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     1)提出了GRASDW面向对象建模方法,并确定了铁路绿色选线设计领域对象。通过借鉴决策支持系统开发经验,根据铁路选线对其对象模型的提取、解析以及交互操作等需求,采用面向对象抽象方法建立出铁路绿色选线设计方案,并确立了对象在GRASDW中的价值和作用;结合GRASDW特点,提出使用面向对象的统一建模语言(UML)和Microsoft Visio组成线路对象的理念;最后构建了铁路绿色选线设计的领域对象,包括线路决策知识、线路对象和选线地理环境的影响。
The systemic solution of Green Railway Alignment Selection Decision Support System based on Web-GIS (GRASDW) was illustrated in this dissertation, according to the recent mature design idea of the road and railway location both at home and abroad, combining with the actual situation and features of railway location in China. GRASDW is an efficient, high-powered and dynamically distributed across space man-machine interactive system with professional analytical and comprehensive abilities, which was based on the technology of software engineering and WebGIS.
     The author has carried out works as follows, which is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51078361):
     1) Object-oriented modeling approach of GRASDW was proposed, and the domain object for railway location was confirmed. The design scheme of green railway location was established by object-oriented extract, analysis and interoperate according to the empirical development of decision and support system. The value and function of the objects in GRASDW were assessed. The unified modeling language (UML) in object-oriented applying and the Microsoft Vision Of line object were presented, as well the domain object containing line decision knowledge, line object and the influence of geographic environment was built.
     2) Cross space and platform dynamic realization of green railway alignment selection decision support system based on webGIS is put forward. In view of the crossing space and platform application of WebGIS, the computers and staffs in the selection could record or modify the related data, check the decision support, and connect the current and global information through the network at anytime and anywhere. At the same time, various parts of the sites could have direct access to the latest information and data, as well as the dynamic changes and remote synchronization update.
     3) Quantitative analysis of the influence of rail engineering on eco environment in the main ecologically sensitive and weak region was conducted, such as water and soil erosion and wildlife damage. The railway location system established the storable and extensible ecological environment database in line with the assay and attribute value, which made a realiabel support to the green railway selection scheme.
     4) Railway location methods in GRASDW was proposed. The eco environment closely contacted with the railway alignment field was abstracted by object method described by objected-oriented technology and UML. As required in GRASDW, object to solve in multi-objective decision making was abstracted and optimized by the rule of multilayer filter "create-filter-improve". By the optimal path method of network cable grid, combined with the16units model, and improving Dijkstra arithmetic, the optimum value among various line control points generated, and the initial plane graph of line scheme could be calculated.
     5) The green railway alignment selection decision support system based on WebGIS was put forward and fulfilled. To approve the scientificity and feasibility of the technical proposal, we brought about the GRASDW, described the system structure, modeling method and main function of each module, and achieved the result in accord with experiment. It stated the validity of our thesis theories and feasibility of the systematic method.
     6))For testing the Possibility and scientific of Proposed method in this thesis, green railway alignment selection decision support system based on WEB is Put forward and fulfilled, with its architecture, main function and implementing method. The test results of this system manifest that the theories are correct and methods are Practical.
     The research method and theoretical results are able to provide reference and operation method for further railway location. Though the study of GRASDW is aimed to newly-built railway design, Though the study of GRASDW is aimed to new railway design, the results can be used to solve design problem concerning reconstruction or double-tracking existing railway by improving. They also can be used to similar road location. Furthermore, those theories and methods can be to dynamical decision or civil engineering design which has the same characteristics as railway location.
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