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     再次,对创新网络和创新能力协同演化分析之后,采用Giant component模型,利用NetLogo软件对企业创新网络演化过程进行模拟仿真,结果显示:经过伙伴选择、确定、整合等一系列活动,随时间变化加入创新网络主体数的比例图像呈“S”形,在这一系列过程中创新能力与创新网络相互作用不断演化。分别从网络位置优势和主体关系两方面的调节作用入手研究创新能力对创新绩效的影响。
In today's rapid development of market economy, enterprises are facing increasinglyfierce competition. The demand for the core technology, new knowledge and newinformation will also be more intense. It's no doubt that improving innovation capabilitiesand adding innovation network is the best way to get the new knowledge, newinformation, core technology and enhance the innovation performance. Thus it isbecoming a focus for scholars at home and abroad of research about innovation network,innovation ability and innovation performance. The main purpose of this paper is basedon the structure of innovation networks and innovation ability, the process of theformation and the co-evolution research as the foundation. It studies the innovationnetwork and innovation ability impact on innovation performance and reveals the rolethat innovation ability impact on innovation performance, and innovative network playmediation role.
     Firstly, through the analysis of the past literature, defining concepts aboutinnovation network, the core enterprise, the main enterprise, partner, main network,subnet, innovation capability and innovation performance and so on. It analysis thecauses of theoretical about innovation networks, theory about core competitiveness ofenterprises, enterprise resource theory, complementary theory of enterprise innovationabilities, business model innovation performance and other relevant factors of the basictheory and research.
     Secondly, after determining the innovation network subject and marking offsub-networks, it researches the formation of enterprise innovation network using thedynamic game analysis and draws the conclusion. Analysis from the two perspectiveswhich are profits and market share, cooperation-cooperation strategy is the besteffective strategies. Namely the innovation network subject that the enterprise embedsinto is the most rational and necessary choice. From two aspects of network locationadvantage and body relation, it analysis innovation networks impact on innovationperformance. The enterprise seems innovation ability as a system, and is divided into three levels which are core layer, support layer and environmental layer, respectivelystudy the effect that each level impacts on innovation performance.
     Thirdly, after the analysis from the evolution of innovation network and innovationability, using Giant component model and using NetLogo software for enterpriseinnovation network evolution process simulation. The result is that after a series ofactivities such as partner selection, sure, integration; change over time in the proportionof innovation network main body to the image "S" shape. In the series of process, thisinnovation ability and the innovation network evolve and also interact with each other.Respectively from the mediation role of two aspects that is network location advantageand main body relations, it researches the effect that innovation ability effects oninnovation performance.
     Finally, it puts forward the research hypotheses. It researches on innovationperformance for innovation network and innovation capability Using SPSS18.0,AMOS19.0software and using structural equation modeling and hierarchical regressionmodel. The results show that the innovation strategy decision-making capacity, R&Dcapabilities, innovation and resource acquisition capability, the network link capacity andinnovation network environment adaptability have positively influence on the enterpriseinnovation performance; personnel support capabilities for enterprise innovationperformance was not significant; innovation network intensity and network relations tothe R&D capability to adapt to the network environment, network link capacity,innovation capability and the innovation performance boost relations has significantpositive adjustment. On the basis of enterprises, research institutions (universities),government, intermediary, it puts forward suggestions and countermeasures aboutpromoting the core enterprise innovation performance.
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