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2lst Cetw is the Sea Cetw and the fufore is the sea tiInes. Unded
    Convenhon on the Law of the Sea came into force on Nov l6, l994, it
    established the continental sheif and ExclusiVe econondc Zone (EEZ)
    regimes. More than one-third of the world oceans is inside 200-ndle zones of
    coastal states. This eatension of maritiIne jurisdichon offers llew acreage for
    Inineral resotirces exPloration and exPloitation by coastaI state, bul it has
    also unavoidably created numerous overiaPping cIaim areas in Vedous parts
    of the world. In the recent years, Joint developmellt aPpears to have
    increasingiy been accePted in state prachce as the princiPal aPproach tO the
    challenge of resource exPloitation in an area subject to conflicting tetritorial
    clahas. Joint development can be defmed as a joint exPloration and
    exPIoitation of non-llving resources Which either earend across boundny or
    lie in area of overlaPping clahas by inter-state agreements. By far More than
    20 state practice is about joint development dePosit in crossthoundny and
    overlaPping claims axeas. The areas cover the Pacific. The Adantic, the
    Nowh Sea, The Red Sea, Persian Guif Thailand Gulf, Biscay Bay and other
    Sea areas. These Joint development Zones dwides into tWo toes by their
    fimctionf One is the substitution regarding the Joint developmellt Zone as the
    boundary line, the other is the SUPP1ementary factor regaxding the joint
    development zone as the boundny line.
    The dissertation exPounds the legal issues on joint development mdrie
    Resources by positive and comParative analysis method. These Legal issues
    includes f The evolUtion of legal reghae of joint development and state
    practice, The legal basis, Legal source and legal status of joint development,
    The managemen regime in joint development zone; Ansdiction and
    APplicable law in joint development zone, The dissertation also exPounds
    the necessity and feasibility about joint development in East China sea and
    Nansha Islands and makes some suggeshons on selechon of joint
    development areas and Formulas in order to make some valuable reference
    to marihme deliedation and joint development in China.
    hitemational Joint development is a relatiVly new concept of about 30
    years standing. However the principle is deePly rooted in Convenhonal
    intemational law intemational Adjudication, state prachce, princiPle of soft
    law and both customny and contemPorny intemational law and is well
    suPported by polihcal, econoIIilc and tecbocal factors. The concept of joint
    development under international law has several whque featUres. The
    objectiVe of joint development is still agreement on Cooperation, Joint
    development is of "a prachcal natUre, as provided in the LOS Convention,
    joint development is prejudicial neither to the preagreement position of
    either of the pAnes nor to the fmal boundny delbotation, the prillciple of
    Joint development in inherentiy by incentiv and prohibitive in natUre. Joint
    development is a prachcal, feasible and fimchonal cooperation regime based
    on sotmd legal basis.
    China has the continental coastal line of 1,8000 km, and about 6500
    islands and islets, Which distributes Bohai sea, Yellow se4 East China Sea
    and South China Sea Whose square areas are 80,000 square km. These areas
    are rich in oil and gas. Except Bohai Sea the other three sea area Yellow sea,
    East China Sea and South China se4 They have disputes on delndon and
    sovereignty Especially in the East China Sea and South China Sea,
    Moreover the DiaoW Islands and Nansha islands. These make the mallhme
    boundny deldriitation more comPlicated. China is an actiVe drihator of joint
    development who Whiling to solve the medtime boundny deliwhation and
    tetritorial disputes by joint development with his neighbours. China has not
    delboted the boundmp line of continental shelf and exclusthe econondc
    zone in East China Sea. China and JaPan Should solve the dispute on the
    basic principle of shelving disputes and jointiy exPloring the area. The
    dispute in
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