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People's life is close to the natural landscape, and the function of which has been graduallyconfirmed by scientific experiments. As an important part of urban environment, healing garden has apositive meaning to people's mental and physical health, gradually people pay more attention to it.
     This paper give out the definitions, styles and the users of the healing garden, and point out thehistorical background and medical model, which are closely related to the development of healinggarden, which has four stages: germination stage, prototype stage, quiet stage and the developmentstage.
     As one of the most famous tourist city of China, Hangzhou has rich theoretical and practicalresearch of Landscape Architecture except healing gardens. Through investigation, data collection,comparative analysis and some other ways, the author choose four sanatoriums of Hangzhou: theHangzhou Sanatorium of Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Hangzhou Sanatorium of Air Force, theSanatorium of Wuyunshan and the Qianjiang Sanatorium of Shanghai Railway Bureau. Using theinvestigation, measurement and visitation, this paper analyze the construction era, era and times ofreconstruction, users, function divisions, plant design, supporting facilities, character area and the areawith high usage rate.
     There is plenteous natural resource, pleasant landscape factor and sound environment of the foursanatoriums, which are close to places of interest of Hangzhou. The service objects of the foursanatoriums are becoming more extensive. There is not only the specific people such as the elder, thesoldier, but also the people who come to physical examination, tourism and the workers of the area inthe sanatorium rented by other firms. There are two kinds function division of the sanatoriums, namelythe garden is in front of the buildings and the buildings distribute uniformly in the hole sanatoriumgarden. The administritors pay insufficient attention to the culture flavor in landscape construction,whereas focusing on the equipment of the buildings and medicine.
     The four sanatoriums are lack of communication space among the buildings, ignoring the space forthe medical personnels. In the transformed areas, they value plants color, texture and the maintenanceand management, while in the unmodified area, the most plants are evergreen and lacking management.The supporting facilities are inadequate, mainly as follows: shortage of the types of fitness equipment, the indicate equipment lacking design, the chairs of the unmodified area having no affinity, the path ofgarden with no barrier-free design. The character of each sanatorium has not been used fully in thegarden design, and the maintenance and the funds for the soft landscape is not enough.
     Developing the objectives and principles for optimal design, this paper do the optimal design forthe Wuyunshan Sanatorium from the space, ecological plants, supporting equipment, the use ofhortitherapy and some other sides, hoping it can be reference for the future construction of sanatoriumgarden.
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