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With significant impact on industrial structure upgrade and the evolution of economic developing pattern, the strategic importance of high-tech industry is being more and more attracted by the researchers and the government. In reality, cluster is a major way of high-tech industrial development. Local governments are rushing to establish all sorts of high-tech industrial parks and development zones. But in this High-tech bubby, local governments have ignored the growing environment and fundamental breeding of the high-tech industry, instead of concerning on the industry itself. This paper suggests the nature resource is not the only key element of the high-tech industry development. There are also industrial element, technological element and the institutional element. Therefore, researching on the impact and mode of operation of the high-tech industry cluster evolution, regarding the endowment of resource such as regional economy, technology and institution, have great theoretical importance and practical value. Based on the above argument, this paper separately identified the mode of effect on industrial cluster development of the industrial, technological and institutional structure from the constraint structure perspective.
     The main content of this paper is summarized as following:
     The establishent of the constraint structure theoretical framework. Using the structural way of thinking, this paper created a "constraint structure" concept and established an analyzing framework. A constraint structure is from the structural perspective to indicate the types, quality and the proportion from one to another of elements of the regional endowment system. The three elements are industrial structure, technological structure and institutional structure, which draw a sketch of the regional endowment system from the angles of industrial relevance, technical resiliency and diversity, and institutional coordination. Any of he three elements of the constraint structure is not isolated but interacts with each other. Meanwhile, constraint structure is not static. Any change of any element in the constraint structure will lead the change of the other elements even the whole constraint structure.
     The evolution of High-tech industrial cluster under constraint structure framework. By applying the product life cycle theory. The paper discussed the stages of evolution of high-tech industrial cluster and the indicators during the evolution, which includes the element flow, change of the number of enterprises, network, speed of development and performance. The paper adapted a Two-parameter Epidemic Model with mathematic simulation to draw the trajectory of evolution and explained how the constraint structure works on it. Three key issues, the setup of cluster, the growth of cluster and the decline or upgrade of cluster, were addressed in the end of this chapter.Then we generally explained the above issues by the constraint structure, which is how the constraint structure trigger the cluster, how the constraint structure cycle and accumulate with cluster, and how the constraint structure lock down the cluster recession.
     Analyzing the evolution of high-tech industrial cluster by industrial structure. I/O data analysis table indicates high-tech industry has strong correlation of I/O with non high-tech industry and with the industries within the high-tech industry. So the scale of industry which has strong correlation with high-tech industry in a region, as know as the status of the industrial structure, has significant impact on the development of high-tech industry cluster. Based on the principle of vertical geographical modle of the new economy, this paper pointed out the demand-cost correlation between upstream and downstream industries is a significant force that stimulates the industrial assembling. In addition, when the trading cost is at an appropriate low level, the space structure of industrial assembling would be stable. According to the three issues of the evolution of cluster, the advantage of size in any part of process in the industry all has effect on the space structure in upstream and downstream industries. A complete I/O industrial chain or industrial network infers that high-tech industrial cluster in this region is ready to mobilize. Cluster and regional industrial structure are mutually stimulated, enhanced and accumulated, which provides endogenous dynamic for the growth of the cluster. Various reasons which cause the collapse of I/O industrial chain or industrial network would cause the decline of the cluster.
     The analysis on high-tech industrial cluster evolution based on technological structure. This paper analysed the effect of regional technical suitability and diversity on the industrial configuration, which considered the structural attributes of technology and knowledge from the vertical and horizontal dimensions. The analysis indicated that in terms of vertical dimension, regional technology is not the more advanced the better or the more mature the better, but has an optimal level. In terms of horizontal dimension of technological structure, the more categories there are, the higher level of diversity, and the better to the regional high-tech industrial cluster. The finding of this paper in regard to the three issues of evolution of cluster is, firstly, the major drive of a regional cluster is a significant amount of knowledge and people who create them, to create a group of high-tech enterprises by industrializing themselves in addition to absorb the high-tech enterprises from other regions. Secondly, the growth of cluster promotes optimizing and upgrading of the regional technological structure, which means the resiliency and diversity of technology is becoming stronger to promote back on the growth of cluster as well. There is a favorable interaction cycle between them. Finally, the path dependency of technological development and the technological structure lock-down make the high-tech enterprises hard to resilient when they were facing the technological mutation, so that the high-tech enterprises start to close or outbound, and the cluster would decline dramatically in the end.
     The analysis on the evolution of high-tech industrial cluster based on institutional structure. The institutional structure indicateds the coordination among different institutions of different types, different levels, different fields and different stages in the regional institutional resource system. Coordinating institutional structure will decrease the transaction cost between the high-tech enterprises and other enterprises or organizations in order to absorb the high-tech enterprises and promote the development of industrial cluster. This paper maked a hypothesis that the transaction cost in the two region are different, then research on the impact of transaction cost on industrial cluster by adopting a new economic geometrical modle, and found the regional transaction cost and the market size both have impact on space distribution of industry. Regarding the three issues of evolution of cluster, this paper showed that the institutional structure relied on the accumulation from mandatory institutional innovation or evolution of historical institution has low level of transaction cost, which triggers the setup of cluster. The relationship between the demand and supply of institutional innovation is mutually enhanced and resilient positive cycle of accumulation, which provides endogenous dynamic to the growth of the cluster. However, the path dependency of institutional development and the institutional structure lock-down, which were formed during the process of cycle of accumulation, eventually cause the decline of cluster. The cluster can be upgraded only if the institutional structure lock-down were broken.
     The empirical study of the impact of constraint structure on high-tech industrial cluster. Studying the status of the space distribution of Chinese high-tech industry as a whole by adopting Locational Gini-coefficient indicates Chinese high-tech industry is becoming more concentrating as a whole since the mid of 1990s.Moreover, adopting the econometric analysis by calculating the result of theoretical analysis of the panel data within 10 years and 30 regions, shows it is a strongly positive correlation between the factors of proportion of related industries, the technological resiliency, technology diversity, and the coordination of institution and the level of concentration of high-tech industry. It implicated industrial structure, technological structure, and institutional structure etc. in a region have significant impact on the development of the high-tech industrial clusters.
    ①该定义选自"Douglass C. North. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press,1990"的2008中译本,杭行译,格致出版社、上海三联出版社、上海人民出版社出版
    ②正式制度三个层次的观点,源于"Douglass C. North. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press,1990"的2008中译本,杭行译,格致出版社、上海三联出版社、上海人民出版社出版
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