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TSM basin modeling for resource evaluation system is directed by the thoughts of basin research of 3T (environments) - 4S (actions) - 4M (responses) proposed by Academician Zhu Xia. which is simulated in a synthetic software composed of burial. thermal, hvdrocarbon generation and migration history. The modeling targets are from basinal prototypes to traps. The 'should be so' changes of tectonic - thermal system provided dynamic boundary conditions for the changes of pressure (P), volume (V) and temperature (T) controlling hydrocarbon in a protobasin, which make it is possible to reasonably, calculate amounts of hydrocarbon generation, migration and even the resource of a trap. Through theoretical model, practical adjustment and basin modeling, a dynamic modeling system for hydrocarbon accumulation is constructed. Some good results are gained alter it is applied to the study, of Qingtong depression in northern. Jiangsu Basin.
     1. TSM basin modeling system is a suitable tool for hierarchy evaluation of petroleum resource
     1.1 Theoretical system
     It is emphasized that hierarchy evaluation of petroleum resource in a basin should take the basin as a whole, i.e. it should be analyzed and assessed from entirety to part of the basin at any stages of petroleum exploration. There are different assessment objects in a basin, zone or trap. Secondary, based on mobilism of tectonic history. basin prototype and its superimposition and juxtapositon should be analyzed, and different level of resource is evaluated in accordance with different geological conditions. Third, all factors of geological activity and its response in a basin should be considered in different levels of evaluation of petroleum resource, and the whole effect should be reflected with emphasis of some important aspects. Qingtong depression of the northern Jiangsu Basin with higher level of exploration is studied in detail. After integration of geological actions and their responses in the basin, the simulated resource of oil zones is indicated, the results are compared with various geological conditions, and petroleum resource in principle local structures is analyzed. The results may provide important foundation for hierarchy evaluation of hydrocarbon resource and can give out suggestion for future exploration without more data available. The method is a powerful tool for basin analysis and resource assessment. Its systemticness, quantitativeness and dynamicness are far beyond the hulnan's ability. With the increasing level of exploration and the continuously improvement of modeling method, "assessment and re-assessment" of simulation can be reached.
     1.2 TSM basin modeling technique for hierarchy evaluation of petroleum resource
     It is emphasized that study of geoIogical concept model and analysis of basinal superimposition and juxtaposition under different tectonic and thermal system are the important basis for basin modeling. The geological concept model can be tested and the basin evolution process can be revealed by the method. And its purpose is to predict amount and distribution of petroleum resource. It may perform real time assessment with exploration progress and conduct the exploration. The characteristics of the modeling system in terms of its result and function is as followings: a) With correct theory of basin research, it is emphasized that geological study is the prerequisite for modeling operation, b) A definite 'action - response' relationship between the different tectonic - thermal system and the evolution of petroleum svstem is indicated, c) Modeling results are systematic, dynamic and quantitative, and provide reasonable prediction of petroleum distribution. In terms of the software, there are following characters: a) It consisted of modules which are independent in design and development, and we own the core technique, b) The software is suitable for complex basin structure of China. The module may be adjusted according to different 'juxtaposition' or 'superimposition' of basinal prototypes, thus dynamically fulfill integration of modeling system, c) There is strong expanding ability of the system during expansion of module warehouse and development of method system, d) The software covers various aspects of petroleum geology such as burial, thermal, hydrocarbon generating and migrating histories. It is a integrated and mutual system. e) After practical application in basins with different levels of exploration, the rnethod may directly be applied to evaluation of petroleum resource and good results are achieved. Taking Qingtong depression of the northern Jiangsu Basin as an example. geological models of fault-depression, depression, erosion, sediment filling and thermal conduction are designed, a series of modeling models for hydrocarbon responses such as hydrocarbon generation, expulsion and migration pathway are constructed, so a relative well-considered petroleum evaluation system with prototype superimposition of fault depression and depression is developed. The exploration practice has showed that TSM system may reveal basin evolution history, carry out selected-area assessment, and quantitatively appraise prospective oil zone. It is a high effective, reliable and low cost evaluation system of basin resource, and it may be an important tool for reducing exploration risk. In the early stage of exploration, TSM system can be used to assess the potential hydrocarbon resource by limited geological data. As soon as more data is collected, the system may quantitatively predict prospective reserve for the favourable zone, Therefore, synthetic evaluation of petroleum resource in different stages of exploration is fulfilled.
     2. Advances in evaluation of Qingtong depression
     On basis of degree of exploration in Qingtong depression, petroleum resource in basinal, zonal and trap levels is carried out, so the hierarchy evaluation and serial techniques of petroleum resource are practically tested. The results showed that. for different exploration degree and different evaluating objects, the hierarchy evaluation technique of petroleum basin can test validity of geological concept model, reveal dynamic course of hydrocarbon accumulation, and reasonably assess resource in different levels. Thus. the decision-making can be improved and exploration risk may be lowered. Main advances of the study are as followings.
     a) The development, superimposition and modification of Late Cretaceous - Paleocene fault depression, Oligocene - Eocene fault depression and Neocene - Quaternary depression in Qingtong depression are described and analyzed systematically, quantitatively and dynamically. Erosion amount of unconformities formed during Wubao and Sanduo movements is calculated, and depositional hiatus is restored. It indicates that there are different styles for the two fault depressions. First. the two fault depressions have different stress directions, and the subsidence centers are little different. The subsidence and deposition center during Paleocene is in Yuxi and Dainan areas, the central west part of the depression. Subsidence and deposition are controlled by northeastern trend fault during Oligocene - Eocene, and subsidence is around the fault and Qingtong, Shiyan and Dafangzhuang areas, the central east part of the depression, are the center. Secondary, extension amount and subsidence range in Late Cretaceous - Paleocene fault depression period are larger than those in Oligocene - Eocene period. Step fault block, deep depression and slope can be divided along south - north direction in the depression, and there also are different structural characteristics in east - west direction.
     b) Calculation result showed that main source rocks are Taizhou formation and member Fu-2 with hydrocarbon expulsion peak at 23.2 Ma. Member Fu-3 and Fu-4 may be the minor source rocks. No hydrocarbon is expulsed from Dainan formation. Total amount of hydrocarbon generated in the depression is 12.4271*10~8t, and expulsed hydrocarbon is 6.2260*10~8t. In plane, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of source rocks of Taizhou formation are the strongest in Qingtong, Gangkou - Yuduo sags. Shinian sag is placed the second, and inner slope has some ability of hydrocarbon generation. And those of member Fu-2 are concentrated in Gangkou. Yuduo, Qingtong and Shinian sags. For source rocks of member Fu-4, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion are mainly in Qingtong, Dainan and Shinian areas, with minor in Gangkou and Yudou areas.
     c) According to the largest crest line of hydrocarbon expulsion potential of source rocks and structural pattern in the deep part of the depression, the depression can be divided into 4 zones called southern step fault block, inner slope, hinge belt and outer slope, which can further be divided into 11 blocks. On basis of calculation of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, inner slope and step fault block are the most favourable location for hydrocarbon accumulation. Reserve is mainly concentrated in Taizhou formation, member Fu-1 and Fu-2 and Dainan formation, and member Fu-3 (Ef~3) is the richest reservoir with reserve of about 248*10~6t that owns 40% of the total reserve in the depression. In accordance with present result of exploration, Funing formation in the inner slope (Xiaxi, Gangkou, Yedian, Biancheng and Dainan areas) is the future target for exploration. In terms of the middle structural horizon, Dainan formation (Ed) is the target in inner slope and Sanduo fonnation (Es) is the target in step fault block.
     d) On basis of quantitative evaluation of zonal resource amount, combining with analysis of development and distribution of main controlling faults and structural traps. hydrocarbon accumulation in the reservoirs is dynamically reproduced. Four local structures named Shuaiduo, Guzhuang, Zhujiawei and Xiaxi are simulated and assessed. The calculated accumulation amount of member Fu-3 in Shuaiduo structure is 0.608*10~6t, and in Guzhuang structure is 0.345*10~6t. Thus, hydrocarbon resource in every block and every local trap is predicted quantitatively.
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