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     1)论文从贸易保护的政治经济学的角度来阐释了技术性贸易壁垒的形成动因。对在完全静态信息条件下和不完全信息条件下的技术性贸易壁垒设置的国家间博弈进行了分析。通过最小质量标准(Minimum Quality Standard缩写为MQS)模型的扩展,分析了国内利益集团对政府技术性贸易壁垒政策选择的影响。
Since the1990s, in the case of traditional non-tariff barriers measures, such as tariffs and quotas, countervailing, antidumping, which are strictly limited by WTO, and in the name of protecting the health of humans, animals and plants, and environmental resources, the technical barriers to trade, because of its features, such as being targeted, good hiding and flexibility, has come to replace tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers, and in countries, especially developed countries, it has increasingly become main trade protection policy tools and means, producing a far-reaching impact on international trade. In the field of international agricultural trade protectionism, trade disputes caused by the technical barriers to trade have become a new focus, and have an important impact on China's agricultural exports.
     1. This paper follows the basic logic of ideas:Theoretical analysis-Empirical Analysis-Countermeasures. On the basis of a large number of references to the related literatures domestic and abroad, by use of such research methods as qualitative comparative analysis, theoretical model analysis and empirical model analysis, this paper elaborates the "double-edged" of the technical barriers to trade. It analyzes the technical and political economic reasons for the formation of technical barriers to trade and their influence on exporting countries in trade flows, social welfare and industrial development. This paper also introduces and analyzes the WTO-TBT/SPS international institutional framework1of the technical barriers to trade and the agricultural technical barriers systems of the major developed countries. Finally, this paper makes an empirical description and quantitative measurement of China's agricultural exports being subject to technical barriers, and on the basis of comprehensive analytical deep-seated reasons of China's agricultural exports being subject to technical barriers to trade, the paper, combining our national situations, puts forwards some countermeasures.
     2. This paper's main conclusions are:
     1) technical barriers have a dual nature. Within reasonable limits, to limit the goods which cannot meet the technical requirements is beneficial not only to the protection of human, animal and plant health and environmental resources, but also beneficial to normal trade. For the purpose of protecting their industry or market, the governments, by the way of technical barriers to trade, puts restrictions on trade and thus brings distortions on international trade, not only having a negative impact on the export side, but also being detrimental to their well-being level. But in reality, the basic properties of the technical barriers to trade mainly act as important policy tools and instruments of trade protection.
     2) The formation of technical barriers to trade results from the objective gap between national economic and social development and the technical level, and from the interaction of the governments and market players trying to overcome market failures and seek new means of trade protection. From the perspective of political economy, the policy of technical barriers to trade can be regarded as "public goods", with the characteristic of non-market decision-making. The formation of the technical barriers to trade, is not only the outcome of the game between nations, but also the result of the interest expression and choice of different interest groups and government departments, including different countries'producers, importers and consumers for their respective rights of the resources, and the game process of political and economic game of the parties under the conditions of interest conflicts.
     3) From a practical point of view, the developed and developing countries show a serious asymmetry in the setting and responding of technical barriers of agricultural products. The United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries and regions take the initiative to build sophisticated systems of technical barriers to protect their domestic industries and markets, while developing countries, subject to the level of economic development gap, technology gap and system differences of technical measures and other factors, are often in a passive responding situation and assume a more negative consequences.
     4) In recent years, due to the low level of quality and safety of agricultural products, the lag of technical regulations and standards system, the imperfection of agricultural products quality inspection system and the quality and safety certification system, the limited role of industry associations, the lack of coping capacity of export enterprises, international environmental constraints and other factors, the exports of China's advantageous agricultural products and the major export markets of agricultural products, in the technical barriers to trade continue to experience strikes from abroad, resulting in a greater negative impact on China's agricultural exports and domestic agricultural production.
     5) Through a gravity model to measure the impact of the number of vegetable pesticide residue limits on vegetable trade and the cross-sectional data of China's vegetable exports in Japan, the United States and the European Union during the16years1994-2009to measure the impact of technical trade barriers to agricultural exports. The analysis of data showed that the standard of vegetable pesticide residues had a more significant negative impact on China's vegetable exports to these countries and regions such as Japan, the United States and the European Union. The more the number of standard is, the greater its negative impact has. The standard number for every increase of10%in importing countries and regions, China's vegetable exports will be reduced by4.16%. In China the improvement of vegetables pesticide residues limits has a certain role in promoting China's vegetable exports.
     6) Dealing with Technical Barriers to Trade is a systematic project.involving both the macro long-term strategic measures and a tactical coping strategies and specific measures. Fully integrated use of the government, industry associations, businesses of their own resources and advantages, establishing strategic alliances among them, and establishing coping mechanisms with enterprises as a link, industry associations to participate in, and the Government to promote, establishing efficient early warning system of technical barriers to trade are important strategy to deal with foreign technical barriers to trade. Reasonable use of technical barriers to trade regulations, building China's agricultural product quality safety system, and enhancing the competitiveness of China's agricultural products can fundamentally improve our agricultural capacity to deal with technical barriers to trade.
     3. This paper's possible innovations:
     1) it illustrates the formation motivation of technical barriers to trade from the perspective of the political economy of trade protection. It analyses the game between the countries setting technical barriers to trade in fully static conditions and under the conditions of incomplete information. By the extension of minimum quality standards (MRQ) model, this paper analyzes the impact of domestic interest groups on the policy options of technical barriers to trade
     .2) This paper, on the basis of sorting out the literatures on how to quantify the influence of technical barriers to trade, and by use of gravity model, constructs a model to measure the impact of standard number of pesticide residues of vegetables on vegetable trade, to verify the influence of technical trade barriers on agricultural exports. Empirical analysis of China's vegetable export data in Japan, the United States and the European Union2000-2009is also conducted. Japanese Positive List System as a dummy variable is introduced into the model to analyze the overall impact of the system on China's vegetable export market in the United States, Japan and the EU.
    ①Baldwin Robert.E.Non-Tariff Diatortions of International Trade, The Brookings Institution Washington DC, 1970:143
    ②Skyse Alan O.Product Standards for Intornationally Intograted Goods Markets,The Bookings Institution,Washington DC,1995:7
    ③Robert Donna.Analyzing Technical Trade Baeeiers in Agricultural Market:Challenges and Priorities, Agribusiness,1999,15(3):335-354
    ④Fischer Ronald and Serra Pablo.Standards and Protection,Journal of International Economics,2000,52:377-400.
    ①Robert Donna.Analyzing Technical Trade Baeeiers in Agricultural Market:Challenges and Priorities, Agribusiness,1999,15(3):335--354
    ②Posner Richard A.Theories of Economic Regulation,Bell Journal of Economics & Manage-ment science, Autumn,1974,5 (2):P335.
    ③Thomsbury Suzanne. Technical Regulations as Agrad-turad Trade,Phd Dissertation of Virginia Polytechnic Instituda and Stare university,1998.
    ④Stigter G.The Theory of Economic Regulation,Bell Journal of Economics and management science,1971,(2):3-21
    ⑤Peltzman Sam.Toward a more General Theory of Regulation,Joural of International Econo mics,1976,(19):211-240
    ①Thornsbury Suzanne. Political Economy Determinants of Technical Barriers to US agricultural Exports,Paper presented at the 1999 American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting"Tarm to Table:Connecting praducts,communications and consumers"Nashvill,TN,1999.
    ①Stephenson Sherry. Standards,Conformity Assessment and Developing countries,Word Bank policy Research Paper,1997,(1826):4.
    ③Wilson Johns and Otsuki Tsunehiro.Standards and Technical Regulation and Firms in Developing countries,New Evidence from A word Bank Technical Barriers to Trade survey.preliminary Draft,2004.
    ①Joint.Working Party on Agriculture and Trade. Agro-food Products and Technical Barriers to Trade:A survey of Issues and Concerns concerns in the WTO's TBT Committec,2003.
    ②Henson Spencer.Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures on Developing Countries,Centre for Food Economics Research, University of Reading,2002.
    ①Swann Peter,paul Temple and Mark Shurmer.Standards and Trade Performance:The Uk Experience,Economic Journal,1996(106):1297-1313.
    ②Moenius Johannes.Information versus Product Adaptation:The Role of Standards in Trade,Working paper,University of California,San Diego,1999.
    ③Michele Nardella,Stefano Boccaletti.The Impact of Technical Barriers on Us-Eu Agro-food Trade.Paper Preoared for Presentation at the American Agrial-tural Economics Association Annual Meeting,Montreal,Canade,2003.
    ④Otsuki T,Wilson J.Sewadch M.A.Race to the Top?A case Study of Food Safety Standards and African Exports.Development Research Group world Bank,2001.
    ⑤Thilmany Dawn and Christopher Barrett.Regulatory Barriers in an Intergrating World Food Market,Review of Agricultural Economics,1997,(1):91-107.
    ①Krissoff Barry, Calvin Linda and Denice Gray.Baeeiers to Trade in Global Apple Markets,Economic Research Service,USDA,1997.
    ②Calvin L and KrissoffB. Technical Barriers to Trade:A Case Study of Phytosanitary Barriers and US-Japanese Apple Trade. Journal of Agricultural and Resources Ecnomics,1998,23(2):351-366.
    ③Paarlberg PL and J.G.lee.Import Restrictions in the Presence of a Health Risk:An Illustration Using FMD,American Journal of Agricultural Economics,1998,80(1):175-183.
    ④Gasiorek Michael,Alasdair Smith and Anthony J.Venables.Trade and welfare-A General Equilibrium Model.In L.A.Winters,ed.,Trade Flows and Trade policy after 1992, Cambridge:Cambridge university press,1992.
    ⑤Harrison Glennw,Thomas F.Rutherford and David G.Tarr.Increased Competition and completion of the market In the European Union:Static and Steady and Fffects,journal ofEcnomic Intergration,1996,11 (3):332-365.
    ⑩Deardorff,Alan V. and Robort Stern (1998). The Measurement of Non-Tariff Barriers.OECD Economics Department worling Papers No.179.OECD. Washington DC.
    ① Hillman,Jimmye S (1991),Technical Barriers to Agricultural Trade,Boulder:Westview press
    ② Donna Roberts and David:The case of U.S. Phytosarutary Restrictions on Mexican avacados 1972-1995 International Agricultral Regearch 2000(4)1-31
    ③Keith E.maskus,Johns Wilson:quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to trade:AReview of past,attempts and the new policy context:paperpre paired for the world Bank 2000
    ⑤aldwin,Robert E.Non-tariff Distortions of Intermational Trade,The Brookings Institution Washington,DC.1970.
    ①Roberts, D,T,E:Josling & D.Orden (1999), A framework fpr analyzing technical trade barriers in agricultural markets,Economic Research service staff Paper,us Department of Agriculture
    ②Brander J,Spencer B.Export Subsidies and Market Share Rivalry. Journal of International Economics,1985(18):83-100.
    ②Brooks Jonathan.Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries:What Can We Learn From Political Economy ModeIs?,Journal of Agricultural Economics,1996,47(3):370.
    ③E.E. Schattschneider.Politics,Pressures and the Tariff, New York:Prentice Hall.,1935.
    ④C.P. Kindleberger,1951,Group Behavior and International trade. The Journal of Political Economy,1951,59(1):30-46.
    ⑥Bruno S.frey. International Political Economics.Basil Black Publisher Ltd.1984.
    ③Fischer Ronald and Serra Pablo.Standards and Protection,Journal of International Economics,2000,52:377-400.
    ③sykes Aian O,Product stanalards for Internctional Intergrated Goods markers,The Brookings Instution,Washington, DC,1995.P.B
    ⑤Thomsbury Suzanne. Technical Regulations as Agrad-turad Trade,Phd Dissertation of Virginia Polytechnic Instituda and Stare university,1998.
    ①Robert,Donna 2000,preliminary Assesment of the Effects of the WTO Agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary Trade Regulations,Journal of International Economic Law 1(3):377-405.
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    ①Deardorff,Alan V. and Robort Stern (1998). The Measurement of Non-Tariff Barriers.OECD Economics Department worling Papers No.179.OECD.Washington DC.
    ②Beghin John C.and Jean-Chnstophe Bureau.Quantification of sanitary Phyto-sanitary and Teehnical Barriers to Trade for Trade Policy Analysis.Center for Agricultural and Rural Development,working Paper 2001,WP.291
    ①KrissofF Barry,Linda Calvin and Denice Gray (1997).Barriers to Trade in Global Apple Markets.Economic Research service USDA
    ②Bradford,S.Paying the Price Final Goods Protection in OECD Countries Review of Economic and statistics, 2003,85(1):24-37.
    ①Moenius,J.The Good,The Bad and the Ambiguous:Standards and Trade In Agricultural Products IATRC summer Symposium may 28-30.Bonn,Germany 2006. Moenius,J.(2004)Information versus Product Adaptation:The Role of standards in Trade, Kellogg school od Management working paper,Northwestern University 2004.
    ②Jayasing he,Sampatn,John C,Beghin and Giancarlo moschini.Determinants of World Demand for U.S Corn seeds The Role of Trade costs working paper,2009-WP484.
    ③Schlueter simon W,Christine Wieck,Thomas Heckelei.Regulatory SPS Instruments in,meat Trade Agricultaral and Resource Economics Discussion Paper,2009.
    ④Wilson, J.S. and T. Otsuki. To Spray or not to Spray:Pesticides, Banana Exports and Food Safety.Food Policy, 2004,29(2):131-145.
    ④Gebrehiwet, Y. S. Ngqangweni, and J. F. Kirsten. Quantifying the Trade Effect of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regula-tions of OECD Countries on South African Food Exports.Agrekon,2007,46(1):23-29,
    ⑥Chen, M.,X and A,Mattoo. Regionalism in Standards:Good or Bad for Trade?Canadian Journal of Economics, 2008,41:838-863.
    ⑦Fontagne, L., Mimouni, M. and J.M. Pasteels. Estimating the Impact of Environmental SPS and TBT on Internationaltrade.Integration and Trade Journal,2005,28(19):7-37.
    ⑧Disdier, A, B. Fekadu, C. Murillo, and S..A. Wong. Trade Effects of SPS and TBT Measures on Tropical and Diversifi-cation Products. Geneva:International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development,2008.
    ①Disdier, A, B. Fekadu, C. Murillo, and S. A. Wong, Trade Effects of SPS and TBT Measures on Tropical and Diversifi-cation Products. Geneva:International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development,2008.
    James,S.and kym Anderson.On the Need for more Economic Assessment of Quarantine/SPS policys,center for International Economic studies.CIES seminar paper,1998:98-02.
    ②Tinbersen,J.Shaping the world Economy:Suggestion for an Inter Economic policy.New York:The Twentietn century Fund 1962.
    ③Poyhonen,P.A.Tentative Model for the Flows of Trade Between Countries.Weltwirts Chatftliches Archir,1963, 90(1).
    ①Linnemann,H.An Econometric study In International Trade Flows Amsterdam North-Holland publishing co.1966
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    [110]Baldwin Robert.E.Non-Tariff Diatortions of International Trade,The Brookings Institution Washington DC,1970:143
    [111]Brander J,Spencer B.Export Subsidies and Market Share Rivalry. Journal of International Economics,1985(18):83-100.
    [112]Brooks Jonathan.Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries.What Can We Learn From Political Economy Models?,Journal of Agricultural Economics,1996,47(3):370.
    [113]Bruno S.frey.International Political Economics.Basil Black Publisher Ltd.1984.
    [114]Beghin John C.and Jean-Chnstophe Bureau.Quantification of sanitary Phyto-sanitary and Teehnical Barriers to Trade for Trade Policy Analysis.Center for Agricultural and Rural Development.working Paper2001-WP:291
    [115]Bradford,S.Paying the Price Final Goods Protection in OECD Countries Review of Economic and statistics,2003,85(1):24-37.
    [116]Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. The Generalized Gravity Equation, Monopolistic Competition, and theFactor-Proportions Theory in International Trade. Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1989,71(1),:143-153.
    [117]Calvin L and Krissoff B.Technical Barriers to Trade:A Case Study of Phytosanitary Barriers and US-Japanese Apple Trade. Journal of Agricultural and Resources Ecnomics,1998,23(2):351-366.
    [118]Chen, M.,X and A,Mattoo. Regionalism in Standards:Good or Bad for Trade?Canadian Journal of Economics,2008,41:838-863.
    [119]C.P. Kindleberger,1951,Group Behavior and International trade. The Journal of Political Economy,1951,59(1):30-46.
    [120]Deardorff, Alan V. and Robort Stern.The Measurement of Non-Tariff Barriers.OECD Economics Department worling Papers No.179.OECD.Washington DC.1998.
    [121]Disdier, A, B. Fekadu, C. Murillo, and S. A. Wong. Trade Effects of SPS and TBT Measures on Tropical and Diversifi-cation Products. Geneva:International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development,2008.
    [122]E.E. Schattschneider.Politics,Pressures and the Tariff, New York:Prentice Hall.,1935.
    [123]Fischer Ronald and Serra Pablo.Standards and Protection,Journal of International Economics,2000,52:377-400.
    [124]Fontagne, L., Mimouni, M. and J.M. Pasteels. Estimating the Impact of Environmental SPS and TBT on Internationaltrade.Integration and Trade Journal,2005,28(19):7-37.
    [125]Gasiorek Michael,Alasdair Smith and Anthony J.Venables.Trade and welfare-A General Equilibrium Model.In L.A.Winters,ed.,Trade Flows and Trade policy after 1992, Cambridge: Cambridge university press,1992.
    [126]Gebrehiwet, Y. S. Ngqangweni, and J. F. Kirsten. Quantifying the Trade. Effect of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regula-tions of OECD Countries on South African Food Exports.Agrekon, 2007,46(1):23-29.
    [127]Harrison Glennw,Thomas F.Rutherford and David G.Tarr.Increased Competition and completion of the market In the European Union:Static and Steady and Fffects,journal ofEcnomic Intergration,1996,11(3):332-365.
    [128]Henson Spencer. Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures on Developing Countries,Centre for Food Economics Research, University of Reading,2002.
    [129]Hillman,Jimmye S (1991),Technical Barriers to Agricultural Trade,Boulder:Westview press Donna Roberts and David:The case of U.S. Phytosarutary Restrictions on Mexican avacados 1972-1995 International Agricultral Regearch 2000(4)1-31
    [130]James,S.and kym Anderson.On the Need for more Economic Assessment of Quarantine/SPS policys,center for International Economic studies,CIES seminar paper,1998:98-02.
    [131]Jayasing he,Sampatn,John C,Beghin and Giancarlo moschini.Determinants of World Demand for U.S Corn seeds The Role of Trade costs working paper,2009-WP484.
    [132]Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade. Agro-food Products and Technical Barriers to Trade:A survey of Issues and Concerns concerns in the WTO's TBT Committec,2003.
    [133]Keith E.maskus,Johns Wilson:quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to trade:AReview of past,attempts and the new policy context:paperpre paired for the world Bank 2000.
    [134]Krissoff Barry,Linda Calvin and Denice Gray.Barriers to Trade in Global Apple Markets,Economic Research service USDA,1997.
    [135]Linnemann,H.An Econometric study In International Trade Flows Amsterdam North-Holland publishing co.1966.
    [136]Michele Nardella,Stefano Boccaletti.The Impact of Technical Barriers on Us-Eu Agro-food Trade.Paper Preoared for Presentation at the American Agrial-tural Economics Association Annual Meeting,Montreal,Canade,2003.
    [137]Moenius Johannes.Information versus Product Adaptation:The Role of Standards in Trade,Working paper,University of California,San Diego,1999.
    [138]Moenius,J.The Good,The Bad and the Ambiguous:Standards and Trade In Agricultural Products IATRC summer Symposium may 28-30.Bonn,Germany 2006.
    [139]Moenius,J.Information versus Product Adaptation:The Role of standards in Trade, Kellogg school od Management working paper,Northwestern University,2004.
    [140]McCallum,John. National Borders Matter:Canada-U. S. Regional Trade Patterns. American Economic Review,June 1995,850),:615-623.
    [141]Nday Senag,Kinsey.NTBs in the Developed countries,New York:Acdamic Press,1999:54-56.
    [142]Otsuki T,Wilson J,Sewadch M.A.Race to the Top?A case Study of Food Safety Standards and African Exports,Development Research Group world Bank,2001.
    [143]Paarlberg PL and J.G.lee.Import Restrictions in the Presence of a Health RiskrAn Illustration Using FMD,American Journal of Agricultural Economics,1998,80(l):175-183.
    [144]Peltzman Sam.Toward a more General Theory of Regulation,Joural of International Econo mics,1976,(19):211-240.
    [145]Posner Richard A.Theories of Economic Regulation,Bell Journal of Economics & Manage-ment science, Autumn,1974,5 (2):335.
    [146]Poyhonen,P.A.Tentative Model for the Flows of Trade Between Countries.Weltwirts Chatftliches Archir,1963,90(1).
    [147]Robert Donna.Analyzing Technical Trade Baeeiers in Agricultural MarketChallenges and Priorities, Agribusiness,1999,15(3):335-354
    [148]Roberts. D,T.E,Josling and D.Orden.A Framework for Analyzing Technical Trade Barriers in Agricultural Markets,Market and Trade Economic Division, Economic Research service,US Department of Agriculture,1999.
    [149]Robert,Donna.Preliminary Assesment of the Effects of the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Trade Regulations,Journal of International Economic Law 2000,1(3):377-405.
    [150]Schlueter simon W,Christine Wieck,Thomas Heckelei.Regulatory SPS Instruments in,meat Trade Agricultaral and Resource Economics Discussion Paper,2009.
    [151]Skyse Alan O.Product Standards for Intornationally Intograted Goods Markets,The Bookings Institution,Washington DC,1995:7
    [152]Stigter G. The Theory of Economic Regulation.Bell Journal of Economics and management science,1971,(2):3-21
    [153]Stephenson Sherry. Standards,Conformity Assessment and Developing countries,Word Bank policy Research Paper,1997,(1826):4.
    [154]Swann Peter,paul Temple and Mark Shurmer.Standards and Trade Performance:The Uk Experience,Economic Journal,1996(106):1297-1313.
    [155]sykes Aian O,Product stanalards for Internctional Intergrated Goods markers,The Brookings Instution,Washington, DC,1995.P.B
    [156]Thilmany Dawn and Christopher Barrett.Regulatory Barriers in an Intergrating World Food Market,Review of Agricultural Economics,1997,(1):91-107
    [157]Thomsbury Suzanne. Technical Regulations as Agrad-turad Trade,Phd Dissertation of Virginia Polytechnic Instituda and Stare university,1998.
    [158]Thornsbury Suzanne. Political Economy Determinants of Technical Barriers to US agricultural Exports,Paper presented at the 1999 American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting"Farm to Table:Connecting praducts,communications and consumers" Nashvill, TN,1999.
    [159]Tinbersen,J.Shaping the world Economy:Suggestion for an Inter Economic policy.New York:The Twentietn century Fund 1962.
    [160]Wilson Johns and Otsuki Tsunehiro.Standards and Technical Regulation and Firms in Developing countries,New Evidence from A word Bank Technical Barriers to Trade survey.preliminary Draft,2004.
    [161]Wilson, J.S. and T. Otsuki. To Spray or not to Spray:Pesticides, Banana Exports and Food Safety.Food Policy; 2004,29(2):131-145.

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