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     本文以石家庄市地下水为研究对象,首先概述了该地区的字自然地理状况及多年来地下水位动态特征以及地下水质变化特征。在系统分析该地区水文地质特征的基础上,应用Processing modflow软件建立了地下水系统二维数值模型,对地下水流场变化趋势做了预测,并对预测结果做了分析。本论文主要包括以下几方面内容:
With our country's economic rapidly development and population rapidly growth, water resource demand in industrial and domestic have a significant increase, the problem of shortage of water resource has been highlighted, and a serious of problem such as contaminated groundwater in some areas、unreasonable use groundwater etc, so that the available water resources to become more and more tense.
     Shijiazhuang is located in the piedmont zone of Taihang Mount, its water resources based mainly on groundwater. as a result of a long time over exploitation of groundwater and unreasonable discharge of pollutants, a series of changes environmental geology problem has come. For example: continuous decline in groundwater levels、landed a ground water funnel shape, shallow water has been polluted and groundwater chemical types etc. Lack of groundwater resources has seriously constrained the development of Shijiazhuang city.
     This article bases on the groundwater of Shijiazhuang for study, first of all, overview of the basic situation in the region、over the years's characteristics of the groundwater level changes and groundwater quality. On the basis of analysis at the regionhydrogeological, application software of Processing modflow set up a two-dimensional numerical model of groundwater system, and made a prediction Change of groundwater flow field. This thesis include the following main aspects:
     (1) Overview the current status quo of the evolution of the water environment and the numerical simulation of groundwater research, drawing on the research of the status quo ,basis of the existence problem in the region, raise the study context of the thesis.
     (2) Sets out over the years's changes of groundwater's levels and law、the changes of groundwater's level conditions and law, and the law of the decline in Shijiazhuang groundwater's development and changes in the law of the funnel of Shijiazhuang.
     (3) Sets out the underground water's changes of chemical types, salinity and total hardness, major ion , groundwater pollution and changes in pollution levels, and to analyze the human factors in changes groundwater quality.
     (4) In the analysis of Shijiazhuang groundwater systems's meeting scheduled track characteristics、the characteristics of aquifer spatial distribution of hydrogeological conditions, set up a numerical model of groundwater system, prediction the Change of groundwater flow field in Shijiazhuang City; The results show that with the the passage of time, the water table continued to decline, the available water resources steady. Combination of regulations and policies of the country and hydro-geological conditions, propose a solutions to reduce the water resources' s decline.
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