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This thesis studies the development, the change and the key trend of foreign direct investment (FDI)under the background of economic globalization. With the view of developing country , it examines systematically how economic globalization impact on FDI, and what their interaction relationship are; discusses the root and the new tendency of FDI. As a conclusion, the thesis closely links to the Chinese reality and gives some suggestions about China's policy and strategy of FDI facing the economic globalization. The whole thesis is developed stepping by theory-mechanism-policy research mentality. The full text altogether divides three parts of nine chapters.
    The first part includes first to the third chapter. Chapterl begins with an overview of history and the present situation of FDI and touches on the characteristics of FDI both in developed and developing countries .Chapter2 anatomize some FDI related theories, forecasts theorizing tendency of FDI in 2 Icentery.Chapter 3 traces out the developments of economic globalisation, the new change of FDI and the strategic adjustments of MNEs.
    The second part (from chapter 4 to chapter 7) separately from the trade liberalization, the industrial internationalization, the financial globalization, the region economic bloc and so on the economic globalization performance most prominent several different flanks, the thesis analyzes their impact on FDI and with the FDI interaction relations.
    The third part includes eighth to the ninth chapter. Chapter 8 closely links to the Chinese reality, elaborates China attracting FDI present situation, analyzes foreign capital's impact on Chinese economy, appraises government's already FDI policy, discusses the policy choice of China's attracting FDI facing the economic globalization. In ninth chapter, it studies the strategic orientation of China's outflow FDI facing the economic globalization.
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