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College student organizations composing of undergraduates are important components of modern universities, through which undergraduates make process. As undergraduates are youth and beginners of learning advanced knowledge, the developing dynamic of college student organizations mainly originates from the epistemological demand and political demand. The epistemological base and political base of college student organizations are always intertwined and play a different role in different periods affected by the social context and the university development periods to promote the college students organization development.
     The methodology of the research is the hermeneutics. From the perspective of structural-cultural, the author interprets the development of Chinese college students organization through describing and analyzing the forming of the relationship of Chinese undergraduates——college students organizations——college. The research course is from the reality to the ideality. And the author insists on comparative perspective from beginning to end.
     The first section of the dissertation is about the evolution process of the western college student organizations which is the necessary reference system to understand Chinese college student organizations. Reviewing the evolution process of college student organizations in the Middle Ages University and the US universities, the author believes that the requirements in pursuit of advanced knowledge and of building a campus system to pursue advanced knowledge freely are the main basis of the western college student organizations to develop. Under the guidance of the idea of university autonomy and academic freedom, western college student organizations contribute to the development of western colleges and have formed a particular undergraduate culture through the process.
     The second section of the dissertation is about describing and interpreting the vicissitude of Chinese college student organizations. First, the author reviews the history of Chinese college student organizations. In the past time, Chinese colleges and undergraduates had been closely linked with the social situation from the beginning .Chinese college student organizations were so closely linked with social situation that the development fracture of college student organizations would occur when social situation experienced drastic changes. The development of Chinese college student organizations has experienced three obvious ruptures: in the 1950’s, through reform of higher education led by government, Chinese college student organizations were put into the unified national system and became a part of state system. 1966-1976, in the Culture Revolution, Red Guards damaged and replaced the official student organizations in colleges. With the reform and opening-up, official student organizations have been resumed and lots of spontaneous student organizations have been formed in Chinese college campus since 1978. It is clear that three ruptures in the history of Chinese college student organizations were led by the political forces outside campus. After three ruptures, Chinese student organizations haven’t their own traditions; both college and college student organizations’culture have a high degree of homogeneity with social culture.
     Second, the author describes and analyzes the current development of Chinese college student organizations. Since the mid-1990s, Chinese college student organizations have had a new change and this change is still continuing. Affected by the current management system in Chinese colleges, the ongoing changes of student organizations experience two relatively independent paths: one path is realized by the bottom-up changes of the traditional official student organizations, which is mainly inspired by students calling for new political orders in campus; the other path is realized by the innovative changes of spontaneous student organizations, which is mainly inspired by students’demand of exploring new knowledge independently in contemporary era of the knowledge-based economy. At present these two ways still lack an effective conformity mechanism, which causes it is difficult to mutually promote the political and the epistemology bases of the current Chinese college student organizations.
     The third section of the dissertation is about the trend of the current Chinese college student organizations. Through case analysis, the dissertation proposes that the fundamental driving force of the changes of college student organizations is students’need for self-development in the information society with the expansion essence of“knowledge”. When contemporary college students learn and create new knowledge by taking part in various student organizations,“studying”has become a basic way of life. Today, undergraduates are promoting the formation of a“public domain”and a consultation mechanism of their own through dialogues between students in kinds of student organizations. As a result, a college student civil society is coming into being which is characterized with rationality, democracy, equality, openness and pluralistic. The core value of this college student society is post-collectivism which emphasizes both personal and collective development. Now, the current college student society lacks an effective integrated mechanism. The author believes that it is necessary to reform Student Union. Student Union should be reformed to be the integrating mechanism of the college student socity and to be the main way on behalf of students through which undergraduates participate the college affairs. With the formation of college student society, the unique culture of college students will be formed. The unique student culture will promote the college culture to be more open and plural.
     In the end, the author gives some advice about how to promote the development of Chinese college student organizations. Reviewing the means of college student organizations changing, there are three models in the development of Chinese college student organizations: the plan model, the adaptive model and the innovative model. To successfully complete any model, there is a necessary precondition to be achieve, that is, full and effective participation of the student members. Therefore, college student organizations should be ways for undergraduates to develop independently and college management systems about student affairs should mainly take“adaptive”strategy.
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