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Students'physical conditions have been weakening today while physical exercises are seriously insufficient, measures must be taken to promote their sport and exercise behaviors. Behavior science theory models have been applied to the practice of sport and exercise promotion. In reality, individual behaviors are definitely affected mutually by such interweaving factors as social culture and actual circumstances. Therefore, based on sensible interpretation of relationship and effectiveness between people and environment, improving environment as well as conducting some policy intervention should be an important way to promote sport and exercise and improve students' health. This research designed to find out the influences of social environment factors on the college students'sport and exercise behaviors and the effects of policy and organized system, and to put forward some theory guide and practical way for the further promotion of the college students' sport and exercise behaviors.
     Under the framework of health behavior ecology model, this research is conducted within Beijing University. The methods of literature, comprehensive students interviews and experts consulting are used to find out the dominant factors. And questionnaire is used to survey and examine the data. Then the measurement tool is designed and tested for the effective factors of college students'sport and exercise behaviors. Consequently, students'sport and exercise behaviors can be explained, and the resulting theory can be a guide for intervention promotion. Through the questionnaire investigation on the actual college students' sport and exercise behavior, the effective factors of college students' behavior can be fully comprehended. Comparisons are made between the effects of school management policy change and those of sport community, both of which make up important social environment factors.
     The findings show that the questionnaire on the effects of colleges students'sport and exercise behaviors consists of inclination factor, promotion factor and intensification factor, and is provided with credibility and validity. Beijing University students spending less than 1.5 hours each week on sport and exercise, account for 67.4%. And those less than 3 times reach to 75.5%. For the reasons not to engage in sport and exercise activities, the first three are as below:short of time, 32%, inertia,25%, lack of companion,19%. Students in those classes, which using two-level and 100-point to calculate the scores of PE according to the regulation of school management, show significant difference in attendance rates and 12-min running performance, while those using 100-point method are rather higher than two-level system. As members of sport community, students controlled as assistant variables, show higher score in physical condition test and much more time spend on sport and exercise than those of average students, who are not members of sport community. Considerable differences are also found in these aspects between different types of sport communities.
     The conclusion is that the questionnaire on the effects of colleges students' sport and exercise behaviors is provided with acceptable credibility and validity, in accordance with psychology test standards. The questionnaire also illustrates that the health behavior ecology model can be applied in the field of sport and exercise. Beijing University students' sport and exercise involvement is insufficient and students' sport and exercise behavior need effective promotion in general. School management policy and regulation can consequently affect college students' sport and exercise behavior, which is an effective way. Sport community shows positive effects to promote sport and exercise behavior and improve health, it is an effective way especially among the college student groups.
[1]World Health Organization. World health report 2002:Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. P61.
    [2]HHS, CDC. Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People,1997.p1-2.
    [13]Dishman RK. Biologic influences on exercise adherence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1981,52:143-159.
    [15]Dishman RK, Gettman LR. Psychobiologic influences on exercise adherence. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1980,2:295-310.
    [16]Dion W, et al. Age and attendance in patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1988(S):545.
    [20]Oldridge NB, et al. Noncompliance in an exercise rehabilitation program for men who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Canadian Medical Association Journal,1978,18:361-364.
    [23]Richard MR, Edward LD. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations:Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology,2000,25:54-67.
    [24]Christina MF, Hana SS. Competition and instrinsic motivation in physical activity:a comparison of two groups. Journal of Sport Behavior,2003,26(3):240-254.
    [26]Ryan RM, Frederick CM, Lepes DR,et al. Intrinsic motivations and exercise adherence. Internal journal of Sports Psychology,1997,28:335-354.
    [32]Andrew GM,et al. Reasonfor dropout from exercise programs in post-coronary patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1981,13:164-168.
    [33]Lee C, Owen N. Reasons for discontinuing regular physical activity subsequent to a fitness course. The Australian Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation National Journal,1985,107:7-9.
    [34]Pollock ML, Gettman LR, Milesis CA, et al. Effects of frequency and duration of training on attrition and incidence of injury. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1977,19:31-36.
    [35]Knapp D, Gutmann M, Squires R. Exercise adherence among coronary artery bypass surgery patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1983,15(2):120.
    [40]Raynor DA, Coleman KJ, Epstein LH. Effects of proximity on the choice to be physically active or sedentary. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,1998,69:99-103.
    [41]Lee C, Owen N. Reasons for discontinuing regular physical activity subsequent to a fitness course. The Australian Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation National Journal,1985,107:7-9.
    [43]Bruce EH, et al. Comparison of active participants and drop outs in CAPRI cardiopulmonary rehabilitation programs. American Journal of Cardiology,1976,37:53-60.
    [45]McCready ML, Long BC. Locus of contral, attitudes towards physical activity,and exercise adherence. Journal of Sport Psychology,1985,7:246-259.
    [50]Russell R, Thomas N, Thomas L. Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Youth:A Leadership Role for Schools. AHA Scientific Statement.Circulation.2006; 114:1214-1224.
    [53]陈善平,李树茁,朱长跃.基于解释结构模型的锻炼坚持机制分析.西安体育学院学报,2007,24(6):117-122.[54]U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health:a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,1996. p:211.
    [55]U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health:a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,1996. p:211.
    [56]Skinner BF. Science and human behavior. New York:Free Press,1953.
    [57]Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action:a social-cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1986.
    [58]Glanz K, Rimer BK. Theory at a glance:a guide for health promotion practice. Bethesda, MD:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, July 1995
    [59]Hochbaum GM. Public participation in medical screening programs:a sociopsychological study. Washington, DC:U.S. Public Health Service,1958. Publication No. (PHS)572.
    [60]Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Transtheoretical therapy:toward a more integrative model of change. Psychotherapy:Theory, Research, and Practice 1982;20:161-173.
    [61]Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC, Norcross JC. In search of how people change:applications to addictive behaviors, American Psychologist 1992;47:1102-1114.
    [63]Marcus BH, Banspach SW, Lefebver JS, et al. Using the stages of change medel to increase the adoption of physical activity among community participants. Am J Health Promotion,1992,(6):424-429.
    [64]Brownell KD, Marlatt AG, Lichtenstein E, Wilson GT. Understanding and preventing relapse. American Psychologist 1986;41;765-782.
    [65]Marcus BH, Stanton AL. Evaluation of relapse prevention and reinforcement interventions to promote exercise adherence in sedentary females. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 1993;64:447-452.
    [66]Ajzen I, Fishbein M. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1980.
    [67]Ajzen I. From intentions to actions:a theory of planned behavior. In:Kuhl J, Beckman J, editors. Action-control:from cognition to behavior. New York:Springer,1985:11-39.
    [68]Ajzen I. Attitudes, personality, and behavior. Chicago:Dorsey Press,1988.
    [71]Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action:a social-cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1986.
    [72]Mcauley E, Bane SM, Mihalko SL. Exereise in middle-aged adults:Self-efficacy and self-presentational outcomes. Preventive Med,1995, (24):319-328.
    [75]McLeroy KR, Bibeau D, Steckler A, Glanz K. An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly 1988; 15:351-377.
    [76]Centers for Disease Control. Promoting physical activity among adults; a CDC community intervention handbook. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control,1988.
    [79]Bush PJ, Zuckerman AE, Theiss PK, Taggart VS, Horowitz C, Sheridan MJ, et al. Cardiovascular risk factor prevention in black schoolchildren:two-year results of the Know Your Body program. American Journal of Epidemiology,1989,129:466-482.
    [82]Killen JD, Telch MJ, Robinson TN, Maccoby N, Taylor CB, Farquhar JW. Cardiovascular disease risk reduction for tenth graders:a multiple-factor school-based approach. Journal of the American Medical Association 1988,260:1728-1733.
    [83]Dwyer T, Coonan WE, Leitch DR, Hetzel BS, Baghurst RA. An investigation of the effects of daily physical activity on the health of primary school students in South Australia. International Journal of Epidemiology.1983,12:308-313.
    [84]Simons-Morton BG, Parcel GS, Baranowski T, Forthofer R. O'Hara NM. Promoting physical activity and a healthful diet among children:results of a school based intervention study. American Journal of Public Health. 1991,81:986-991.
    [86]EansR, Stoddart G. Consuming health care, producing health. Soc Sci Med,1990,31:1347.
    [88]Simons-Morton DG, Simons-Morton BG, Parcel GS, et al. influencing personal and environmental conditions for community health:a multilevel intervention model. Fam Community Health,1988,11(2):25-35.
    [89]Sallis J, Owen N. Ecological modelsl in:Glanz K, Lewis FM, Rimer BK. Health behavior and health education:theory, research, and practice[M]. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1996:403-424.
    [90]Sallis J, Owen N. Environmental and policy interventions to influence physical activity. Physical activity and behavior medicine[M]. London:SAGE,1999:167-174.
    [91]Sallis J, Bauman A, Pratt M. Environmental and policy interventions to promote physical activity [J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,1998,15 (4):379-397.
    [94]Ross A. Wirth. Lewin/Schein's Change Theory. [WWW document], http://www.entarga.com/orgchange/lewinschein.pdf
    [95]Beyer JM, Trice HM. Implementing change:Alcoholism policies in work organizations[M]. New York:Free Press.1981:^^^^^
    [96]U.S. National cancer institute. Pink Book-Making Health Communication Programs Work. Appendix B: Selected Planning Frameworks, Social Science Theories, and Models of Change. [WWW document], http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/pinkbook/page11
    [97]Weick KE,Quinn RE. Organization change and development. Ann Rev Psychol,9999,50:361.
    [99]Robertson PJ, Robets DR, Porras JI. Dynamics of planned oraanizational change:assessing empirical support for a theoretical model. Academy of management journal,1993,36(3):619-634.
    [100]Cohen RY, Stunkard A, Felix MR. Measuring community change in disease prevention and health promotion. Pre Med,1986,15:411.
    [101]Florin P, Mitchell R, Stevenson J. Identifying training and technical assistance needs in community coalitions: A developmental approach. Health Education Research:Theory and Practice,1993,8 (30):417-432.
    [103]Wareham NJ, Jakes RW, Rennie KL, et al. Validity and repeatability of a simple index derived from the short physical activity questionnaire used in the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition(EPIC) study[J]. Public Health Nutr,2003,6(4):407-413.
    [105]American College of Sports Medicine Position stand. The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,1998,30(6):975-991.
    [107]Elosua R, Garcia M, Aguilar A, et al. Validation of the Minnesota leisure time physical activity questionnaire in Spanish women[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,2000,32(8):1431-1437.
    [108]Wareham NJ, Jakes RW, Rennie KL, et al. Validity and repeatability of the EPIC Norfolk physical activity questionnaire[J]. Int J Epidemiol,2002,31(1):168-174.
    [109]Booth ML, Okely AD, Chey TN, et al. The reliability and validity of the adolescent physical activity recall questionnaire[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,2002,34(12):1986-1995.
    [110]Dominguez-Berjon F, Borrell C, Nebot M, et al. Physical activity assessment in population surveys:can it really be simplified[J]. Int J Epidemiol,1999,28(1):53-57.
    [111]Stel VS, Smit JH, Pluijm SMF, et al. Comparison of the LASA physical activity questionnaire with a 7day diary and pedometer[J]. J Clin Epidemiol,2004,57:252-258.
    [115]Scanlan TK, Russell DG, David G, et al. Project on elite athlete commitment(PEAK):Ⅱ. Introduction and methodology. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.[J],2003,25(3):360-376.
    [119]Marcus BH, Selby VC, Niaura RS, et al. Self-efficacy and the stages of exercise behavior change [J]. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,1992,63:60-66.
    [121]Green LW, Kreuter MW. Health promotion planning:an educational and ecological approach.3rd ed. Mountain View:Mayfield,1999.
    [1]World Health Organization. World health report 2002:Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. P61.
    [2]HHS, CDC. Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People,1997.p1-2.
    [13]Dishman RK. Biologic influences on exercise adherence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,1981,52:143-159.
    [15]Dishman RK, Gettman LR. Psychobiologic influences on exercise adherence. Journal of Sport Psychology,1980,2:295-310.
    [16]Dion W, et al. Age and attendance in patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1988(S):545.
    [19]陈善平,闫振龙.普通高校散打选项班大学生人格特征的研究[J].北京体育大学学 报,2001,24(2):172-175.
    [20]Oldridge NB, et al. Noncompliance in an exercise rehabilitation program for men who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Canadian Medical Association Journal,1978,18:361-364.
    [23]Richard MR, Edward LD. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations:Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology,2000,25:54-67.
    [24]Christina MF, Hana SS. Competition and instrinsic motivation in physical activity:a comparison of two groups. Journal of Sport Behavior,2003,26(3):240-254.
    [26]Ryan RM, Frederick CM, Lepes DR,et al. Intrinsic motivations and exercise adherence. Internal journal of Sports Psychology.1997.28:335-354.
    [32]Andrew GM,et al. Reasonfor dropout from exercise programs in post-coronary patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1981,13:164-168.
    [33]Lee C, Owen N. Reasons for discontinuing regular physical activity subsequent to a fitness course. The Australian Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation National Journal,1985,107:7-9.
    [34]Pollock ML, Gettman LR, Milesis CA, et al. Effects of frequency and duration of training on attrition and incidence of injury. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1977,19:31-36.
    [35]Knapp D, Gutmann M, Squires R. Exercise adherence among coronary artery bypass surgery patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,1983,15(2):120.
    [40]Raynor DA, Coleman KJ, Epstein LH. Effects of proximity on the choice to be physically active or sedentary. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,1998,69:99-103.
    [41]Lee C, Owen N. Reasons for discontinuing regular physical activity subsequent to a fitness course. The Australian Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation National Journal,1985,107:7-9.
    [43]Bruce EH, et al. Comparison of active participants and drop outs in CAPRI cardiopulmonary rehabilitation programs. American Journal of Cardiology,1976,37:53-60.
    [45]McCready ML, Long BC. Locus of contral, attitudes towards physical activity,and exercise adherence. Journal of Sport Psychology,1985,7:246-259.
    [50]Russell R, Thomas N, Thomas L. Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Youth:A Leadership Role for Schools. AHA Scientific Statement.Circulation.2006; 114:1214-1224.
    [54]U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health:a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,1996. p:211.
    [55]U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health:a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,1996. p:211.
    [56]Skinner BF. Science and human behavior. New York:Free Press,1953.
    [57]Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action:a social-cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall,1986.
    [58]Glanz K, Rimer BK. Theory at a glance:a guide for health promotion practice. Bethesda. MD:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service. National Institutes of Health. National Cancer Institute. July 1995
    [59]Hochbaum GM. Public participation in medical screening programs:a sociopsychological study. Washington, DC:U.S. Public Health Service,1958. Publication No. (PHS)572.
    [60]Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Transtheoretical therapy:toward a more integrative model of change. Psychotherapy:Theory, Research, and Practice 1982;20:161-173.
    [61]Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC, Norcross JC. In search of how people change:applications to addictive behaviors. American Psychologist 1992;47:1102-1114.
    [63]Marcus BH, Banspach SW, Lefebver JS, et al. Using the stages of change medel to increase the adoption of physical activity among community participants. Am J Health Promotion, 1992,(6):424-429.
    [64]Brownell KD. Marlatt AG. Lichtenstein E, Wilson GT. Understanding and preventing relapse. American Psychologist 1986;41:765-782.
    [65]Marcus BH, Stanton AL. Evaluation of relapse prevention and reinforcement interventions to promote exercise adherence in sedentary females. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 1993:64:447-452.
    [66]Ajzen I, Fishbein M. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs. NJ:Prentice-Hall.1980.
    [67]Ajzen I. From intentions to actions:a theory of planned behavior. In:Kuhl J. Beckman J. editors. Action-control:from cognition to behavior. New York:Springer,1985:11-39.
    [68]Ajzen I. Attitudes, personality, and behavior. Chicago:Dorsey Press,1988.
    [71]Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action:a social-cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall,1986.
    [72]Mcauley E, Bane SM, Mihalko SL. Exereise in middle-aged adults:Self-efficacy and self-presentational outcomes. Preventive Med,1995, (24):319-328.
    [75]McLeroy KR, Bibeau D, Steckler A, Glanz K. An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly 1988; 15:351-377.
    [76]Centers for Disease Control. Promoting physical activity among adults; a CDC community intervention handbook. Atlanta:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control,1988.
    [79]Bush PJ, Zuckerman AE, Theiss PK. Taggart VS, Horowitz C, Sheridan MJ, et al. Cardiovascular risk factor prevention in black schoolchildren:two-year results of the Know Your Body program. American Journal of Epidemiology,1989,129:466-482.
    [82]Killen JD, Telch MJ, Robinson TN, Maccoby N, Taylor CB, Farquhar JW. Cardiovascular disease risk reduction for tenth graders:a multiple-factor school-based approach. Journal of the American Medical Association 1988,260:1728-1733.
    [83]Dwyer T, Coonan WE, Leitch DR, Hetzel BS, Baghurst RA. An investigation of the effects of daily physical activity on the health of primary school students in South Australia. International Journal of Epidemiology.1983,12:308-313.
    [84]Simons-Morton BG, Parcel GS, Baranowski T, Forthofer R. O'Hara NM. Promoting physical activity and a healthful diet among children:results of a school based intervention study. American Journal of Public Health.1991.81:986-991.
    [86]EansR. Stoddart G. Consuming health care, producing health. Soc Sci Med.1990.31:1347.
    [88]Simons-Morton DG. Simons-Morton BG, Parcel GS, et al. influencing personal and environmental conditions for community health:a multilevel intervention model. Fam Community Health,1988, 11(2):25-35.
    [89]Sallis J, Owen N. Ecological modelsl in:Glanz K, Lewis FM, Rimer BK. Health behavior and health education:theory, research, and practice[M]. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1996: 403-424.
    [90]Sallis J, Owen N. Environmental and policy interventions to influence physical activity. Physical activity and behavior medicine[M]. London:SAGE,1999:167-174.
    [91]Sallis J, Bauman A, Pratt M. Environmental and policy interventions to promote physical activity [J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,1998,15 (4):379-397.
    [94]Ross A. Wirth. Lewin/Schein's Change Theory. [WWW document], http://www.entarga.com/orgchange/lewinschein.pdf
    [95]Beyer JM, Trice HM. Implementing change:Alcoholism policies in work organizations[M]. New York:Free Press.1981:^^^^^
    [96]U.S. National cancer institute. Pink Book-Making Health Communication Programs Work. Appendix B:Selected Planning Frameworks, Social Science Theories, and Models of Change. [WWW document]. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/pinkbook/page11
    [97]Weick KE,Quinn RE. Organization change and development. Ann Rev Psychol,9999,50:361.
    [99]Robertson PJ, Robets DR, Porras JI. Dynamics of planned oraanizational change:assessing empirical support for a theoretical model. Academy of management journal, 1993,36(3):619-634.
    [100]Cohen RY, Stunkard A, Felix MR. Measuring community change in disease prevention and health promotion. Pre Med,1986,15:411.
    [101]Florin P, Mitchell R, Stevenson J. Identifying training and technical assistance needs in community coalitions:A developmental approach. Health Education Research:Theory and Practice,1993,8 (30):417-432.
    [103]Wareham NJ, Jakes RW, Rennie KL, et al. Validity and repeatability of a simple index derived from the short physical activity questionnaire used in the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition(EPIC) study[J]. Public Health Nutr. 2003.6(4):407-413.
    [105]American College of Sports Medicine Position stand. The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. and flexibility in healthy adults[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,1998,30(6):975-991.
    [107]Elosua R, Garcia M, Aguilar A, et al. Validation of the Minnesota leisure time physical activity questionnaire in Spanish women[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,2000,32(8):1431-1437.
    [108]Wareham NJ, Jakes RW, Rennie KL, et al. Validity and repeatability of the EPIC Norfolk physical activity questionnaire[J]. Int J Epidemiol,2002,31(1):168-174.
    [109]Booth ML, Okely AD, Chey TN, et al. The reliability and validity of the adolescent physical activity recall questionnaire[J]. Med Sic Sports Exerc,2002,34(12):1986-1995.
    [110]Dominguez-Berjon F, Borrell C, Nebot M, et al. Physical activity assessment in population surveys:can it really be simplified[J]. Int J Epidemiol,1999,28(1):53-57.
    [111]Stel VS, Smit JH, Pluijm SMF, et al. Comparison of the LASA physical activity questionnaire with a 7day diary and pedometer[J]. J Clin Epidemiol,2004,57:252-258.
    [114]屈宁宁,李可基.国际体力活动问卷中文版的信度和效度研究[J].中华流行病学杂 志,2004,25(3):265-268.
    [115]Scanlan TK, Russell DG, David G, et al. Project on elite athlete commitment(PEAK):Ⅱ. Introduction and methodology. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology[J], 2003,25(3):360-376.
    [119]Marcus BH, Selby VC, Niaura RS, et al. Self-efficacy and the stages of exercise behavior change [J]. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,1992,63:60-66.
    [121]Green LW. Kreuter MW. Health promotion planning:an educational and ecological approach.3rd ed. Mountain View:Mayfield,1999.
    [126]山鹰社章程、活动需知http://www.bdwm.net/bbs/t.php? PUMA/Z.1290536799. A/3/0/13
    [127]卢福泉.北京大学自行车协会基本资料http://www.bdwm. net/bbs/t.php?PKUBA/ Z.1269780284.A/1/0/13
    [128]卢福泉.北京大学自行车协会基本资料http://capu.3322.org/cgi-bin/bbs.p1? see =acpp&b=1

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