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玉米(Zea mays L.)是辽宁省第一大粮食作物,具有重要的经济价值和社会价值。近年来,玉米纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solani Kiihn)的发生与危害呈逐年加重的趋势,给玉米生产造成重大损失。尤其在为提高玉米产量而大力推广新型丰产栽培模式以实现增密增产目标的形势下,玉米纹枯病更成为辽宁玉米高产、丰产的主要限制因素之一。为明晰辽宁不同生态区玉米纹枯病发生的基本情况和病害灾变规律,本研究对病害的发生和流行动态进行了系统调查和监测,结合田间人工接种试验,明确了玉米纹枯病流行的时空动态,并研究了新型丰产栽培模式对纹枯病及叶斑病流行动态的影响,在此基础上构建了病害时空流行动态模拟模型及产量损失估计模型,取得的具体成果如下:
     8.对玉米纹枯病引致玉米产量损失的机制进行了研究,并在此基础上构建了玉米纹枯病产量损失估计模型。玉米纹枯病引致产量损失的主要机制是降低籽粒饱满度和果穗的结实率。在病害影响下,百粒重和行粒数等产量性状在不发病与病害2级、3级、4级之间有显著差异,在3级与4级间的差异尤为显著,表明病斑越接近穗位,病害对产量的影响越大,尤其是影响到以穗位为中心的棒三叶时表现尤为敏感。拟合不同模拟模型的研究结果表明,三次多项式模型(Cubic model)是模拟病害级别与产量损失率之间关系的最佳模型,模型表达式为:Y=-0.678x~3+5.211x~2-1.388x+14.733,而幂指数模型是模拟病情指数与产量损失之间关系的最佳模型,模型表达式为:Y=0.969~*x~(0.919)。
Corn is one of the most important crops in Liaoning province and has important economical value and social value. Corn sheath blight, one of the most important diseases on corn, always damages corn production heavily in recent years and becomes the significant limiting factor to increasing production and high yield. To manage and protect the diseases better, it is necessary to study the occurrence and regularities of disease. So we make the systematical investigation and monitoring in the most corn producing areas of Liaoning province. Combined with artificial inoculation method in experimental plot, the result indicates the temporal and spatial dynamics of corn sheath blight. The influences of various high yield planting patterns on the epidemiology of corn disease were studied also. On the basis, the simulation models of epidemic dynamics and yield loss estimation on corn sheath blight was established. The results were as follows:
     1. The he systematical investigation and monitoring show that the incidence of corn sheath blight is usually about 40%-85% in Liaoning province, and sometimes over 90%. There were highly significant difference of the incidence and diseases index in different regions. In Dandong and Dalian, the warm and humid region of south part, corn sheath blight has become the significant limiting factor to corn production.
     2. One hundred and twenty-four Isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were obtained from tissues of corn sheath blight in 11 counties of Liaoning province. According to the hyphal fusion with international standard isolates of anastomosis groups (AGs) of Rhizoctonia, the multinucleate series belong to R. solani AG1-IA and AG4-HGI. The frequency was 97.6%, 2.4%, respectively. In Liaoning province, the predominant anastomosis group is AG1-IA.The isolates of AG4-HGI were first found in corn in Liaoning.
     3. The resistance identification of sheath blight for 14 principal cultivated varieties of maize was carried out in the field for two years in Shenyang. The results showed that the high resistant and resistant varieties were not found, the percentage of moderate resistant varieties was 14.3%, disease susceptible varieties and highly susceptible varieties was 42.9%, respectively. The resistance of disease affection among these varieties was different, and the disease of each variety was also obviously different between 2007 and 2008. This is mainly due to the difference climate condition.
     4. The bio-mathematical models, which could reflect the epidemics of corn sheath blight in Shenyang region, were obtained by artificial inoculation and computer simulation. The LOGISTIC model of Y=k /(1+exp (a-b*t)) and the GOMPOERTZ model Y=aEXP(bEXP(ct)) could reflect the dynamic development of corn sheath blight with time. The LOGISTIC modelis the optimistic model, and the model format was as follows:Xt =(?),(R~2=0.9953).
     5. The paper studied on the spatial dynamic of corn sheath blight and obtained the results as follow. The spatial transmissions haven't been observed in one growing period. The disease can't transmit by aerial hypha or contagium between infected and uninfected leaves. If the pathogen can spread by rainwater splash waits to be proved. The results are completely different from conclusion of other scholar and description in textbooks. A method of indices of aggregation and mean crowding-mean density coefficient were led into the study of spatial patterns of corn sheath blight. All indices indicate that the distribution of the plant of com sheath blight were of the random distribution pattern.
     6. The epidemic dynamic of disease in new cultivation patterns were studied in this paper. There are obviously differences of the increased rate of disease index among various cultivation patterns in exponential growth phase. The results indicate that the increased rate of disease index in 2-0 cultivation and double-row ridges cultivation was lower than other cultivation patterns. This is the fundamental cause for the disease severity degree was milder than other patterns. Those new cultivation patterns can create good condition for air and light penetration which will slow down the expansion speed of pathogens.
     7. The results of epidemic dynamic study to maize leaf spot represented by gray leaf spot of maize in various cultivation patterns showed that the season epidemic curve of corn sheath blight in the field fitted s shape. The epidemic dynamic of disease changing trends were the same at different cultivation patterns. Gray leaf spot spread from center to vicinal fields, and the models of Y=EXP (ax+b) and Y=EXP (aEXP(bx+c)) could reflect the disease development with single direction in fields. The Gauss model of Y=EXP (ax~2+bx+c), which were optimal models, reflected the disease dynamic with west-east direction or north-south direction. The Circular model Y=a(x~2+y~2)~c and Oval model Y=EXP (a(x~2+y~2) +bx+cy+d) were the optimum 3-Dimensional models by comparison different mathematical models. The spatial dynamic of corn leaf spot was affected by host spatial distribution patterns and performance wind. And those new cultivation patterns could promote the transmission of corn leaf spot.
     8. The relationship between the disease index of corn sheath blight and the percentage of yield loss was studied. The results showed that the percentage of yield loss increased with the increase of disease index, the 100 kernel weight and kernels per row decreased with the increase of disease index. On the basis of the results achieved above, the yield-loss assessment models for disease grade or disease index and yield loss ratio were established as cubic model (Y= -0.678x~3 + 5.211x~2-1.388x+14.733) and exponential model (Y= 0.969~*x~(0.919)).
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