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     如上所述,20世纪90年代以来,企业资源外包业务在许多行业地迅速发展起来,在日渐成熟的市场和日益激烈的竞争中,越来越多的企业将自己不擅长的业务外包给专业化的厂商完成,利用外部资源弥补自己能力的不足。美国企业协会主席John Marotti(1996)指出:几乎没有哪家公司能承受得起精于一切,他们需要决定他们的核心竞争力是什么,专心搞自己擅长的方面,同时确保自己的专长在市场上具有竞争力。
With the quick technological change, the shorten product life cycle and the furiouscompetition of market, the exist environments of most business enterprises have takenplace violently at the knowledge-based economy ages. The key of enterprisesexistence and development is firms how to adapt to violent change of environmentthrough efficient reforms.
     In 1980s', the changes of the enterprise internal organization manifest that enterpriseinternal organization is flat, enterprise operation is flexible and enterpriseinter-relationship is web-based. Although these changes have deeply effected thedevelopment of enterprises, it is fact that enterprises cannot deal with the challenge ifthey only depend on the reform of organization. Otherwise, we are hard to explain agreat deal of emergence of enterprises outsourcing, strategic alliance and virtualenterprise in the global scope in 1990s'. thus, on one hand, more and more enterprisesreconstruct their inter-organization. On the other hand, in order to obtain moreexternal resources which can strengthen their competition ability, they pursue tocooperation with other enterprises. On this background, the field of theories andindustries pay more attention to the way of outsourcing.
     As state above, since 1990s', outsourcing develops quickly in many industries.Because of the gradually mature market and increasingly vigorous competitions, moreand more enterprises outsource their no-good -at business to specialized firms. Theycan make use of external resources to make up their shortage. John Marotti (1996),chairman of American enterprise association, argue that no company is good ateverything, they need to decide what the core of their competition ability is. The paperfocused on the analyse of formation and evolution mechanism of outsourcing indetails, in view of the model change in product organization.
     The paper focused on the analyse of formation and evolution mechanism ofoutsourcing in details, in view of the model change in product organization. Thispaper act transaction cost as main line, which is divided as main factors of transactionexpenses of transaction way and transaction technique and particular social economicconditions, analyze the deep factors of different product organized mode.
     The center view of this paper is that outsourcing between firms is the businessenterprise of a kind of transaction the activity. Research conclusion of the paper is thatthe fluctuation of transaction expenses act as the key during the formation andevolution of resources outsourcing in the process. That is, the economy of thetransaction expenses which is produced by the fluctuation of transaction way andtransaction technique and particular social economic conditions is basic motion offormation and evolution of the resources outsourcing.
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