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Agriculture is the foundation of national economy,and a special industry with weak quality. It is objectively required to strengthen the risk management against various risks from nature,market,technique and policy. Different physical geography determine both different risks faced by different agriculture and different risk managements choosed by different people. The most important means of agricultural risk management under the condition of market economy—the development of agriculture insurance,must base itself upon the disparate praxis relation to seek the distinct implement route for different agriculture manufactures and risks.
     The country terrain is capacious in China,where existing the diversity of physical geography,resource,evolution and culture which lead to the multilayer and imbalance of agriculture production,farmer earning,agriculture insurance base,financial support. That can make more diversity of supply and demand for regional agriculture insurance. So such research possesses both important theory value and praxis sense by analyzing the forming mechanism of regional agriculture insurance and probing its implement and development mode on the basis of the diversity of“real relation foundation”in China’s regional development of agriculture insurance. With a view of the mutual connection between agriculture insurance and the social development of rural economics,this research analyzed thoroughly the development course and restriction term of agriculture insurance in China,and the developing mode of regional agriculture insurance and its practice mechanism arising currently. Further,basing upon the different elements between supply and demand,using for reference of internal and external developing mode of regional agriculture insurance,the research also probes into the practice mechanism and developing mode of regional agriculture insurance within the frame of national unified system.
     The main contents are as follows:
     I. Systematically analyze the domestic and overseas theory of the cause,hypostasis and region division of agriculture insurance,and discuss on the necessity and feasibility of regional management for agriculture insurance. By the thinking route of fundamental status of agriculture—weakness idiosyncracy—venture industry,the research puts forward that agriculture insurance is the most important means for strengthening agricultural risk management under the conditions of market ecomony;it analyzes the dual plus-external characters of agriculture insurance from its quasi-attribute of public production and points out that support from the government is the basic ensurance of agriculture insurance;it also discusses on the risk partition and rate division of agriculture insurance. The theoretical supports are provided by both external division theory and practice of agriculture insurance,and the theoretical search on national insurance regionality by internal scholars. It is considered that the regionality of agriculture insurance is the new direction of its practice and the deploitation of its theory.
     II. Explain the mechanism of supply and demand for regional agriculture insurance by bringing to bear the basic theory of regional economics and insurance. It is reckoned that the mechanism of agriculture insurance means the circulation state of its market formed by the intrinsic factor and integrated effect which influence the form and operation of the market. Owing to the differences among regional risk distribution and situation,developing level of the economic society,income level of inhabitants and insurance consciousness,the regional demands for agriculture insurance are various;meanwhile,there are also distinct differences among the developing degree of regional finance insurance,innovative ability of insurance production and financial support from local government. Besides,the differences on support strength from center finance bring on the diversity of the forming and developing of agriculture insurance market. Those regional differences between demand and supply of agriculture insurance can lead the diversity of the regional circulation state at agriculture insurance market—that is the regional differences of the forming of agriculture insurance bring into the diversity of its development. III. Analyze the puzzledom of agriculture insurance in China and three basic problems which we need envisage for further development,after reviewing the history and actuality of agriculture insurance. It is deemed that the basic problem of agriculture insurance which must be solved is its effective supply and demand. Management governmentally or commercially,concentratively or divisionally are also very important.
     Neither the concentrative monopolization nor the commercial management without government support could make continual efficiency of the market supply and demand. At the same time,the nationwide concentration of governmental agriculture insurance is impossible,since the government has to incarnate the diversity of its support for regional agriculture insurance. Hence,the realistic choice is governmental regional management of agriculture insurance.
     IV. Put up primary partition of Chinese agriculture area against the regional set-off theory and practice. Analyze the diversity and gap of supply and demand for agriculture insurance among“Four Blocks”and“Eight Syntheses”in the east,middle,west and northeast area of China,from the points of view:macroscopical background of agriculture development,distributing of agriculture risk,income level of rural inhabitants,developing degree of insurance,finance strength and support to the agriculture,etc. According to this research,China has extensive rural area,where existing the diversity of physical geography,resource,evolution and culture which lead to the multilayer and imbalance of agriculture production,farmer earning,agriculture insurance base,financial support. That can make more diversity of supply and demand for regional agriculture insurance,and afford practical gist for regional imbalance policy on finance subsidy for agriculture insurance.
     V. Compare and evaluate the“ideal pattern”of agriculture insurance in developed countries with domestic experiment. The research figure the effective mechanism or developing pattern is extremely important to the development of agriculture insurance. There is no unitive or fixed pattern inside or outside the country to be proved the most efficient and successful. Different countries or areas have various diversities in the aspects of agriculture risk intensity,economic developing level,finance ability,producer innovation energy and consumer insurance desire,by which determine that its agriculture insurance mode can not be selected the same. Viewed by the basic experience of agriculture insurance development home and abroad,the system frames of political agriculture insurance need adhere to the principle: Combine the unify system frame with detract decision-making,so that nature evolvement and artificial devise can organically be fell together. By using for reference one another and competition,the developing mode of regional and multiplex agriculture insurance will impel the system innovation,and the continuous and harmonious development of agriculture insurance as well.
     VI. In virtue of the beneficial experience of developed countries and areas on the development of agriculture insurance,on the base of the praxis foundation of inner development of agriculture insurance,a discuss on the unified system frame of the agriculture insurance of our country is conducted and the developing mode of regional agriculture insurance is designed accordingly. In despite of the diversity of their developing mode of agriculture insurance,those countries own the oneness at the system supply,such as agriculture insurance legislation,financial subsidy,special operation institution and related supporting policies,etc. The oneness provide macroscopically the relatively unitive frame for the development of agriculture insurance and ensure its practice. Hereby,the research tries to construct a macro frame of agriculture insurance development by the planning of law status ,organization system,governmentail subsidy manner,reinsurance system and disaster risk fund;hereon,a regional diversity strategy on the development of Chinese agriculture insurance is put forward after the regional diversity design for supervision mode,management dealing,insurance policy and other aspects. It probes into the sity-four-dollar question—the diversity of regional subsidy standard,mainly from the rate division of agriculture insurance and regional difference amont farmer’s payment ability. Finally,the objective mode is established for developing political agriculture insurance at different regions.
① 浙江大学管理学院西爱琴在其博士学位论文中曾对“国外的农业风险管理策略”问题进行过概括。详见:西爱琴.农业生产经营风险决策与管理对策研究——以浙江、湖北和陕西农户为例的实证分析[D]:[博士学位论文].杭州:浙江大学管理学院,2006:37—39.
     ① 总绝对偏差最小化模型,英文全称:“Minimization Of the Total Absolute Deviations Model”,简称“MOTAD”。
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