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Social justice is the lofty ideal and the eternal pursuit of value. The education is the cornerstone of a nation’s prosperous. In the new historical background, the importance for building a harmony society is to fulfill the justice in higher education, which is responsible for strengthening our country by developing the human resource. In generally speaking, the structure of the advanced education belongs to the top-level design of personal training. And the optimization of the structure of higher education, which is under the social justice, is an important aspect.
     In the days to come, higher education will still be the important and efficient way for promoting the social justice. Structure makes function, the structure of higher education works directly on the development of higher education and making full use of its advantages. The structure of higher education in nowadays is the products of the development of the national and regional economy, and the policy, and the culture. Although, it experienced several reforms, there are kinds of inappropriateness. To optimize the structure of higher education, it needs setting up a reasonable regulation, developing the marketing guidance, balancing the relationship between the development and the actual gain, and making assure of the new development point of higher education.
     In the days of the globalization and informalization comes along with the development of market economy in China, the social requirement of the education, especially higher education, is facing profound changes, which inevitably ask for more and higher requirement to the function and structure of the system of higher education. Under this background, it is indispensable for the structure of higher education to adjust correspondingly.
     This paper poses four main problems which are not fit to the requirements of social justice, and four corresponding suggestions, by the analysis of our structure adjustment of higher education and the present situation. The paper consists three parts:
     Part one discusses the theory of the structure of higher education and social justice, involving in definition of the core conception of social justice and the structure of higher education, in the theoretical principle of the study and in the discussion of the relation between the structural layout of higher education and social justice, it belongs to the study of theory. It analyzed positive action of the structural layout of higher education to social justice and the restrictive action of social justice to the rationalization of the structural layout of higher education.
     Part two belong to the empirical study part which analyzed the present state of the structural layout of higher education. Basing on the present situation of the structure of higher education, it carried out the relative analysis in accordance with the four stages of the foundation of the CPR to Cultural Revolution phase, Cultural Revolution phase, reconstruction (reform and opening) phase, fast growing phase. The result of above analysis indicated that the structure of higher education in China, which developed greatly, still be disequilibrium in such sections as the distributions of the colleges and universities, enrollment students, the enrolled new students and subject level in the colleges and universities. The analysis made out that the main influencing factors of the structural layout of higher education in China involving in deference of regional economy, the great disparity of distribution of population, the biased institution of the enrollment and the unbalanced deployment of the resource.
     Part three falls into the subjects of adjusts and optimization to the structural layout of higher education, namely, it pointed out the subjects to optimize the structural layout of higher education for the social justice. It based on the factors which influenced the structural layout of higher education, according to the relevant problems, give the corresponding subjections including to reinforce the assistant of west region, to promote the harmonious development, to perfect the enrollment institution, to optimize the deployment of the resource .It stated that it is a combined action of the nation, the government and the society to optimize the structural layout of higher education to promote the social justice, it depends on the role and coordination of these three sides.
     The goal of the adjustment and the optimization of the structural layout of higher education are to promote its development, to fully realize its function, so as to push forward the social justice by the education justice. Since the reform and opening, there are certain practical prerequisite for optimization of the structural layout of higher education along with the development of the economical and political reform deeply, along with the harmonious development of the region economy and the development of higher education. Certainly, there is a long way to go realize the real social justice through the optimization of the structural layout of higher education, there are many problems for us to resolve in practice step by step, there are many theories for us to study deeply. Only if should we set off the present structural layout of higher education in China, combined with the basic condition of China, study the theory of the social justice, resolve the social justice problem, we realize the impartial society, which is pursued by the Chinese people for thousands years. The adjustment and the optimization of the structural layout of higher education inevitably promote our social justice vigorously.
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