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China has become a most important transfer destination of the new wave ofinternational industry transfer since the1990s, meanwhile, the development of heavyand chemical industry dominates the process of industrialization in China. Undersuch a background, China embraces a rapid development in port industries, andindustry agglomeration is becoming increasingly significant in such areas. While inreality, despite that many ports posse similar traditional geographical agglomerationconditions, not all of the port industrial parks successfully obtain industrialagglomeration or rapid economic growth. The fundamental issue of this thesis istherefore that, besides the traditional industrial agglomeration factors, what elsefactors play roles in industrial agglomeration in port zones? Combined with theauthor’s practical experience, the other problem taken into account by the author isthat, how to promote industrial agglomeration and economic development in theTianjin Harbor Economic Area(THEA). The thesis is composed of five chapters, thekey points for each chapter can be briefly introduced as follows:
     Chapter Ⅰi s the introduction, where the background and significance of thisthesis are firstly introduced, then we cast a survey to the related researches. We futherput forward our research proposal and major methodologies will be adopted. At theend of this chapter, we conclude the key contributions of this dissertation and pointout some possible furture research.
     Chapter Ⅱ summarizes the worldwide port industry development history and thepresent situation, cast analysis upon the history, mode, motivation and trend of themajor international industrial transfer rounds, which could be regarded as theinfluential background for worldwide port industry agglomeration, then cast analysison the agglomeration trends of heavy&chemical industries in the wave of the latestround of international industry transfer.
     Chapter Ⅲ is focused on theTHEA, in which we firstly summarize thedevelopment history and present situation of the THEA, and then cast analysis on theTHEA’ s industrial development circumstances within the framework of the diamond model theory; Additionally, we make compare the THEA with the other functionalzones in Tianjin Binhai New Area, with other domestic and foreign typical portIndustrial areas in turn and in-depth, and summarize the THEA’s advantages anddisadvantages in the industry development and agglomeration.
     We extend the Neo-geographical model in Chapter Ⅳ, with which to study thelocation advantage based production cost reduction effects on industry agglomeration.Then combining with the industry agglomeration factors stressed by traditionalgeographical economics and the institution factor, we case multi-level analysis on thelocation advantages, especially institutional advantages’s influence on industrialagglomeration in the THEA.
     Based upon the aforementioned studies, we study the current situation andprospect of the dominant industries in the THEA in Chapter Ⅴ, from the perspectiveof industry development, combing with the THEA’s local advantages and thedevelopment trend of relevant industries, and upon which we put forward policysuggestions on how to promote the development of dominant industries andaccelerate industry agglomeration in the THEA.
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