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    项目“产品设计 CAD”(项目编号:2001BA201A02)进行了深入研究。
Advances in 3D scanning technologies have promoted the emergence and rapid
    development of point-based techniques. Point-based techniques, by which points are used as
    surface modeling and rendering primitives, has become an important research field of reverse
    engineering. The particular dominance of point-based techniques includes the efficiency at
    reconstructing and rendering very complex objects and environments, capability of dealing
    with dense scattered point cloud, and simplicity of rendering algorithms. Based on the
    overview of point-based techniques, several key issues including data reduction, feature line
    extraction, surface modeling and editing are studied in this dissertation, which is sponsored by
    the National Key Research Project of the 10th five-year-plan of China (Grant No.
     Data reduction is the first preprocessing step of point-based data treatment. To avoid loss
    of engineering information hidden in the measured object, a data reduction algorithm on the
    basis of fuzzy clustering analysis is proposed. By introducing geometric similarity
    membership, surface variation can be naturally represented, forcing samples to gather in
    regions where surface varies drastically. And imperative constraint similarity membership is
    introduced to reflect engineering demand of designers, which is in favor of retaining
    engineering detail features.
     Feature line extraction from a point cloud is another necessary preprocessing step for
    surface reconstruction. To satisfy the demand for stability and accuracy of feature line
    extraction, a multi-scale feature line extraction algorithm based on digital image thinning is
    presented. Local entropy and repeatability rate are introduced to classify points according to
    the likelihood that they belong to some feature at different size of local window, which
    achieves robust and stable feature point detection for noisy surfaces. By mapping the
    extracted feature point cloud into 2D digital images and thinning the images, smooth feature
    lines are recovered. Scanty data can be dealt with and the top-quality feature lines can be
     Surface reconstruction is the key problem of point-based data treatment. To save time on
    surface reconstruction and avoid gaps of the reconstructed surface when parts of the data get
    lost during transmission, a new surface reconstruction algorithm by use of decomposition of
    surface elements is discussed. Similar to the theory of Advancing Front Method, the
    consistent tangent plane estimation of each sample is performed by constructing local loops
    and advancing the center loop. The volume enclosed by the given point cloud is approximated
    with the set of overlapping surface elements built at each sample point.
     Surface editing is indispensable in point-based data treatment. To achieve a flexible
    capability for surface editing, a superquadric-based general constrained deformation
    algorithm is designed. By building a superquadric-based general constrained deformation
    model, surface can be deformed according to user-specified curvilinear displacement under
    constraints, which can consist of points, lines, surfaces and volumes. During surface editing,
    new samples are inserted to the original point cloud and located in proper positions by using
    weighted local entropy method to preserve the overall sampling density.
     On the basis of the above theoretic achievement, a point-based data treating system from
    3D unorganized data points is developed and embedded in 3D CAD system - Intesolid.
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