.7, p.393.
    ② Daniel Walker Howe, The Unitarian Conscience:Harvard Moral Philosophy,1805-1861, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1970, p.277.
    Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.53.
    ④ 转载自Adapa Rao, Emerson and Social Reform, India:Arnold-Heinemann Publishers,1980, p.73.
    ① Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, pp.74-75.
    ② Ibid.,p.85.
    ③ 转载自Daniel Walker Howe, The Unitarian Conscience:Harvard Moral Philosophy,1805-1861, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1970, pp.275-276.
    ④ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.5, p.91; vol.9, p.120.
    ⑤ Emerson notes in a letter to Samuel Ward mailed from Philadelphia, "I have seen Lucretia Mott who is a noble woman" (26 January 1843, MS, Houghton Library, Harvard University). For Phillips see JMN:pp.136-37; and Letters from Ralph Waldo Emerson to a Friend, ed. Charles Eliot Norton (1899; reprint, Port Washington, N.Y.:Kennikat Press,1971), p.60. Phillips occasionally visited Emerson's home, as early as 1838. On at least one occasion he was accompanied by Dr. Channing and "made a long call" (LL76).
    ① The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.11, p.244.
    ② Ibid., pp.228-229.
    ③ Ibid., p.229.
    ④ Ibid., p.229.
    ⑤ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.194.
    ① Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.218.
    ② Frank Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, Philadelphia:J.B. Lippincott,1907, pp. 108-109.
    ③ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.11,p.247.
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.14, p.93.
    ② Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform, Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.223.
    ③ The Letters of Ellen Tucker Emerson, edited by Edith E.W.Gregg. Kent, Ohio:Kent State University Press,1982, vol.1, p.249.
    ④ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.15, p.186-187.
    ① Frank Preston Stearns, The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns, Philadelphia:J.B.Lippincott,1907, p.280.
    ② The Conilete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.11,p.238.
    ③ Ibid.,p.297.
    ④ Ibid.,pp.298-299.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.299.
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.299.
    ① James Elliot Cabot, A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton, Mifflin,1887, vol.2, pp.425-26.
    ② Albert von Frank, "Mrs. Brackett's Verdict:Magic and Means in Transcendental Antislavery Work," in Transient and Permanent:The Transcendental Movement and Its Contexts, ed. Charles Capper and Conrad Wright, Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society,1999, pp.400-401.
    ③ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.1, p.77.
    ④ Ibid.,p,78.
    ⑤ Ibid., vol.1.p.10.
    ① Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.133.
    ② The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.2, p.28.
    ③ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.28.
    ④ 参见Len Gougeon "Emerson's Abolition Conversion," in The Emerson Dilemma:Essays on Emerson and Social Reform, ed. T. Gregory Garvey, Athens:University of Georgia Press,2001.
    ⑤ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.29.
    Maggie Sale, "Critiques from Within:Antebellum Projects of Resistance," American Literature 34.4 (1992):700.
    ⑦ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.30.
    ⑧ Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.196.
    ⑨ Ian Finseth, "Evolution, Cosmopolitan, and Emerson's Antislavery Politics", in American Literature, vol.77, no.4,2005, Duke University Press, p.733.
    ⑩ The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Alfred R. Ferguson et al., Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1971-, vol.2, p.28.
    ① The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Alfred R. Ferguson et al., Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1971-, vol.2, p.30.
    ② Ibid., vol.2, p.51.
    ③ Emerson, "Power," in Conduct of Life (1860), The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Alfred R. Ferguson et al., Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1971-, vol.6, p.30.
    ④ Emerson, "The Poet", in The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Alfred R. Ferguson et al., Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1971-, vol.3, p.16.
    ⑤ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, p.31.
    ⑥ 爱默生对黑人英雄主义的看法是罕见的。正如Waldo E. Martin Jr.指出的那样,在这个时期“英雄毫无疑问都是白人;黑人都是英雄主义的对立面——随从和奴隶。”他同样也指出,在道格拉斯看来,爱默生认为杜桑是“人类的最高体现,是一个勇敢的平等主义者和自由主义者,一个典型的靠自己努力而成功的人”(The Mind of Frederick Douglass, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1984, pp.270,271)。 Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, p.30.
    ⑦ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, pp.31-32.
    ① The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Alfred R. Ferguson et al., Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1971-, vol.4, p.18.
    ② Len Gougeon, "Militant Abolitionism:Douglass, Emerson, and the Rise of the Anti-Slave", in The New England Quarterly, vol. LXXXV, no.4,2012, p.624.
    ③ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.9, p.74.
    ④ Len Geougn, "Emerson, Self-Reliance, and the Politics of Democracy", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.194.
    ⑤ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.22.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.23.
    ① Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, pp. 28-29.
    ② Ibid., p.31.
    ③ Ibid., p.32.
    ④ "Introduction to Emerson's Antislavery Writings", in Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.ⅹⅹⅸ.
    ⑤ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.36.
    ① Len Gougeon, "Emerson and the New Bedford Affair," Studies in the American Renaissance,1981, ed. Joel Myerson, Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press,1981, pp.257-264.
    ② Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.41, p.43.
    ③ Len Gougeon, "Emerson, Self-Reliance, and the Politics of Democracy", in A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by Alan M. Levine, Daniel S. Malachuk, Lexington:The University Press of Kentucky,2011, p.198.
    ④ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.47, p.48.
    ⑤ Larry J. Reynolds, European Revolutions and the American Literary Renaissance, New Haven:Yale University Press, 1998, p.33.
    ⑥ 爱默生对宪章主义者特别着迷。他在1857年《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)第一期上发表的《宪章主义者的抱怨》(The Chartist's Complaint)中为他们庆祝。后来,他在历史性的演讲稿《共和国的财富》(Fortune of the Republic)中花大篇幅提到了他们为改革提出的“六大要求”。
    ⑦ Len Gougeon, Virtue's Hero:Emerson, Antislavery and Reform, Athens, Georgia:The University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.135.
    ① Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1995, p.103.
    ② Ibid.,p.103.
    ③ Ibid., p.105.
    ④ Len Gougeon, "Militant Abolitionism:Douglass, Emerson, and the Rise of the Anti-Slave", in The New England Quarterly, vol. LⅩⅩⅩⅤ, no.4,2012, p.641.
    ⑤ Michael Ziser:"Emersonia Terrorism:John Brown, Islam, and Postsecular Violence", in American Literature, vol.82, 2010, p.336.
    ⑥ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, p.83.
    ① Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, p.88.
    ② Albert J. von Frank, The Trials of Anthony Burns:Freedom and Slavery in Emerson's Boston, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1998, p.325.
    ③ Emerson's Antislavery Writings, ed. Len Gougeon and Joel Myerson, New Haven:Yale University Press,1955, p.103.
    ④ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson, Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-04. vol.11,p.306.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.306.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.307.
    ⑦ David Reynolds(John Brown:The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights, New York: Vintage Books,2005, p.188)认为“到19世纪50年代,超验主义者为了回应没有骨气的行为,他们将早期的观念赋予政治的意义,不光表扬那些自立的人,同时也表扬大胆的行为,不光表扬不循规蹈矩、墨守成规的行为,同时也表扬在一定原则之下,彻底的反抗行为,因为他们在布朗身上看到了这些品质,他们以及他们的圈子接收这个堪萨斯的勇士”。
    ① Paul Giles, "Narrative Reversals and Power Exchanges:Frederick Douglass and British Culture", in American Literature, vol.73,2001, p.783, p.785.
    ② Len Gougeon, "Douglass, Emerson, and the Anti-Slave", in New England Quarterly, vol.LⅩⅩⅩⅤ, no.4,2012, p.629.
    ③ Ibid., p.632.
    ④ McFeely, Frederick Douglass, p.116.
    ⑤ Ripley. "Autobiographical Writings of Frederick Douglass," p.14.
    ⑥ August Meier, "Frederick Douglass'Vision for America:A Case Study in Nineteenth Century Protest", in Herold M. Hyman and Leonard W. Levy, ed., Freedom and Reform:Essays in Honor of Henry Steel Commager. New York:Harper & Row,1967, pp.77-80.
    ① Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave[A]. Slave Narratives[C]. New York:Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,2000, p.306.
    ② Frederick Douglass. My Bondage and My Freedom [A]. Frederick Douglass:Autobiographies[C]. New York:Library of America,1994, p.218.
    ③ Frederick Douglass, The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass:From 1817-1882, Ulan Press,2012, p.284.
    ① August Meier, "Frederick Douglass'Vision for America:A Case Study in Nineteenth Century Protest", in Freedom and Reform:Essays in Honor of Henry Steel Commager, edited by Herold M. Hyman and Leonard W. Levy, Harper and Row, 1967,pp.77-80.
    ② Quoted from August Meier, "Frederick Douglass:Blueprint for Black People", in Benjamin Quarles, ed., Frederick Douglass, p.150.
    ③ Quoted from August Meier, "Frederick Douglass:Blueprint for Black People", pp.156-157.
    ④ Len Gougeon, "Emerson and the Reinvention of Democracy:A Lesson for the 21st Century", in New Morning:Emerson in the 21st Century, Arthur S. Lothstein & Michael Brodrick, ed., Albany:State University of New York Press,2008, p. 174.
    ⑤ David Levering Lewis, W.E.B.Du Bois:Biography of a Race,1868-1919, New York:Holt,1993, pp.162-163.
    ① W. E. B. Du Bois, The Philadelphia Negro:A Social Study. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania,1899.
    ② Elliott M. Rudwick, W. E. B. Du Bois:Propagandist of the Negro Protest. New York:Atheneum,1968, p.18.
    ③ Ibid., p.260.
    ④ Ibid.,pp.260-261.
    ① August Meier, Negro Thought in America,1880-1915, University of Michigan Press,1964, pp.190-191.
    ② John H. Bracey, Jr., August Meier, and Elliott Rudwick, ed., Black Nationalism in America, MacMillan Publishing Company,1970, p.261.
    ① Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, Fortress Press,2010, p.70
    ② Anita Patterson, From Emerson to King:Democracy, Race, and the Politics of Protest, Oxford University Press,1997, p.178.
    ③ 李青:《美国废奴运动的形成及其主要派别》,载《杭州师范学院学报》,1990年第2期,第35页。
    ④ Jesse Macy, The Anti-Slavery Crusade:A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm. New York:Brook,1976, p.55.
    ① 李青:《美国废奴运动的形成及其主要派别》,载《杭州师范学院学报》,1990年第2期,第36页。
    ② 同上,第36页。
    ① 王恩铭:《20世纪美国妇女研究》,上海外语教育出版社,2002年,第4页。
    ② [美]萨拉·M·埃文斯著,杨俊峰译:《为自由而生——美国妇女史》,辽宁人民出版社,1995年,第29页。
    ③ 陆丹妮:《论北美殖民地时期妇女的地位》,载《世界历史》,1991年第2期,第107页。
    ① 参见马克鑫:《世界文明史》,北京:北京出版社,2004年,第149页。
    ② [美]约瑟芬·多诺万著,赵育春译:《女权主义的知识分子传统》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2003年,第6页。
    ③ [美]萨拉·M·埃文斯著,杨俊峰译:《为自由而生——美国妇女史》,辽宁人民出版社,1995年,第55页。
    ④ 王政:《女性的崛起——当代美国的女权运动》,北京:当代中国出版社,1995年,第4页。
    ⑤ [英]玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉夫特和约翰·斯图亚特·密尔:《为女权辩护/妇女的屈从地位》,合订译本,北京:商务印书馆,1995年,第12页。
    ⑥ 王政:《女性的崛起——当代美国的女权运动》,北京:当代中国出版社,1995年,第19页。
    ① Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement" in Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Joel Myerson, ed., Oxford University Press, p.211
    ① 程心:《福勒和爱默生:超验主义的文学关系》,载《国外文学》2012年第2期,第97页。
    ② Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement" in Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Joel Myerson, ed., Oxford University Press, p.211
    ① Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage, History of Woman Suffrage, New York:Fowler and Wells,1881,1:40.
    ② Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson,vol.2, ed. Ralph L. Rusk, New York:Columbia University Press,1966, p.327.
    ③ 事实上,批评家已经指出,内战之后爱默生逐渐意识到了女性参与选举的必要,更被当时女权主义领导者奉为“偶像”。相关论述参考Armida Gilbert,"'Pierced by the Thorns of Reform':Emerson on Womanhood", in The Emerson Dilemma, ed. T. Gregory Garvey, Athens:University of Georgia Press,2001,99,93页。
    ④ Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century, New York:Dover,1999, p. xiii.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.24.
    ⑥ David M. Robinson, "Margaret Fuller and the Transcendental Ethos:Woman in the Nineteenth Century", PMLA, 97(1982), p.84.
    ⑦ Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century, New York:Dover,1999, pp.115-116.
    ① The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.5, p.413.
    ② Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement", in Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed., Joel Myerson, New York:Oxford University Press, p.217.
    ③ 程心:《福勒和爱默生:超验主义的文学关系》,载《国外文学》2012年第2期,第103页。
    ④ Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Joel Myerson, Columbia:University of South Carolina Press, 1980, p.102.
    ⑤ Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement", in Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed., Joel Myerson, New York:Oxford University Press, p.216.
    ⑥ Julia Ward Howe, Reminiscences,1819-1899, Boston:Houghton, Mifflin,1899, p.158.
    ① Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage, History of Woman Suffrage, New York:Fowler and Wells,1881,1:820.
    ② The Later Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson,1843-1871, edited by Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson. Athens and London:University of. Georgia,2001. vol.4, pp.261-262.
    ③ 1855年的演讲和“Discourse Manque Woman出版在了《爱默生后期演讲集》(The Later Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson,1843-1871), edited by Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson, University of Georgia Press,2010.
    ④ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.11, p.444.
    ⑤ Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Joel Myerson, Columbia:University of South Carolina Press, 1980, p.102.
    ① The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11,p.406.
    ② Ibid., pp.406-407.
    ③ Jeffrey Steele ed., The Essential Margaret Fuller. New Brunswick:Rutgers University Press,1992, p.33.
    ④ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11.p.416.
    ⑤ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.10, p.346.
    ⑥ Ibid.,vol.11,p.408.
    ① The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11,p.416.
    ② The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.11, p.444.
    ③ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11, pp.418-419.
    ① The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11,p.419.
    ② Ibid., p.420.
    ③ Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement", in A Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Joel Myerson. New York:Oxford University Press,2000, p.240.
    ④ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11,pp.423-424.
    ⑤ Edith E.W.Gregg. ed., The Letters of Ellen Tucker Emerson. Kent:Kent State University Press,1982. pp.326-327.
    ⑥ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson.edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.8, p.381.
    ⑦ Jeffrey Steele ed., The Essential Margaret Fuller. New Brunswick:Rutgers University Press,1992, p.347.
    ① Edith E.W.Gregg, ed., The Letters of Ellen Tucker Emerson. Kent:Kent State University Press,1982. pp.326-327.
    ② Ibid, p.327.
    ③ Armida Gilbert, "Pierced by the Thorns of Reform:Emerson on Womanhood", in The Emerson's Dilemma:Essays on Emerson and Social Reform, edited by T. Gregory Garvey, Athens:University of Georgia Press,2001, p.103.
    ④ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.10, p.83.
    ⑤ Armida Gilbert, "Emerson in the Context of the Woman's Rights Movement", in A Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Joel Myerson. New York:Oxford University Press,2000, p.241.
    ⑥ The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1903-4, vol.11, p.423.
    ① Julia Ward Howe, "Ralph Waldo Emerson," in Woman's Journal 13, May 6,1882,p.140.
    ② Ednah Dow Cheney, "Reminiscences," in Concord Lectures on Philosophy, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Moses King, 1882, p.74.
    ③ The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, edited by William H. Gilman et al. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1960-1982, vol.10, p.465.
    ① Julia Ward Howe, "Ralph Waldo Emerson as I Knew Him", Critic, vol.42,1902, pp.411-415; Ednah Dow Cheney,
    "Emerson and Boston", in F. B. Sanborn, ed., The Genius and Character of Emerson:Lectures at the Concord School of Philosophy. Boston:James R. Osgood,1885, p.19; Ednah Dow Cheney, Reminiscences of Ednah Dow Cheney. Boston: Lea and Shepard,1902, pp.232-233.
    ② Julia Ward Howe, "Ralph Waldo Emerson as I Knew Him", Critic, vol.42,1902, p.413.
    ③ Henrietta H. Bassett, "The King is Dead", in Women's Journal, vol.13,1882, p.159.
    ④ Mary Clemer, "A Women's Letter From Washington", in Independent, vol.34,1882, pp.2-3.
    ⑤ Mary Alice Wyman, ed., Selections From the Autobiography of Elizabeth Oakes Smith. New York:Columbia University Press,1924, p.148.
    ⑥ Ibid., p.14.
    ⑦ Ibid., p.141.
    ① Laura E. Richards and Maude Howe Elliott, Julia Ward Howe,1819-1910. Boston:Houghton, Mifflin,1916, vol.2, pp.263-264.
    ② 马克垚:《世界文明史》,北京:北京出版社,2004年,第160页。
    ③ 转引自牧原:《给女人讨个说法》,华龄出版社,1995年版,第254页。
    ④ Eleanor Flexner, Century of Struggle-The Woman Rights Movement in the United States, Harvard University Press, 1975. p.15.
    ① 王政:《女性的崛起——当代美国的女权运动》,当代中国出版社,1995年,第17页。
    ② 李道睽:《美国政府和美国政治》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990年,第133页。
    ① Phllis Cole, "Pain and Protest in the Emerson Family", in The Emerson's Dilemma:Essays on Emerson and Social Reform, edited by T. Gregory Garvey, Athens:University of Georgia Press,2001, p.82.
    ② Ibid., p.88.
    ③ Julia A. Sprague, History of the New England Women's Club from 1868 to 1893. Boston:Lee & Shepard,1894.
    ④ Ella Giles Ruddy, ed. The Mother of Clubs:Caroline M. Seymour Severance; An Estimate and An Appreciation. Baumgardt Pub. Co.,1906
    ⑤ Dorothy May Emerson, June Edwards, Helene Knox, Standing before Us:Unitarian Universalist Women and Social Reform,1776-1936. Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations,2000, p.82.
    ⑥ Ella Giies Ruddy, ed. The Mother of Clubs:Caroline M. Seymour Severance:An Estimate and An Appreciation. Baumgardt Pub. Co.,1906; Mother of Women's Clubs Dead. New York Times, November 11,1914.
    ⑦ Helen M. Winslow, "The Story of the Woman's Club Movement", in New England Magazine, July 1908; Julia A. Sprague, History of the New England Women's Club from 1868 to 1893. Boston:Lee & Shepard,1894.
    ⑧ "Ella Giles Ruddy, ed. The Mother of Clubs:Caroline M. Seymour Severance; An Estimate and An Appreciation. Baumgardt Pub. Co.,1906
    ⑨ New England Womens Club. Act of Incorporation.1887.
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