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As an universal social and economical organization in the mature market-oriented economy country, Trade Association(TA) has played an important role in promoting all kinds of mutual-benefit activities in the economical field and providing the related public service. Since the opening-up and reforming, and with the setting-up of the object model of small government and big society as well as the establishment of the socialist market economy, TAs in China had been developing rapidly. TA is not only an important power and effective means for the nation to implement the trade management, but also could integrate the resources and canon the orders in the trade. Also, TA made contributions to protecting the trade, supporting the enterprise as well as strengthening the international competitivness and etc. So TA took an irreplaceable position in the building of Socialist market economy.
     However, being confronted with the deepening of the social system reform, the transformation of the government functions as well as the rigorous situation after China's entering of WTO, TA had met more and more problems of deep root. The issues met in the development of TA included not only the problems of external environment, but also those belonging to the organization its self, namely the poor Organizational Capability(OC). Having an objective analysis and assessment of the OC of TA, putting forward the infrastructure of the OC cultivation, and making TA developing well and fast is the original intention why the author set about this paper. At the same time, the paper would be of much importance to the theoratical research of TA in China
     On the basis of the literature summary, and through the identification with other organizations in the 3rd domain, as well as the analysis of the its attributes, the paper makes the conceptual definition of TA: TA is organization which the enterprises in the same trade or other subjects join in to realize the common interests, with the characteristics including the non-profit, folk, agency, mutual benefit as well as economy. Normally speaking, the building of OC is based on the organization management, and the research of organization management is presequisite for that of OC. The organization management of OC could be classified into two kinds, namely the internal organization management and external one. The internal organization management is actually the organizational governance. On the basis of the research of the clarification, nature as well as the framework of TA, the paper analized core systems and the alienation representations of organizational governance of Chinese TA in China, and then advocated some suggestions of perfecting the organizational governance of TA. The external organization management of TA is mainly the management system of TA. Through the analysis of the origin of, reasons for the reform of the present management system of TA as well as the malpractice of the management system, the paper elaborates on the three kinds of management system innovation locally in China, and the future trend of the TA management system in China.
     Base on the research above, the paper then makes an analysis of the basic characters of the OC of TAs in China and gave an definition of the TA's OC: TA's OC is an self-organizing comprehensive capability, which is characteristics of mutual benefit in the trade and could realize the alliance governance and promote the ever-lasting development. However, with the OC being the comprehensive capability of implementing operation and realizing the goal, its constitution, assessment and cultivation hinged on the position of the OC. Therefore, from the perspective of the economics, the paper has a research on the capability position differing from other organizations, namely position of the membership, position of the external stakeholders, and position of legal person.
     On the basis of the research on the basic points of organization management and the OC of TA, by referring to the theory of boundary in the field of enterprise, and from the perspective of value net, the paper makes an reasonable definition and classified the organizational boundary of TA into three kinds, namely entity boundary, industry boundary and relation boundary. An then by the definition of the organization boundary of TA as the interface structure, modular process of the core-competence of TA is implemented, which resulting in three modules, including structure capability, operation capability and relation capability, and then the S-O-R model of TA's OC is constructed.
     After the building of the theoretical model of the OC construction of TA, through plenty of investigations and discussions with specialists, the original assessment indexes are made. Then by making good use of many statistical methods, econometrics method as well as the rough-set method in computer science, the paper makes a practical analysis on the OC of TA in China with the data of TAs in Shanghai, after which an objective and scientific assessment system of TA's OC was constructed, including 3 capability modules, 13 capability indexes and 54 capability factors.
     Finnaly, from the point-view of modern management and marketing, centering on the creation of customer value, based on which the customer value chain is constructed, the paper puts forward the theoretical model of TA's OC cultivation, and makes a detailed analysis and research on the four specific means of OC cultivation, including knowledge management, function position, brand operation as well as strategic alliance.
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