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With global warming, the abundant marine resources and commercialized navigable routes in Arctic have been the target coveted by countries all over the world. When the Russian scientific expedition team plugged their national flag made of titanium alloy on the North Pole in august,2007, the contention for the Arctic Area was instantly exposed in the sight of the whole world.
     The complicated situation of geopolitics in the Arctic Area and the multiple subjects of interest have determined the limitation of the application of international laws, especially hard laws such as international treaties in the Arctic. A good many soft laws, without obliging binding force, based on negotiation mechanism, are being applied in a wide range in the Arctic, which makes the Arctic an ideal example of application of soft laws.
     Besides Introduction and Conclusion, this paper includes4parts:
     The introduction explains the background and the status quo of the topic, the basic thoughts and standpoint of the research, the key questions to be solved, methodology and innovations.
     The first chapter introduces the related concepts of the Arctic Pole, elaborates the legal status of the Arctic and thereby analyzes the reasons why international community focus on the Arctic and expound the specific content of the Arctic issues.
     The second chapter analyzes objectively the difficulties and challenges confronted by present international hard laws such as international treaties, and then demonstrates the disadvantages of the application of current international hard laws mechanism to the Arctic issues.
     The third chapter elaborates on the basic theories related to international soft laws,. demonstrates the correspondence of soft laws and hard laws, on the basis of the analysis and comparison of the status of the regulations by soft laws and hard laws, and expounds the forms of soft laws regulation, and finally explains the indispensable role that soft law plays in regulating the conflict in the Arctic Area.
     The fourth chapter, from the perspective of soft law, provides the basic strategies and measures, which can be employed by China for participating in the Arctic affairs, with the consideration of the trend of development of the Arctic issues, to guarantee the state interest in the development and exploitation and the Arctic.
2 Black's Law Dictionary, Oxford University Press,2003, p.1123.
    4 J. Ashley Roach, Arctic Sovereignty:Cold Facts. Hot Issues. International Law and the Arctic. Southwestern Journal of International Law.2009 15 Sw. J. Int'l L.301, pp.293-295.
    5 Giveaway of 8 American Alaskan Islands and Vast Resource-Rich Seabeds to Russians. State Department Watch. 2009, http://www.statedepartmentwatch.org/index.htm,(last visited on Sep.4,2010).
    8 Gail Osherenko & Oran R.Young,Age of the Arctic:Hot Conflicts and Cold Realities 111-16.p.46(1989).
    15 S.A. Kocs, Explaining the Strategic Behavior of States:International Law as System Structure. International Studies Quarterly. Vol.38,1994, pp.538.
    18 K.W. Abbott, Robert O. Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, Anne-Marie Slaughter and Duncan Snidal. The Concept of Legalization, International Organization, Vol.54, Issue 3, Summer 2000, p.401.
    22 L.A. de La Fayette, Oceans Governance in the Arctic, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23(2008), p.538.
    23 See James Kraska, The Law of the Sea Convention and the Northwest Passage, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 22, Number 2,2007, p.271.
    26[美]曼瑟尔·奥尔森著,陈郁等译:《集体行动的逻辑》,上海人民出版社1995年版。27 See Stephanie Holmes, Breaking the Ice:Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty, Chicago Journal of International Law, summer,2008, p p.330-331.
    28 Scott J. Shackelford, the Tragedy of the Common Heritage of Mankind. Stanford Environmental Law.
    29 Lincoln P. Bloomfield, The Arctic:Last Unmanaged Frontier.60 Foreign Aff..87-105(1981);Donald R. Rothwell, International Law and the Protection of the Arctic Environment,44Int'l&Comp.L.Q.255,280-312 (1995) (noting that, among other incidents, the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spills highlighted the vulnerability of the Arctic to pollution).转引自Scott J.Shackelford, the Tragedy of the Common Heritage of Mankind. Stanford Environmental Law Journal February,2009, P.131.
    30 Kenneth N. Waltz,Theory of International Politics,New York Random House,1979, p.210转引自于宏源:《国际环境合作中的集体行动逻辑》,载《新安全观与中国》,2007年第5期。
    31 See Rothwell, Donald R., The Arctic in International Law: Time for a New Regime?(December 10,2008). ANU College of Law Research Paper No.08-37.
    34当然,也有学者认为,《海洋法公约》在国际法中具有特殊地位,优于其他国际协定。M. Fitzmauice and C.Elias, Contemporary Issues in the law of Treaties (Eleven International Pulishing, Utrecht,205), p.334转引自Hoel. Alf Hkon, Do We Need a New Legal Regime for the Arctic Ocean? The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol.24, No.2, p.445.
    36 See L.A. de La Fayette, Oceans Governance in the Arctic, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23(2008), p.540.
    39 See Alan E.Boyle:Dispute Settlement and the Law of the Sea Convention:Problems of Fragmentation and Jurisdiction, International and Comparative Law Quarterly(1997),46:37-54.
    40参见杨永红:《分散的权力:从MOX Plant案析国际法庭管辖权之冲突》,载《法学家》,2009年第3期。
    41 S.O da "Dispute Settlement Prospects in the law of the sea," 44 Int'l & Comp. L. Q.83.864 (1995). See also Oda," The International Court of Justice Viewed from the Bench," supra note 28 at 144.转引自 Tullio Treves," New Trends in the Settlement of Disputes and the Law of the Sea Convention." Law of the Sea:The Common Heritage and Emerging Challenges. Edited by Harry N. Scheiber. Publications on Ocean Development, Volume 34. Kluwer Law International (2000). p.82.
    42 See Matin Rajabov. Melting ice and heated conflicts:a multilateral treaty as a preferable settlement for the Arctic territorial dispute. Southwestern Journal of International Law,2009, p.430.
    44 See T. Potts and C. Schofield, Current legal development in the Arctic. (2008)23 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, pp.151-176.
    49 See Rob Huebert, the Coming Arctic Maritime Sovereignty Crisis, Arctic Bulletin No.2.04(July 2004), p.24.
    50 Jon Jacobson, Remarks, Legal Regimes of the Arctic.82 AM. SOC'Y INT'L L. PROC.315,322, (1988), p.319转引自Molly Watson, Arctic Treaty:A Solution to the International Dispute over the Polar Region,14 Ocean & Coastal L. J.307, p.312.
    54 Tanaka Yoshifumi, A dual approach to ocean governance:The Cases of Zonal and Integrated Management in International Law of The Sea, Ashgate Pub.2008, p.239.
    55例如,在某些情况下(如渔业)资源是共享的,保护海洋环境和海洋生物多样性也需要区域层次上的合作。L. A. de La Fayette, Oceans Governance in theArctic. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23(2008), p.537.
    57 See Tanaka Yoshifumi.A Dual Approach to Ocean Governance:The Cases of Zonal and Integrated Management in International Law of The Sea. Ashgate Pub.,2008, p.50.
    62 See David Anderson, Modern Law of The Sea:Selected Essays. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers(2008), pp.391-392.
    64 See Ron Macnab. The Outer Limit of The Continental Shelf in The Arctic Ocean. Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits. Edited by Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore and Tomas H. Heidar, Martinus Nijhoff 2004. p.308.
    65 See John E. Noyes. Judicial and Arbitral Proceedings and the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, October 2009. pp.1227-1228.
    66 Available at:http://www.un.org/Depts/los/clcs_new/commission_documents.htm#Guidelines.
    67 Vladimir Golitsyn. Capacity Building:a view from the United Nations,Law,Science & Ocean Management, Edited by Myron H.Nordquist, Ronan Long. Tomas H.Heidar and John Norton Moore, Martinus Nijhoff(2007), pp.381-382.
    70 See Matin Rajabov, Melting Ice and Heated Conflicts:A Multilateral Treaty as A Preferable Settlement for The Arctic Territorial Dispute, Southwestern Journal of International Law,2009, p.421.
    71 Jonathan Charney, Central East Asian Maritime and the Law of the Sea, American Journal of International Law. Vol.89, No.4,1989, p.725.
    73 See Ystein Jensen. Arctic Shipping Guidelines:Towards a Legal Regime for Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection? Polar Record 44(229):107-114(2008), p.113.
    74 See Molly Watson, Arctic Treaty:A Solution to the International Dispute over the Polar Region,14 Ocean & Coastal L.J.307, p.329.
    75 See Dr. Natalia Loukacheva. Legal Challenges in the Arctic, A position paper presented for the 4th NRF Open Meeting in Oulu. Finland and Lule?, Sweden.October 5-8,2006事实上,对“北极地区”的理解也有同样难题,从天文学、地理学、物候学甚至从植物种类角度出发,“北极地区”的地理和管辖权界限会有不同。因此,《北极环境保护战略》的制定者们最终决定不去具体定义“北极地区”,而是由每个成员国自己去决定。
    76 See L. A. de La Fayette, Oceans Governance in the Arctic, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23(2008). p.554.
    77 Stephanie Holmes. Breaking the Ice:Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty, Chicago Journal of International Law, summer,2008, p.350.
    79 SeeYstein Jensen, Arctic Shipping Guidelines:Towards a Legal Regime for Navigation Safety andEnvironmental Protection? Polar Record 44(229):107-114(2008), p.113.
    81 Roberto Andorno, the Invaluable Role of Soft Law in the Development of Universal Norms in Bioethics. paper at a Work-shop jointly organized by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German UNESCO Commission. Berlin,15 February 2007. Available at:http://www.unesco.de/1507.html.
    84魏涛:公共治理理论研究综述[J].《资料通讯》,2006(8): 57。
    86《联合国宪章》第71条被视为非政府组织法律地位的宪章。该条规定:经济暨社会理事会得采取适当办法,与各种非政府组织会商有关在理事会职责范围内之事件。详见UN.CHARTER. [EB/OL].URL=http: //www.un.org/Chinese/aboutun/charter.htm., March 4,2010.
    87 Dinah Shelton, Commitment and Compliance, Oxford (2000), p.12.
    89 See Hartmut Hillgenberg, A Fresh Look at Soft Law. EJIL(1999). VOL.10.3. p.499.
    90 See, e. g., P. Wei. lTowards Relative Normativity in International Law,77AJIL (1983). p.411:J. Klabbers. The Redundancy of Soft Law,65 Nordic Journal of International Law 167 (1996), pp.167-182.
    93 Douglas M. Johnston. Commitment and Complionce:The Role o f Non-Binding Norms in the International Legal System [J]. the American Journal International Law,2001. (7). P.171
    94 Francesco Francion,International 'Soft Law':A Contemporary Assessment in Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice. Essays in Honor of Sir Robert Jennings, A.V. Lowe and M. Fitzmaurice. eds(1996), p.167.
    95 D. J. Harris, Cases and Materials on International Law,6th edn (2004). p.62.
    96 D. Shelton. International Law and Relative Normativity in International Law, M.D. Evans, ed(2003), p.166.
    97 A. E. Boyle, Some Reflections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft Law. International Comparative Law Quarterly(1999),48(4), p.90.
    98 Francis Snyder:Soft Law and Institutional Practice in the European Community. Steve Martin:The Construction of Europe:Essays in Honour of Emile Noe,1 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    99 Linda Senden. Soft Law. Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation in European Law:When Do They Meet? in Vol.19 Electronic Journal of Comparative Law. January 2005.
    100 See Jaye Ellis, The Soft Law Approach:Commission Rule-making In The EU's State Aid Regime, Journal of European Public Policy, April 2001, p.106.
    101西方国际法学者多认为麦克耐尔勋爵(McNair)创造“软法”这一概念,详见A. Tammes,'Soft Law' in Essays on International and Comparative Law in Honor of Judge Erades(1983), p.187。
    103 Hartmut Hillgenber g, A Fresh Look at Soft Law. European Journal of International Law, Vol.10, No.3,1999. pp. 499-515, at 501.
    105 See Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal, Hard and Soft Law in International Governance, in International Organization, Vol.54, No.3, p.422.
    106 详见The Vienna Convention on the Law Treaties,1969, article 1 and 2. And The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between Inter-national Organizations,1986, arties 1 and 2.
    107 原文:"... in order to make it clear that the rules of non-governmental organizations are excluded", Yearbook of the ILC 1996, Vol Ⅱ, page,转引自:International Institutional Law, Henry G. Schermers & Niels M. Blokker, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,4th revised edition, page 22.
    108 Charter of the U nited Nations, article 10.
    110ISO是“国际标准化组织”的缩写,该组织虽然以“国家”为组成单位,但却是非政府国际组织,详见ISO网站之"about ISO":www.iso.org。访问如期2010年7月25日。
    115 The Constitution of ICC, article 2.
    119 Paul C. Szasz, International Norm-making, in Edith Brown Weiss, ed., Environmental Change and International Law:New Challenges and Dimensions, Tokyo. United Nations University,1992, pp.41-70.
    120 J. N. Rosenau. The Dynamics Of Globalization:Toward an Operational Formulation, in Security Dialogue (1996) 27, p.247.
    121 Conference Report. The 7th conference of parliamentarians of the Arctic region. Kiruna, Sweden.2006:16-17.
    136 George V. Galdorisi & Kevin R. Vienna. Beyond the Law of the Sea:New Directions for U.S. Oceans Policy [M].1997.
    137 Center for Oceans Law and Policy. International Energy Policy [J]. The Arctic and the Law of the Sea. 2005(287):88.
    140 Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink, International Norm Dynamics and Political Change. International Organization, Vol.52, No.4,1998[美]马莎·芬尼莫尔、凯瑟琳·斯金克:《国际规范的动力与政治变革》,[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦等编:《世界政治理论的探索与争鸣》,秦亚青等译,上海人民出版社,2006年版,第295-332页。
    146 Alan Boyle, Som e Reflections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,1999, vol.48(4), p.901.
    148 Dinah Shelton, Commitment and Compliance, Oxford (2000), p.36.
    150 F or a variety of reasons, the US has worked to ensure that the Arctic Council has a limited mandate, and thus has limited significance. Samantha Smith. Ministerial with Only Three Ministers, WWF Arctic Bulletin No.4, Fall 2000,4.
    151 David Vander Zwaag, International Commons-The Arctic, in the Year in Review,1998,9 YbIEL, pp.266-273.
    152 Marc A. Levy. The Study of International Regimes. European Journal of International Relations,1995,1, pp.267-330.
    153 Dinah Shelton, Commitment and Compliance, Oxford (2000), p.239.
    156 Chi na's arctic expedition team arrives in Canada basin, BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific-Political, by BBC Worldwide Monitoring, August 16,2008 Saturday.
    162 Donat PHARAND. The Legal Regime of the Arctic:Some Outstanding Issues, (1984) 39 Int'l J.
    164 Erik Franckx, Maritime Claims in the Arctic, Dordrecht, Dordrecht,Boston,1993, pp.95-96。
    171 Act of 27 June 2003, in UN Document Law of the Sea Bulletin No.54(2004).
    175 ZHU Majie, Role of Soft Power in International Relations, This paper was for the seminar on Cultural Factors in International Relations sponsored by Shanghai Institute for International Studies on December 5-6,2002.
    180 Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Norwegian Government's Strategy for the High North[R].2006.
    181 Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The New Building Blocs in the North[R].2009.
    182 Arktis I en Brydningstid:Forslag til Strategi for Aktiviteter Ⅰ det Arktiske Omrade[R/OL]. http://www.northernstrategy.ca/gov/index-eng.asp.访问日期:2011年10月14日.
    183 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council:the European Union and the Arctic Region. Commission of the European Communities[R]. Brussels,20 Nov.2008.
    186 Canada's Northern Strategy [R/OL]. http://www.northernstrategy.ca/gov/index-eng.asp.
    197 Arctic Council Meeting of Senior Arctic Officials, Final Minutes,12-13 April,2007, Norway. Item 3.
    198 Sixth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council,29th April,2009, Troms, Norway, Final List of Participants.
    200 Denmark in the Arctic, http://www.ambottawa.um.dk/en/menu/aboutdenmark/denmarkinthearctic2011年1]0月28日访问。
    205 IMOMSC/C ire.1056.Guidelines for Ships Operating in Aretie Ice-covered Waters.
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    [157]Steve Martin. The Construction of Europe:Essays in Honour of Emile Noe. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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