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世界范围内,水牛的繁殖能力低下是阻碍水牛奶、肉生产性能提高的主要原因之一。尽管在环境恶劣的热带地区,水牛有黄牛和肉牛无法比拟的优点,水牛的发展仍然一度被忽视。近年来体外受精(in vitro fertilization,IVF)和胚胎移植技术(embryo transplant,ET)的发展,使来自优秀水牛的后代数量快速增加成为可能。但是,将牛体外受精和胚胎移植技术应用于水牛并取得成功的报道非常有限。鉴于此,本研究参照牛卵母细胞的体外受精技术,对水牛卵母细胞体外成熟和体外受精进行了较为详细、系统的研究,并首次对采用水牛的附睾尾精子进行体外受精的可行性进行了探讨,以期为进一步建立和完善水牛体外受精技术、加速我国水牛品种改良提供理论依据和实践参考。
     试验研究表明,在体外成熟(in vitro manturation,IVM)培养液中含有3μg/ml促卵泡素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)时,随着促黄体素(luteinizing hormone,LH)添加量的增加,第一极体(polar body Ⅰ,PBl)排放率和成熟率逐渐提高:添加30μg/ml LH水牛卵母细胞的第一极体排放率(26.67% vs 2.86%,7.50%)和体外成熟率(40.00% vs14.29%,17.50%)均显著(p<0.05)提高。在含有30μg/ml LH的IVM液中进一步将FSH增加为30μg/ml,水牛卵母细胞的第一极体排放率(24.24%)和体外成熟率(45.45%)没有提高;在含有激素的成熟培养液中添加10%的卵泡液(bovine follicular fluid,BFF),水牛卵母细胞的第一极体排放率(52.33%)和成熟率(66.28%)均进一步显著(p<O.05)提高;添加发情当天的牛血清(oestrous cow scru,OCS),水牛卵母细胞的第一极体排放率和成熟率(48.1%,59.04%)均高于胎牛血清(fetal calf serum,FCS)(37.39%,52.87%),但无统计学差异;颗粒细胞单层共培养对水牛卵母细胞的第一极体排放率(49.21%)和成熟率(65.08%)有提高,但差异不显著。在本实验室条件下,综合以上成熟培养条件可获得60.61%的第一极体率和72.73%的成熟率。
The inadequate reproductive capability of domestic buffalo is one of the major impediments to the improvement of buffalo milk and beef production wordwild. Domestic buffalo development is neglected all the time despite its superiority over cow and beef cattle in the harsh environment of the tropical regions. Recently, with the development of IVF and embryo transplant (ET), it becomes possible to obtain large numbers of offsprings from high-quality buffalos rapidly. But there are few reports on applying these techniques to buffalo IW successfully. Therefore, we systematically studied the detailed processes of external maturation and fertilization of the bufflo oocyte, with reference of IVF of yellow cattle. And for the first time, investigated the possibility of external fertilization using sperm from epididymis of bufflo, in order to establish an optimized system for buffalo IVF, and thus to provide the theoretic basis and practical references for speeding up the improvement of buffalo in china.
    The study indicated that, with 3ug/ml FSH external maturation medium, as LH increased, FBI exclusion and maturation rate of the buffalo oocyte increase as well. When the concentration of LH reaching 30ug/ml, FBI exclusion (26.67% vs 2.86%, 7.50%) and maturation ration (40.00% vs 14.29%, 17.50%) elevated significantly (p<0.05). In the medium with 30ug/ml LH, FSH rose to 30ug/ml, the FBI exclusion (24.24%) and maturation ratio (45.45%) did not increase further. When 10% BFF was added to the maturation medium, which contained gonadotropins, the FBI exclusion (52.33%) and maturation ration (66.28%) were increased further significantly (p<0.05). With the supplement OCS to medium, the FBI exclusion and maturation ratio were 48.19% and 59.04%, respectively, and 37.39% and 52.87% respectively in FCS medium. The former was superior to the latter, but no significant difference was found statistically significantly. Granulosa-cell monolayer co-culture system has improved the FBI exclusion (49.21%) and maturation ratio (65.08%), but there was no apparent difference. The 60.61% FBI exclusion and 72.73% maturation ratio had been obtained with the above cultured conditions.
    We had adopted BO and TALP medium with heparin as sperm in vitro capacitation and
    fertilization medium. The differences of the sperm capacitation and fertility between in BO and in TALP were investigated. The results indicate: the fertilized egg cleavage rates were 51.85% and 55.04% respectively; The development rates were 27.19% and 26.36% comparative to the number of cultured oocytes and 48.21% and 47.89% comparative to the number of the cleavage oocyte in BO and TALP respectively. The result showed no difference and the two media could be applied in buffalo IVF.
    Furthermore, the feasibility to apply epididymal spermatozoa in buffalo IVF was first studied. The results demonstrate that the fertilization rate was 60.71%; egg cleavage ratio was 50.39%; development ratio was 24.41% comparative to the number of culture oocyte and 48.44% comparative to the number of cleavage oocyte. No significant differences between the epididymal spermatozoa and the thawed spermatozoa (64.00%, 54.31%, 26.72%, 49.21%) from Guangxi were found. The egg cleavage ratio and development ratio of the epididymal spermatozoa were 46.67%, 53.37% and 21.67%, 26.87% respectively. The effect of fertilization showed no apparent difference in the two media.
    The spermatozoa stain and morphology indicated that the epididymal caudal sprmatozoa mobility is superior to thawed spermatozoa but have high percentage of protoplasm drop. The epididymal caudal sprmatozoa mobility was relevant to the collecting methods. The best method in the study was to conserve the epididymis in the conditions of constant temperature and anhydrous container. The results indicate the buffalo epididymal caudal sprmatozoa could be applied in buffalo IVF.
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