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Nowadays, healthcare trust (or a crisis of trust) has been a significant social problem. It is especially reflected in the doctor-patient conflicts, and the fact is some errors of institutional design. This paper attempts to study this phenomenon theoretically and reveal the root cause and background of the formation. Then author proposes the idea of reconstructing healthcare trust, and combines with some empirical researches to make it more effective.
     Health is the foundation which human is able to live and work, and health care system is one of the most important social undertakings. Consequently, healthcare trust is more important than other in society. There are some reasons led to a crisis of healthcare trust in China, such as Frequently Medical malpractices, the high cost of medical treatment, irrational allocation of medical resources, and so on. Actually, one of the root causes is the lack of public welfare in health care system, and the other one is some medical staff forget their professional ideals and violate professional ethics.
     To be honest, the crisis of healthcare trust is closely related to China health care reform. The reform adopted the market mechanisms to resolve the problem of medical resource shortages and inefficiencies in China health care system. In the beginning of reform and openness, people comprehend the market more superficially, and did not thoroughly think and study the particularity of health care system. Thus some problems appeared with the reform, for instance the decline in the fairness of health services, the reduction of health spending, macroeconomic inefficiency and excessive commercialization and so on. The problems of establishing the modernistic institution and the problems with the modernistic institution itself are intertwined. That is the special situation in the problem of healthcare trust in China. In fact, the problem of healthcare trust is not only in China but also in other country. Because of the development of modernity, the trust mechanism is not enough to response to new problems. Many national governments are reforming the health care system in different countries. They try to balance government mechanism and market mechanism in order to achieve fairness, sharing and efficiency in health care system.
     In the context of the modern system, we should rebuild healthcare trust in two ways. First, we should reconstruct the national health care system with 'principles of justice', and eliminate the trust barrier. The 'principles of justice' includes 'distributive justice' and 'communication justice'. Distributive justice means the justice of distribution of social resources, and in particular how to correctly handle the relationship between government and the market. Communication justice means various parties equally communicate and have conversation to make consensus, meanwhile every parties are required to take responsibilities and carry obligations. Second, we should establish reciprocal regulation through the inner-discipline and outer-discipline to manage doctors. Then we can rebuild the doctor's medical professional ideal and professional codes and establish the trust between doctors and patients.
     Based on the theoretical study, the author proposes 'communicative justice' as the basis, to establish a good mechanism for public participation, let the public to participate in the processing of the health care system decision-making. It is a good way to rebuild the healthcare trust. At the same time, the author selected two typical cases to study. One is the 'Yunnan Province Medical Institution Management Regulations (draft)'legislative hearing and other is the 'Guangzhou Social Health Insurance Regulations' online legislative hearings. Through field investigation, the author survey the current status of public participation in China and concern the experience of foreign countries, then put forward how to establish good communication platform to rebuild the healthcare trust.
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