血管紧张素Ⅱ AT1受体自身抗体在子痫前期患者血清中的分布及其对血管活动的影响
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     20世纪90年代早期,Hanssens和Haller等先后发现并证实,子痫前期患者血液中存在一种作用类似血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngiotensinⅠ,Ang-Ⅱ)的循环因子,使血管紧张素Ⅱ-1型受体(AngiotensinⅡType 1 Receptor,AT1R)功能增强。1999年,Wallukat等证实这种类Ang-Ⅱ因子是抗ATlR自身抗体(AngiotensinⅡtype 1 Receptor Autoantibodies,AT1-AA)。随后的研究也相继证实AT1-AA存在于子痫前期患者的血清中,但是,研究的标本数较少,此外,没有该抗体存在与子痫前期体征关系的分析,即缺乏AT1-AA是否与子痫前期有关的分析资料,而这一问题的解决是研究AT1-AA在子痫前期发病中作用的前提。
     随后的研究表明,这种自身抗体通过专一识别AT1R的细胞外第二环功能表位肽段(thesecond extracellular loop of the angiotensinⅡtype 1 receptor,AT1R-EC_Ⅱ,人鼠同源性为99%)促进血管平滑肌细胞增殖、NADPH氧化酶活化、ROS生成、细胞浆内Ca~(2+)浓度增加和激活纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子1。这些研究结果均提示,AT1-AA的过度活动与许多重要的病理生理改变有关,可能在子痫前期的发病中起着重要作用。由于子痫前期危害性极大而病因又极其诡异,因而这一成果的重要性和亟待被深入研究的必要性被国内的学者迅速而敏锐地捕捉到,并对此展开了广泛的研究。其中尤以廖玉华实验室的研究最为深入,他们的研究证实,AT1-AA通过激活AT1受体诱导大鼠。肾脏和心肌组织的免疫损伤并促进大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖。我实验室的前期研究也发现,抗AT1R-EC_Ⅱ抗体通过作用AT1R增强离体灌流心脏的心功能、升高心肌细胞内游离钙含量、增加心肌细胞I_(Ca-L)电流、激动I_(Na/Ca)电流和减小I_(k1)电流等。这些结果进一步提示,AT1-AA具有AT1受体类激动剂样效应。
     3.血清自身抗体的测定:用间接SA-ELISA(Streptavidin-ELISA)方法,抗原包被用量为AT1抗原10μg/ml。主要技术流程如下:包被合成的抗原多肽→加入人的血清→加入标记有生物素的抗人IgG抗体→加入标记有辣根过氧化物酶的亲和素→加入辣根过氧化物酶酶的底物→在酶标仪上(Molecular Devices Corp,Menio Park,CA,USA)测定反应物的光密度值(OD),以OD值的大小代表人血清中抗多肽抗体的量。
     5.统计处理:抗AT1R抗体在不同组间的分布用阳性率表示;每组抗体水平的平均值用几何平均数(Geometric mean)来表示;用有序2×C表资料直线回归的显著性检验进行抗体阳性率年龄趋势的检验;用U检验进行两样本阳性率的差别检验;两几何均数之间的差别检验用t检验:率的检验用经平方根反正弦变换后的数据进行;几何均数的检验用经对数转换后的数据进行。P值小于0.05认为有显著差异。
     1.AT1-AA的制备:利用MAb Trap Kit试剂盒对子痫前期患者抗体阳性者血清中的抗体IgG进行提取和纯化。纯化后的抗体经PAGE胶凝胶电泳检测其纯度。具体方法如下:
     (1)特异性亲和柱试剂盒提纯抗体:将合成的人ATlR-EC_Ⅱ抗原肽段连于亲和柱内,至少3ml结合缓冲液平衡亲和柱(流速0.5ml/min),0.5ml血清同等体积binding buffer稀释后,使用注射器加入柱体中,然后用7ml binding buffer冲洗,5ml洗脱液进行洗脱,洗脱下来的蛋白液保存于加有中性液(1M Tris)的EP管中,保持蛋白活性,至少用5ml bindingbuffer对亲和柱进行复性,然后进行下一轮操作。
     对阳性血清中的抗体IgG进行提取后剩余的IgG为nsIgG(nonspecific IgG),作为阴性对照;从正常孕妇阴性血清中提取的IgG为npIgG(non-preeclamptic IgG),也作为阴性对照。
     2.大鼠胸主动脉环制备:取雌性Wistar大鼠,体重240-260g,击头致昏,立即开胸取胸主动脉置于O_2饱和的4℃营养液PSS中。(PSS成分如下(mmol/L):NaCl154.7;KCl5.4;Glucose 11.0;CaCl_2 2.5;Triss 6.0。无钙PSS成分为(mmol/L):NaCl 154.7;KCl 5.4:Glucose 11.0;EGTA 0.5;Triss 6.0。用HCl调pH至7.4。)剔除脂肪及周围结缔组织后,剪成3-4mm的血管环。血管环用两根不锈钢微型挂钩贯穿血管管腔,水平悬挂在浴管内,下方固定,上方以一细钢丝连于张力换能器(JH-2,北京)。经MS4000计算机生物信号采集分析系统记录血管的张力变化。浴管内含有通以100%O_2、37℃的PSS液10 ml。每个血管环悬挂在浴管后,基础张力调至2g,平衡1h,其间不断调整张力,使之维持在2g左右,每15 min换一次PSS。所有动脉环用60 mmol/L KCl多次刺激,当标本对刺激稳定时,即连续2次同样的刺激所引起的收缩幅度差别<5%时,开始正式实验。本实验所述浓度均为10ml浴管内试剂的终浓度。
     3.AT1-AA对大血管收缩功能的影响:在大鼠离体胸主动脉血管环标本上,观察AT_1-AA对于大血管平滑肌活动的影响。分组为自身抗体组(preeclamptic IgG组),血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)阳性对照组,nsIg和npIgG阴性对照组,以及preeclamptic IgG+losanrtan(AT_1受体拮抗剂)组和preeclamptic IgG+SEL-AT1R(AT1受体细胞外第二环表位肽段)组。
     4.大鼠肠系膜动脉、肾动脉、大脑中动脉、冠状动脉和子宫动脉血管环的制备:大鼠脱臼后,立即取出肠系膜、肾脏、心脏、大脑和子宫,浸入4℃的PSS液中。肠系膜动脉环的制备:将肠系膜浸入含有PSS液的平皿,用大头针固定动脉主干和肠管,分离动脉周围的脂肪组织,选取3级分支,剪取2mm左右的血管环。肾动脉环的制备:先用大头针固定肾脏于盛有PSS液的平皿,肾组织中动脉较韧,可用镊子直接剥碎肾组织暴露肾动脉各级分支,沿肾动脉剥离动脉的三级分支,分离干净周围的组织,剪取2mm左右的血管环。大脑中动脉环的制备:用骨钳揭开颅骨,取出脑组织,将脑组织贴近颅底面向上固定于盛有PSS液的平皿,可清楚的看到颈内动脉的延续-大脑中动脉,剥离大脑膜,钝性分离大脑中动脉,在靠近内侧处剪取2mm左右的血管环。冠状动脉血管环的制备:用大头针分别固定心脏的心尖端和升主动脉端于平皿,在左心耳下面寻找冠状动脉,顺着冠状动脉的走向钝性分离,在前降支处剪取2mm的血管环。子宫动脉血管环的制备:用大头针分别固定子宫的两端于平皿,在子宫的外侧可清晰的看到子宫动脉的走形,顺着子宫动脉的走向钝性分离,剪取2mm的血管环。将两根直径为40μm的钨丝传入管腔,固定血管环在Multi Myograph System-610M浴漕内传感器上,持续通以100%O_2。浴漕温度恒定在37℃,平衡60min后开始实验,平衡期间每隔15min用预热的PSS液(37℃)更换浴漕内液体一次。血管环的张力变化通过DMT的换能系统采集,并用Chart 5.3记录在微机上。
     1.内皮细胞培养:脐静脉内皮细胞株(sciencell公司,USA)培养在6孔培养皿内,倒置显微镜下内皮细胞呈梭形或多边形,细胞生长融合成单层后呈鹅卵石或铺路石镶嵌排列(图30),待细胞达到80%融合时弃原培养液,D-Hanks液清洗2次,0.125%胰蛋白酶消化,倒置显微镜下见细胞收缩变圆,细胞间隙增宽后,弃消化液,按1:3比例传代。传至第4代时,分别给予AngⅡ、preeclamptic IgG、nsIgG、npIgG、losartan和SEL-AT1R处理后在37℃,5%CO_2培养箱内孵育,并于24h、48h和72h收集细胞,用比色法测定LDH、caspase3、8和9的活性。
     Apoptosis Detection Colorimetric Biogene试剂盒进行检测。每孔细胞内加入80μl裂解液进行裂解,之后置4℃、10,000 rpm离心10分钟。将上清转移至新的Eppendorf管,用考马斯亮兰试剂盒测定蛋白浓度。取30μl上清,65μl反应缓冲液,5μl底物(caspase 3、caspase 8、caspase 9的底物分别为DEVD-pNA、IETD-pNA和LEHD-pNA)加至96孔ELISA板中;背景对照除不加底物外,余同实验孔,用反应液将每孔的液体补齐至100μl。37℃水浴1.5小时后,在405 nn3波长下测定光密度值。
     (1)AT1R-ECⅡ免疫组(Immunization group),将抗原β_1-AR-ECⅡ(按照大鼠AT1受体细胞外第二环功能表位肽段序列165-191位,见表2,由西安联美生物科技有限公司合成,肽段合成的质量报告单见附录。注射剂量:0.4μg/g体重)溶于生理盐水溶液中,浓度为1mg/ml。首次免疫采用背部皮下多点注射法,给予抗原溶液和等体积福式完全佐剂的混合物,以增加机体的细胞免疫功能。1周后采用背部皮下一点注射法进行第一次加强免疫,同时采用福式不完全佐剂以增加机体的体液免疫功能,抗原和佐剂的剂量与首次免疫相同。此后每隔两周用同样的方法加强免疫一次,共免疫12周。
     (2)伪免疫组(Sham Immunization group),用等量生理盐水溶液替代抗原溶液,给药方法、免疫程序以及免疫增强剂的使用均同免疫组。
     (3)内皮素抑制组(Immunization+Bosentan group),免疫处理方法同免疫组,在免疫开始即给予广谱内皮素抑制剂Bosentan。由于动物体内抗体产生是一个相对较长的过程,同时产生的抗体对内皮细胞造成影响是一种长期效应的累加,我们将Bosentan置于渗透泵中,再将泵植入动物腹腔内。这种给药方式适合于需长期药物处理的慢性动物实验,保证药物恒量释放,血药浓度维持在恒定水平,减少不同时间给药处理造成的系统误差。具体方法为,大鼠称重,10%水合氯醛(3 ml/kg)腹腔注射麻醉,仰卧位固定于手术台上,腹部皮肤去毛,碘伏消毒,铺消毒巾,肋弓下2-2.5cm处沿腹正中线纵行切开皮肤,钝性分离腹部肌肉,将已充满Bosentan溶液的渗透泵植入腹腔后逐层缝合肌肉、皮肤。渗透泵的额定工作时间为14天,每隔两周更换一次。
     (4)内皮素抑制剂对照组(Immunization+Vehicle group),大鼠处理同内皮素抑制组,DMSO中不含Bosentan。
     4.血清内皮素-1的测定:用定量EIA试剂盒进行检测。主要技术流程如下:建立标准曲线→加入大鼠血清→加入酶标抗体工作液→加入底物工作液→加入终止液→在酶标仪上(Molecular Devices Corp,Menio Park,CA,USA)测定反应物的光密度值(OD),根据样品OD值在标准曲线图上查出相应内皮素-1的含量。
     5.iNOS免疫组织化学染色及结果半定量:分离大鼠血管后用4%福尔马林固定48h,然后切片包埋,采用SP法进行免疫组织化学染色。主要流程如下:切片脱蜡水化,3%H_2O_2处理15min,胰酶消化10min,热抗原修复10min,山羊血清封闭,滴加1:100iNOS一抗(iNOS多克隆抗体均由美国Santa Cruz公司提供),4℃过夜,滴加二抗(中山生物技术有限公司)37℃孵育10min,DAB显色,阴性对照以PBS代替一抗。采用Olympus-BH2显微系统摄像,成都泰盟BI2000医学图像分析系统测定阳性细胞所占的面积。
     (1)不同剂量AT1-AA引起内皮细胞LDH释放的情况:我们的实验首先检测了乳酸脱氢酶(Lactate Dehydrogenase,LDH)漏出量。结果表明,1.0μmol/L的AT1-AA与内皮细胞孵育48h后显著的引起LDH活性的增高(与阴性对照组相比约增加了两倍,P<0.01),但0.01μmol/L和0.1μmol/L的AT1-AA对LDH的活性无显著性的影响(图10,表1,n=8)。由于LDH是一种稳定的蛋白质,存在于正常细胞的胞质中,只有当细胞膜受损后才被释放到细胞外,而一般认为,坏死表现为细胞膜破裂,内含物外泄。因此,我们推测,1.0μmol/L的AT1-AA能够导致内皮细胞坏死。
     (2)不同剂量AT1-AA引起内皮细胞caspase释放的情况:除坏死外,凋亡是细胞损伤的另一方式,根据发生过程中是否有caspase(cysteiny aspartate specific protease,半胱氨酰天冬氨酸特异性蛋白酶)参与,分为caspase依赖性途径和caspase非依赖性途径,其中以前者为主。目前己证实的caspases活化途径主要有三条:一是经细胞表面受体途径(死亡受体途径或外源性途径)引起caspase-8(和/或某些类型细胞中的caspase-10)活化;二是经线粒体途径(内源性途径)释放多种致凋亡因子引起caspase-9活化;第三是经内质网途径引起caspase-12活化。这三条途径最终主要激活凋亡效应酶即caspase-3,进而通过水解多种重要的蛋白而导致细胞凋亡。为进一步观察AT1-AA对内皮细胞的作用,我们检测了AT1-AA作用于离体培养的内皮细胞后多种caspase的活性。结果表明,1.0μmol/L抗AT1R-EC_Ⅱ抗体作用内皮细胞48h后,caspase3和caspase8的活性均增高,与npIgG组相比均有显著性差异(caspase3和8的活性分别为,0.63±0.05 mmol/h/mg protein vs.0.32±0.02mmol/h/mg protein和2.98±0.3 mmol/h/mg protein vs.1.53±0.21 mmol/h/mg protein,p<0.01),AT1-AA引起的caspase活性的增高可以通过预先用losartan或AT1受体细胞外第二环特异性肽段孵育而消失(图10和11,表4,n=8.10);0.01μmol/L和0.1μmol/L的AT1-AA对caspase3和8的活性无显著性影响;AT1-AA对caspase9的活性却无明显的作用(图13,n=8)。提示1.0μmol/L的AT1-AA通过激活AT1受体细胞外第二环特异性肽段除能引起坏死外,还可能通过凋亡(尤其是外源性途径)造成内皮细胞损伤。
     (2)1.0μmol/L的AT1-AA在不同时间点对caspase活性的影响:Caspase3在24h开始增高(从0.29±0.05 nmol/h/mg protein增加到0.45±0.06 nmol/h/mg protein,P<0.05),48h达到高峰(从0.29±0.05 nmol/h/mg protein增加到0.63±0.06 nmol/h/mg protein,P<0.01)且可以维持到72h(图15,表6,n=6);caspase8从24h开始增高(从1.39±0.05 nmol/h/mg protein增加到2.02±0.06 nmol/h/mg protein,P<0.05),48h达到峰值(从1.39±0.05 nmol/h/mg protein增加到2.96±0.07 nmol/h/mg protein,P<0.01),随后即开始下降,但在72h时仍高于阴性对照组(从1.39±0.05 nmol/h/mg protein增加到2.05±0.07 nmol/h/mg protein,P<0.05)(图16,表7,n=6):AT1-AA引起caspase3和8活性增高的效应能够通过与losartan或AT1R细胞外第二环的特异性肽段孵育而消失;caspase9的活性在各组之间均无明显的差异(图17,表8,n=5)。
     6.免疫组化检测的结果显示,AT1R-ECⅡ免疫组大鼠免疫后8周血管内皮可见典型的iNOS染色,而伪免疫组为阴性,AT1R-ECⅡ免疫组大鼠iNOS的表达是阴性对照组的3.16倍(图29,表17)。研究表明,由iNOS产生的病理浓度NO可以通过生成活性氮代谢物(ReacticeNitrogen Species,RNS),尤其是硝基化作用很强的过氧亚硝基(peroxynitrite,ONOO~-)分子导致硝基化应激(nitrative stress)和组织损伤。因此,我们推测,AT1-AA长期存在的情况下,可能通过引起iNOS的释放,从而产生病理浓度的NO,最终导致内皮细胞的损伤。
Preeclampsia is a serious pathologic complication during pregnancy and its pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Recent studies have demonstrated that autoantibody against angiotensinⅡtype 1A receptor (AT1-AA) are present in women with preeclampsia and the possible role of this autoantibody in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia has been paid increasingly more attention. In order to evaluate correctly the pathological significance of this autoantibody detection in sera from patients, it is necessary to understand the characteristic distribution of this autoantibody and the relationship between the AT1-AA level and the systolic systolic blood pressure (SBP), proteinuria or platelet in preeclamptic patients. The peptide corresponding to the sequences of the second extracellular loop of the human AT1 receptor is used as antigen in an enzyme immunoassay to screen the sera from preeclamptic patients. Positively was defined as P/N≥2.1; antibody titer was expressed as the maximum dilution at P/N≥2.1. Compared with the normal pregnant women and the healthy nonpregnant women, frequency of AT1-AA positive samples was markedly increased in preeclamptic patients (69.0%±2.9% vs. 29.0%±2.1%, 69.0%±2.9% vs. 8.3%±0.9%, respectively, P<0.01). The antibody titer of the positive sera from preeclamptic patients was in high level with the geometric mean titer being 1:168.6±6.7 for anti-AT1 receptor antibody. Notably, the dependability was observed between the AT1-AA level and the systolic blood pressure in preeclamptic patients. Nevertheless, there was no dependability between the AT1-AA level and the proteinuria or platelet in preeclamptic patients. For comparison, the characteristics of this autoantibody in sera from 56 normal pregnancies and in sera from 48 normal nonpregnancies were also studied.
     In conclusion, compared with the normal pregnant women and the healthy nonpregant women, the autoantibody against AT1 receptor in sera from preeclamptic patients is characterized by high frequency and high titer with the positively being increased with blood pressure. These results suggest that overproduction of AT1-AA is a novel risk factor in pregnant women and may play a causative role in the development of preeclamptic patients.
     Immune mechanisms and the renin-angiotensin system are implicated in preeclampsia. Recent studies have shown that autoantibodies against angiotensinⅡAT_1 receptors (AT1-AA) develop in the sera of patients with preeclampsia and may be involved in the pathogenesis of the disorder. In view of the vascular damages play a crucial role in the pathogenetic feature of preeclampsia, the aim of this study was to clarify the fundamental alterations in vasculature induced by AT1-AA. Vasoconstrictive effect of purified IgG from the sera of either preeclamptic patients or normal pregnant women was determined in isolated rat thoracic aorta, middle cerebral artery, coronary artery, renal artery, mesenteric artery and uterine artery. Our results showed that AT_1-AA induced a marked dose-dependent vasoconstriction in aortic vascular rings. However, curiously enough, AT_1-AA showed variant effects on small resistant vascular rings isolated from different organs. Of these vessels, middle cerebral artery and coronary artery were remarkably constricted by AT_1-AA, but mesenteric, renal and uterine arteries were essentially nonresponsive to AT_1-AA. The effects of AT_1-AA were neutralized by the antagonist Losartan and the peptide corresponding to the second extracellular loop of the AT_1 receptor. These data demonstrated that the AT1-AA caused marked vasoconstriction in some arteries through activate the peptide corresponding to the second extracellular loop of the AT_1 receptor and thus can account for the increased arterial tone in these vascular beds. These findings suggest that AT_1-AA is a novel risk factor in pregnant women and may play a causative role in the development of preeclampsia.
     Background: In view of the endothelial damages play a crucial role in the pathogenetic feature of preeclampsia, the aim of this study was to clarify the structural and functional damage of endothelium induced by AT1-AA. The present study investigated whether AT1-AA may induce endothelial structural dysfunction in vitro, and if so, to determine whether long-term active immunization with synthetic peptides corresponding to the second extracellular loop of the AT1-receptor (AT1R) may induce endothelial functional injury in vivo.
     Methods and Results: In this study, we investigated the pro-apoptotic and cytotoxic effect of AT1-AA on endothelial cell in vitro. The result demonstrated that AT1-AA was able to significantly increase the release of LDH and caspase 3 from endothelial cell. In addition, Adult female Wistar rats were immunized with synthetic peptides. Anti-ATIR autoantibody, endothelial injury (production of endothelin-1) and vascular function (systolic and diastolic function of thoracic aorta ring and small resistant vascular rings) were determined after immunization. In the sham immunization group, the antibody titer remained below 1:10 and no endothelial injury and vascular functional change were observed. However, in the immunized rats, a significant increase in anti-AT1-R autoantibody occurred 2 weeks after the immunization and peaked at week 8. A significant increase in production of endothelin-1 (ET-1) occurred at week 3 and peaked at week 9. A significant increase of iNOS production occurred 8 weeks after immunization, and severe vascular dysfunction occurred 12 weeks after immunization. Treatment with Bosentan (pan-ET-receptor antagonist) abolished endothelial injury and significantly improved vascular function in the immunized rats.
     Conclusion: Our results demonstrated for the first time that AT_1-AA was able to induce endothelial injury in vitro, and also suggested that long-term stimulation with the autoantibody against the second extracellular loop of the AT1R induces endothelial injury in vivo. These results suggest that AT1-AA may be a key role in vascular dysfunction in preeclampsia and the treatments of protecting endothelium may be a novel strategy in reducing multiple organ injury associated with autoimmune response.
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