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     Instruction Multi Data)的向量指令为主,我们将这些指令称作“SIMD多媒体扩展指令”,简称“SIMD指令”,同时,我们称这些多媒体扩展部件为SIMD部件。
     目前,程序员只能通过编译器有限的支持来使用各种SIMD指令,例如通过嵌入汇编代码,或者使用编译器提供的内部函数(intrinsic function)等手段在代码中显式地使用SIMD部件的指定计算功能。这些手段的使用要求程序员深入了解SIMD部件的体系结构,并且具备基本的向量化程序开发能力,大大提高了多媒体程序开发的难度。一方面,由于各种处理器中集成的SIMD部件及相关的SIMD指令各不相同,针对不同SIMD部件开发的代码也不完全相同,从而导致了代码的可重用程度较低。为了降低开发的难度,提高代码的可重用程度,我们必须加强编译器对SIMD扩展指令集的支持,使之能够利用SIMD指令自动优化高级语言编写的多媒体代码,编译器的这一功能被称作SIMD编译优化。
     本文阐述了将传统的向量化方法运用于SIMD编译优化中的可能性与潜在的障碍。并以此为基础,展开了SIMD编译优化技术的研究,提出了多项能够显著提高代码性能的编译优化技术。并以开放源代码(Open Source)编译器Gcc3.5,以及并行编译平台Aggassiz为基础实现了SIMD优化编译的原型系统。其中,主要的工作与创新包括:
Since multimedia has become a dominating computing field, to meet such a trend, almost all general purposed processor venders have integrated multimedia extensions (MME) to their processors. Due to the potential parallelism and the low caculative precision requirement of multimedia applications most MME are implemented with Single Instruction Multi Data instruction sets.
    Currently, programmers are mainly restricted to using assember to utilize these MMEs with in-lining assembly codes or intrinsic functions. With these methods, the development become extremely inefficient and the code would be hard to be transplanted between different platforms. An alternative way is to make compiler automatically generate SIMD instructions from the code of standard high level programming languages.
    Although SIMD optimization is a part of vectorization, the traditional vectorization technique could not be simply transplanted to SIMD optimization due to the differences between vector processor and SIMD architecture. Currently, there is only few compilers could speedup some individual multimedia applications.
    Based on the deep study to the SIMD architecture and widely analysis to the multimedia workload. We carried on a series research to develop efficient SIMD optimization techniques, and to find out some useful techniques in this area. Meanwhile, we implemented these techniques with open source compiler Gcc3.5 and parallelization research platform Aggassiz as well. The work of this dissertation includes:
    1. This dissertation thoroughly investigates the present research on SIMD architecture, multimedia workload, and SIMD compilation techniques. One conclusion is that there are obvious gaps between SIMD compilation technique and traditional vectorization techniques
    2. To meet the requirement of SIMD compiler, we introduced "valid bits analysis", a dual direct data flow analysis, as the basic analysis for further optimizations, to control the band-width and enhance the parallelism.
    3. Since there are strong conflicts between the pack arithmetic of SIMD architecture and Integer Promotion rule of programming language standard, we introduced the overflow controlled SIMD arithmetic to optimize the related code.
    4. We successfully vectorize the linear recursive arithmetic in saturated mode to avoid exchanging the data between serial components and SIMD components. So that we can enhance the performance of related code. Meanwhile, we proposed the method how to discover Cyc-Constant, with this method more potential parallelism are developed.
    5. We also implemented two prototype system with open source compiler Gcc3.5 and parallelization research platform Aggassiz, and verified the correctness for the SIMD optimization techniques and measure the performance improvement as well.
    Conclusively, to enhance the capacity of SIMD optimization we discussed several critical techniques, such as how to performe highly accurately data bit width analysis and how to develop potential parallelism in saturation arithmetic mode. On the other hand, we verified the correctness and analyzed the performance improvement for the techniques.
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