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Since ancient times,innovation has been the fundamental force in thedevelopment of human society and the inexhaustible power of the growth of a nation.With the shift from a factor-driven economy to an innovation-driven economy,innovation,especially science and technology innovation,has been playing a moreand more important role in the development of society and economy.From a smallenterprise to a region or even a country,science and technology innovation has beenregarded as an important symbol of not only the current level but also the potential ofits growth.
     Three decades since reform and opening up,China's vigorous development inscience and technology has made great achievements attracting worldwide attention.Scientific and technological growth has provided a key support for economicdevelopment,social progress,people's life and national security.Generally speaking,the progress in science and technology in China has been in the forefront amongdeveloping countries,with some research in some fields reaching the internationallyadvanced level.At the same time,however,we should keep a clear mind that there isa huge gap in science and technology innovation between urban and rural areas.Onthe whole,the innovation in science and technology in China's county-level cities hasa weak foundation,calling for a great number of talents,the improvement ofinnovation ability and further optimization of innovation environment.The presentsituation in county-level scientific and technological innovation does not match thesocial and economic development in the county-level cities,whose population andland account for a vast majority in China.This,accordingly,is widening theurban-rural divide.
     What is a foundation of economic and social progress in county-level cities? Thecurrent thesis argues that it is innovation,especially scientific and technologicalinnovation and the ability to innovate in science and technology.The whole countrynow pays more and more attention to and is increasingly concerned with scientificand technological innovation.It is a key issue,therefore,to accelerate thecounty-level development by establishing a county-level scientific and technologicalinnovation system and enhancing the social and economic growth of county-levelcities.An important part in the regional scientific and technological innovation system, the county-level scientific and technological innovation system is the foundation ofthe national innovation system in China.The construction of the county-levelscientific and technological innovation system is not only the urgent need to establishthe regional and national innovation systems but also the inherent requirement of thesustainable development of county-level cities in China.Consequently,the key ofcounty-level development,which has been the crux of the economic growth in China,is to enhance the ability of science and technology innovation.
     With a focus on national and regional innovation systems and the innovationability of enterprises,there is little research on the combination of scientific andtechnological innovation and county-level social and economic development.Moreover,the research on county-level economy lays particular emphasis on thecounty-level resource endowment,regional advantage,the cultivation of industrycharacteristics and the shaping of competitive industries.Although there are heateddiscussions of science and technology innovation and county-level economyrespectively,there has been very little research literature on the county-level scienceand technology innovation.The reasons are listed below.First,the county-leveleconomy in China is not developed on the whole.Second,there are not enoughinformation and data about the county-level science and technology innovation.Third,it is very difficult to analyze respectively and independently the factors influencingthe progress of the county-level science and technology innovation in our country.Last but not the least,it is considered too early to study the county-level science andtechnology innovation under such an immature condition.With a perspective ofcounty-level economy,the current thesis explores the development of scientific andtechnological innovation,trying to build a theory on county-level scientific andtechnological innovation and reveal the inherent relationship between anddevelopment trend of scientific and technological innovation and county-leveleconomic growth.As a brave exploration of the researcher,the combination ofscientific and technological innovation and county-level economy has somesignificance in the research on scientific and technological innovation in recent years.The reasons why the city of Changshu is chosen as the focus of the current case studyare listed below.Firstly,Changshu,one of the most economically developedcounty-level cities,boasts good conditions for scientific and technological innovationand thus is typical and representative in the research on scientific and technologicalinnovation in developed county-level cities.Secondly,the experience and patterns of scientific and technological innovation in developed county-level cities can guide andinspire other county-level cities in related development.
     Here goes the general description of the research.First,some related theories onscientific and technological innovation are introduced,analyzed and evaluated,andthe general pattern and factors influencing the county-level scientific andtechnological innovation are examined.Second,taking the city of Changshu as anexample,the present thesis analyzes and evaluates the formation of science andtechnology innovation strategy,the influence of science and technology innovation onsocial and economic growth,and the ability of science and technology innovation.Based on the analysis and evaluation,this thesis points out the major problems in thescience and technology innovation in Changshu and proposes some strategies ofaccelerating the economic growth,enhancing the ability of science and technologyinnovation and strengthening the construction of regional science and technologyinnovation system in Changshu.The current disssertation is a combination of theoryand practice,a macro and micro view,a typical and key investigation,a qualitativeand quantitative analysis,a historical review and a peer comparison,a static anddynamic study.
     This thesis is divided into nine chapters:
     Chapter One,Introduction.In this chapter,the researcher introduces the topic,background,significance,main idea,structure,research methods and originality of thecurrent research.
     Chapter Two,Basic Theories on and Concepts of Science and TechnologyInnovation.This chapter introduces and evaluates the main theories on and the presentsituation of science and technology innovationat home and abroad.
     Chapter Three,Roles and Functions of Governments in Scientific andTechnological Innovation.This chapter is devoted to a discussion on governments'interference in science and technology innovation,a study of some developedcountries' experience in building a system of science and technology innovation andtechnology transfer,and an analysis of the roles and functions of Chinesegovernments in science and technology innovation.
     Chapter Four,Influencing Factors and Patterns of County-level Scientific andTechnological Innovation.In this chapter,the significance and features ofcounty-level science and technology innovation are elaborated,the difficulties andrestrictions clarified,and the patterns demonstrated.
     Chapter Five,Science and Technology Innovation Strategy in Changshu.Thischapter explicates Changshu's economic and geographical features,its regionalcharacteristics,the economic growth,and the formation and development of scienceand technology innovation strategy.
     Chapter Six,Interaction between Scientific and Technological Innovation inChangshu and Its Social and Economic Growth.In this chapter,the researcherdelineates the roles of science and technology innovation in Changshu's social andeconomic development,the influence of the latter on the former.Furthermore,theresearcher explores the correlation between the two and evaluates the contribution ofscience and technology innovation in the city's economic growth.
     Chapter Seven,Investigation into and Assessment of Changshu's capability ofscience and technology innovation.In this chapter,an evaluation system ofcounty-level science and technology innovation ability is put forward.Besides,applying a method of principal component analysis and factor analysis,the researchermakes an investigation into the city's ability of science and technology innovation aswell as its hi-tech industry,thus demonstrating the features and existing state of thescience and technology innovation in the city's enterprises.
     Chapter Eight,Problems and Challenges confronted in Changshu in Science andTechnology Innovation.This chapter expounds the deficiencies in such aspects as theinvestment in and the environment of science and technology innovation,theeducation and attraction of science and technology talents,the introduction of foreigncapital and the cultivation of innovation ability of local enterprises.
     Chapter Nine,Strategic Thought on Promoting Economic Growth by EnhancingScientific and Technological Innovation in Changshu.Based on the discussion in theprevious chapters,this chapter elucidates the government's tentative plan andprocedure of the city's regional science and technology innovation system.
     The city of Changshu should make it clear that the implementation of theindependent innovation strategy and the construction of an innovation-oriented cityplay an important role in industrial restructuring,the transformation of economicgrowth mode,the strengthening of core competitiveness,as well as the guidance andsupport of the future economic and social development.The government should paymore attention to the independent innovation and the ability of sustainable innovation.It should aim at the research of significant products and the nurturing of emergingindustries,insisting on the combination of technology introduction and independent reseaerch,and trying to make a breakthrough in the crucial technology in some keyfields.It should also advance the construction of regional innovation system with afocus on the building of a new system of technology innovation in which enterprisesplay a major role and a combination of production,education and research isemphasized.Besides,it should insist on a balanced development between technologyinnovation and science popularization as well as talents cultivation,trying to create agood envrionment for science and technology innovation.Last but not the least,thecity of Changshu should also give full play to the market allocation of scientific andtechnological resources,make full use of national and international scientific andtechnological resources,and effectively meet the strategic needs of the economic andsocial growth of the city.
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    [3]Nathan Rosenberg. Inside the Black Box. Cambrige University Press, 1982;
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