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Confucius, the great thinker and scholar, said as early as 500 B.C.: "The wise find pleasure in water." With the advent of the 21st century, the practice of reclaiming land from sea, which originated in Europe in the 13rd century, is widely happening in Asia, specifically in China. Today’s reclamation actually covers much larger sea area and is developing into a popular solution of building a new coastal city. This trend is doubtlessly benefiting the well-being of humankind. Nevertheless, when we study the diversified projects of reclaiming land from sea around the globe, we will easily see that as times goes by a series of problems including less distinctive features of the coast, deteriorating environment, disappearing islands, wetland function degradation and so on will gradually arise and the land has been won at a great cost of living environment. People should really draw lessons from the previous cases in history. Therefore, it would be realistic to take the scientific approach to develop and pursue the philosophy of respecting the features of nature and the harmony between human and nature in improving the methodology of planning and decision-making to guide the large scale activities of reclaiming land from sea. This paper, focused on the projects of reclaiming land from sea, proposes the concept of water circulation system and couples it with the whole process of reclamation planning and decision-making by means of qualitative and quantitative methods, so as to provide an option for theoretical analysis and then promote the sustainable development of projects of reclaiming land from sea. The main studies and results of this paper are as follows.
     I. Through reviewing and analyzing the projects of reclaiming land from sea at different time, in different countries and for different purposes, summarizes and categorizes the problems caused by reclamation, illustrates the basic reason for the problems is the lack of study on the issues related to water, and points out that it is imperative to conduct studies of water circulation system, enhance planning theories of reclamation, and couple the water circulation system with the whole process of planning and decision-making.
     II. Based on the concept of water circulation system, this paper explores the targets, theories and designs methods of the studies of water circulation system, and furthermore discusses the qualitative and quantitative methods of coupling the system with the whole process of planning and decision-making of reclamation.
     III. Following the steps of regional planning, this paper, from the perspective of the general planning of land reclamation coupled with water circulation system, analyzes what impact the system exerts on the planning; and, from the angle of planning effect assessment, this paper proposes a cost estimation model, an eco-environmental damage assessment model, and a land transferring income estimation model and furthermore according to these three models develops a model of analyzing the profit of regional planning concerning land reclamation coupled with water circulation system. Also, considering water circulation cost, environmental protection, feasibility of planning, and profit of reclamation, this paper develops a multi-objective decision-making model for the planning of land reclamation coupled with water circulation system. Based on such features of the multi-objective decision-making model as diversification of objectives, contradictory factors of objectives, and coexistence of qualitative and quantitative indicators, this paper, started from the structure and layout of planning, establishes a multi-objective and multi-level comprehensive evaluation indicator system for planning of the reclamation coupled with water circulation system and uses the combination weighting approach to compute the index weights.
     IV. By means of the aforementioned theories and methodology, this paper carries out case studies related to the projects of reclaiming land from sea in Tianjin Haibin Tourism Zone. In light of estimation and application results, the methods of urban planning concerning land reclamation coupled with water circulation system will play their roles in decision-making of initiating reclamation projects, plan designing, and planning-related decision-making and will serve as a reference for solving the problems caused by reclaiming land from sea.
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