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This research aimed at studying the spatial distribution shifting and influencing factors of wood-processing industry agglomeration in China by theories of industrial agglomeration. In the theoretical part, two basic conceptions including wood-processing industry and wood-processing industry agglomeration were defined, eight factors which affect wood-processing industry agglomeration including timber resource gift, labor market, science and technology, market scale, policies, transport condition and chanciness were picked out and analyzed, and it was argued that these eight factors affect on wood-processing industry agglomeration through externality, economies of scale, and cut-down effect of transaction-cost. In the empirical research part, wood-processing industry agglomeration was studied in two dimensions. For one inspect, by the method of intersectional industrial shift measuring, it was found out that wood-processing industry was agglomerating in the North-east region, moving out from the South region, keeping stable in the East region, tending to move into the South-west and North-west regions. However, three-digit wood-processing industries were respectively quite different from the whole wood-processing industry. Saw-wood and spill-wood processing industries agglomerated mostly in the North-east region.(Men-made) wood-panel processing industry agglomerated mostly in the East region and was moving out from the South region. Woodwork processing industry agglomerated mostly in the North-east region. Furniture processing industry agglomerated mostly in the South region however increased rapidly in the North-east region where had become the main furniture processing industry area. For the other inspect, by the method of founding fixed-coefficient and fixed-affect model, it was found out that market scale was the most important factor that affect the agglomeration of wood-processing industry; labor market was to some extend affect the agglomeration of wood-processing industry, but the affection was on the decline. However, three-digit wood-processing industry was quite different from the whole wood-processing industry respectively. Agglomerations of saw-wood processing and spill-wood processing industries were supported by the local timber resources and pushed strongly by market scale, while agglomerations of men-made wood-processing industry, woodwork processing and furniture processing industries were mostly affected by the market scale and to some extend by the labor market, and other factors even had no observable affection on them. Although timber resources was no longer the restricting factor of wood-processing industry as far as the transportation was on the improvement, it was still found out that lower value-added wood-processing industries depended on timber resources heavily. In the case-study part, it was confirmed that market scale and timber resources played a very important role in the wood-processing industry agglomeration. In the last part, it was suggested that wood-processing industry should be distributed according to the market demand, pay great attention to cultivating and importing of timber resources and strength the function of government orientation.
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