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     To provide a scientific basis of decision-making for "Middle and Long-term Development Program of the Talents in China(2009-2020)", set up a the sense of "human resource is the first resource", establish a team of high-quality professional health care talents, and ensure that health care better services the modernization and people's health, according to the spirits of the documents of "Health Manpower Development Program from2001to2015in China" and " Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening the Health Care System Reform", combined the socio-economic and demographic situation in our country, and the actual situation of the establishment of professional health care talents, the paper systematically analyses status quo, problems and development trends of professional health care talents, as well as elaborates a number of useful international experience.
     Construction theories related to professional health care talents and policies concerning professional health care talents are systematically reviewed through the literature review method; The status quo of professional health care talents is analyzed through the descriptive statistics method; And the future growth trend of professional health care talents is forecasted through rend extrapolation; The feasibility and operability of development strategies of professional health care talents are validated through expert consult method.
     Results and Conclusions:
     1. Construct development of professional health care talents in China: The total of health personnel continuously increases, and in2010, the total amount of national health personnel was8,200,000, which was1,750,000more than the amount in2005; Health personnel structure has improved, and compared to that in2005, the proportion of rural practitioners (assistant) physicians in2010increased1.4percentage points. Compared to that in2005, the proportion of health personnel and registered nurses in2010in western area in China respectively increased0.2percentage points. Compared to that in2005, the proportion of health professionals in private individuals do medical institutions health technical personnel proportion increased1.6percentage points:The ability and quality of health personnel continuously upgrades, and compared to that in2005, the proportion of health professionals who had doctor degree in2010increased2.9percentage points, the proportion of health professionals who had master degree in2010increased12.7percentage points; Personnel system of health care continuously improves.
     2. Problems and challenges faced by the development of professional health care talents in China:Development basis on high-level talent in health care system is weak, and in2010, secondary school and junior college health professionals accounted for the large proportion, and undergraduate and above health professionals accounted for just24.9%, however senior health professionals accounted for only7.8%; Professional health care talents allocation is irrational, and talents shortage and surplus coexist, and the number of health professionals per thousand people in urban in2010was7.62, but that in rural in2010was3.04, and the number of health professionals per thousand people in urban is2.5times more than that in rural. The number of health professionals per thousand people in East, Middle and West in2010was respectively5.22,3.93and3.76. In2010, health professionals in medical institutions accounted for91.1%, however, health professionals in CDC accounted for only2.5%. In2010, the number of general practitioners in China was56,000, which accounted for3.5%of practitioners (assistant) physicians, and lower than the global average level (30%-60%). The proportion of doctors to nurses is1:0.85, lower than the OECD countries average level (1:3.09); Professional health care talents can not meet the demand of the rapid growth and multi-level health service; Professional health care talents training conflicts with social needs; Professional health care talents administration lags behind; Laws, regulations and systems related to professional health care talents should be strengthened; The development of TCM talents can not correspond with service needs, academic development and industrial development.
     3. Development trends of professional health care talents:Economic, social development and demographic changes demanding for professional health care talents will be reinforced; Changes in the health needs request better professional health care talents; Changes in the national priorities require the matching professional health care talents; In2020,10,670,000health personnel are expected to need, of which there are9,144,000health professionals.
     4. International experience:Doctors density in China is slightly higher than the global average, but with the big gap with the developed countries; The proportion of doctors to nurses is1:0.85, lower than the global average level (1:2.9); European countries make a variety of different ways to improve the utilization efficiency and effect of health human resources; A reasonable system of higher medical education curriculum is built in other countries; A relatively complete system of general practice life-long education is established in other countries, including higher medical education of general practice (mainly the establishment of compulsory and elective courses), graduate medical education and continuous medical education; Other countries actively take measures for improving rural health manpower shortage.
     1. Implement the "2020Health Talents Reinforce Health Care Project";
     2. Classifiedly establish six teams of core professional health care talents;
     3. Strengthen the capacity cultivation and development of professional health care talents;
     4. Construct research and service platforms of professional health care talents;
     5. Increase the investment in the development of professional health care talents;
     6. Improve the laws and mechanisms of the management of professional health care talents;
     7. Strenthen the development of professional health care talents in medical ethics and medical atmosphere.
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