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     本研究在系统回顾及研究骨性关节炎现代中西医文献、及古代中医文献的基础上,通过随机对照的临床实验研究,来验证腹针疗法对肾虚血瘀型膝关节骨性关节炎的临床疗效。同时,通过随机对照的动物实验,观察腹针疗法对膝关节骨性关节炎动物模型血清肿瘤坏死因子a (TNF-α)及白细胞介素-1(IL-1)水平的影响,从而在分子生物学水平上,探讨腹针疗法的作用机理及靶点,最终为腹针疗法的进一步推广提供可靠的临床依据及实验基础。
     临床研究部分:对符合纳入条件的150名广东省中医院门诊膝关节骨性关节炎患者,以简单随机的方法将其分为实验组及对照组。对照组予以基础治疗3月(口服盐酸氨基葡萄糖胶囊,0.48/次,3次/日),实验组予以基础治疗+腹针治疗3月。分别在治疗前后及治疗后1月、2月以视觉模拟疼痛评分法(Visual Analogue Scale/Score,简称VAS)及HSS量表进行疼痛及膝关节功能评分,并分析其差异性。同时参照《中药新药临床研究指导原则》中的疾病疗效判定标准及证候疗效判定标准,来评价两组的治疗效果及其差异性。
     Based on the systematic review in both the literature of modern integrated Chinese & Western medicine and ancient literature about osteoarthritis, the randomly controlled clinical trials research was conducted to investigate the clinical effect of abdominal acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis defined by Deficiency of Kidney and Blood stasis. The randomized controlled animal experiment was also carried out to examine the effect of abdominal acupuncture on the production of serum tumor necrosis factorα(TNF-α) and Interleukin-1 (IL-1) contents in rabbits with knee osteoarthritis, and to investigate the mechanism and target of abdominal acupuncture at the molecular levels. The study enhanced the reliable clinical evidence and experimental basis and further promote abdominal acupuncture into the practice。
     150 individuals with knee osteoarthritis who met the inclusive criteria from the Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, were randomly divided into treated group and control group. The control group were treated with the primary treatment for 3 months (Glucosamine hydrochloride, P0.0.48, tid), The treated group received both the primary treatment and abdominal acupuncture for 3 months. Respectively, we scored the pain and knee function prior and post to treatment according to Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the HSS scale, and analyzed their therapeutic effect and differences according to Guiding Principles of new drug clinical research of Chinese medicine.
     20 rabbits with knee osteoarthritis were generated according to Hulth procedure,15 into experimental group with treatment of abdominal acupuncture (once every 3 days, a total of 10 times),5 was into control group with regular feeding without treatment. Venous blood was collected via ear vein pricr and post to treatment, TNF-αand IL-1 contents detected with EILSA and compared.
     Among 150 individuals,23 failed to be followed-up,7 were unable to adhere to treatment, the rest of 120 individuals completed the final test,68 of them were in experimental group,52 in control group. Between the two groups, the gender, age, location, course, VAS score, HSS score and X-ray Kellgren-Lawrence grade showed no significant difference, indicating the identification in general condition. The average HSS scores in the two groups were negatively correlated with X-ray Kellgren-Lawrence grade, that is, the higher the X-ray classification, the lower the HSS scores; however, the average VAS scores were positively correlated with X-ray Kellgren-Lawrence grade, the higher the X-ray classification, the higher the VAS scores.
     Prior and post to treatment, it showed significant differences between groups, P<0.01, indicating that the treatment was valid in the two groups; after the treatment, the experimental group and control group showed significant differences, P<0.01, indicating that the treatment was more effective in experimental group than in control group; one month later after treatment, it showed differences between groups, P<0.05, indicating that the treatment efficacy in experimental group become weaker, though it still better than control group; two months after treatment, it showed no statistically significant differences, P>0.05, indicating there was no difference in the two groups.
     Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy between groups showed the significant differences in effective rate, P<0.05, indicating the efficacy in experimental group was better than control group. While the evaluation of syndromes showed stronger significant differences in the rate, P<0.01, indicating the treatment efficacy in experimental group was still better than control group.
     By Hulth method, animal model of knee osteoarthritis was generated after 4 weeks. Prior and post to treatment, there was no differences in the body weight, serum TNF-α, IL-1 contents between experimental group and control group, P>0.05, indicating identification in general condition. Prior and post to model establishment, the contents of serum TNF-α, IL-1 in both experimental group and control group showed statistics differences, P<0.05, indicating it was higher in animal models than control ones. Before and after treatment, the contents of serum TNF-α, IL-1 in experimental group showed statistics differences, P<0.05, indicating that treatment made it decline. Before and after treatment, the contents of serum TNF-α, IL-1 in control group showed statistics differences, P<0.05, indicating that treatment had the effect.
     It was concluded in this study that 1. Abdominal acupuncture needle as a new therapy, proven by clinical studies, is effective in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, so it is worth promoting, although certain timeliness.2. The clinical dialectical, the syndrome types changes foundation of the knee osteoarthritis is deficiency of Kidney and Blood stasis, between them deficiency of kidney is the root while blood stasis is the branch.3. The study confirms that abdominal acupuncture can reduce the TNF-α, IL-1 contents in animal model of knee osteoarthritis, thus protect the articular cartilage and improve symptoms of osteoarthritis.4. Cytokines is closely related to the incidence of knee osteoarthritis, among them the serum tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin-1 contents is positively correlated with the destruction of cartilage.5. By Hulth method, animal model of knee osteoarthritis was produced after 4 weeks, but to middle and late osteoarthritis, modeling time can be extended.6. Abdominal acupuncture has a positive impact on the regulation of cartilage by cytokine, which may be one of the mechanism or target about abdominal acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis.7. The symptoms and signs in patients with knee osteoarthritis have a positive correlation with the radiological Kellgren-Lawrence grade.
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