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The precious metals, Pt, Ag and their alloys, have been widely used as catalysts in modern industry. Establishment of the thermodynamic database of Pt and/or Ag alloys is very important to improve the catalyzing capability of related system. In this work, thermodynamic assessments of Pt-Ga-Ge and Ag-Ga-Ge ternary systems were performed by combining First-Principles with CALPHAD.
     1. Formation enthalpies of compounds including stable and hypothetical phases in Pt-Ga-Ge system were calculated by First-Principles method.
     2. On the basis of the results from First-Principles calculation, the Pt-Ge and Pt-Ga binary system was optimized. Combined with the reassessed parameters of the Ga-Ge binary system in this work, the Pt-Ga-Ge ternary system was extrapolated. The liquid project and several isothermal sections were calculated
     3. The Ag-Ga and Ag-Ge binary systems were reassessed. Combined with the optimized parameters of the Ga-Ge binary system in this work, the Ag-Ga-Ge ternary system was extrapolated. The liquid project and several isothermal sections were calculated.
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