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With constant consumption of primary energy sources, the importance of utilization ofnew energy is becoming more and more obvious. Among many new energy resources,solar energy is one of the most important ones, the embodiment of which is the applicationfor photovoltaic power plant. Based on the dual importance of integrated PV power plant,which on the one hand, acting as the basic components in constructing PV plant, while onthe other hand, acting as a part of renewable energy, it adjusts the energy structure of theplant itself. With the PV system’s penetrating use into practices, China has formulatedmany strategic policies relating to the encouragement of constructing of integrated PVplant in the form of gold sun form. However, China still has a lot gap to catch up withEuro-American countries in the form of scale, technology, etc. In order to make up for thegap, China has to learn from other countries the successful applicable experience,technology, marketing and relevant policies, in the meanwhile, China will have to search away of her own in designing, implementing, evaluating PV development.
     This paper by adopting green building ideology, and intensively conducted systematicassessment over different stages of the green building construction, including planning,designing, constructing, managing, and operating process, leveraging green sustainabletheories, technology, procedures, new methods, and use the analysis as the route, deeplystudied the solar building integrated plan and related product application on a global scope,forecasted the development the technology with combination of China's specific situationin the industry, and pointed out the direction of the product standardizations and productinnovations in Inner Mongolia, to promote the green technology utilizations in the realpractice. Inner Mongolia has been in the leading place in the use of solar energy in Chinafor many years. The author chooses actual building as base model, with a process of mockanalysis and exploration towards typical integrated PV buildings, utilizes methods of solarradiation, energy consumption, natural lighting, analyzes mock result, establishesoptimized model, repeats the above-mentioned procedure with solar energy related method,another result will be obtained. Comparing with two different results, the authorsummarizes the practical probability of solar energy in green construction, and eventuallywill combine the integrated solution with green building plan to make it the most efficient practice in Inner Mongolia.
     As to green architectures' significance in the industry, the integration plan is essentialfor promoting the technologies. However, the technology application needs to fully reflectthe ideology, theories in the process of planning, designing, and continuous operating. Byselecting Inner Mongolia's examples, referring to the US, UK, and Japan's assessmentresults, it will conclude briefly the China's integrated plan over its impact to thesurrounding environment. Based on the location natural condition and climate aspects, andlocal standards and green strategies, we will tailor made the integration plan. At thedifferent stages of the building construction we will utilize BIM to analyze the radiation,energy consumption etc. and all its integrated simulation and comfort studies, and also thesolar part life cycle environment analysis and return analysis and its applicable analysis.Based on the existing state standard over product design, the paper suggests relevantintegration plan and applicable technologies and various standard structural assumptions.Raised the green tech experiment, adjustment and improvements, conducted the returnanalysis, and assessed the integration plan's effects in energy saving and emissionreduction process. Through the continuous analysis of the BIPV system and greenarchitecture’s simulation, the result shows the combination of which will lead to maximumamount of power generation, and environmentally friendly; the best application will beadding energy saving and cost saving aspects into the plan; and the outcome of whichwould be that the combination of two systems will be greatly reduce the energyconsumption for buildings.
     It is of great social significance to promote green construction, due to itsdemonstrating effect in the field of construction. At the same time, this will also bring neweconomic growing point. The application of solar energy in the field of green constructionaccelerates the development of domestic solar energy market, at the same time, it alsoimproves the energy-conservation effect for the building, reduces greenhouse gas and helpsto maintain the sustainability of social development. The author hopes that this paper is ofsome help with regard to the above-mentioned aspects.
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